Bug Fixes (BUG):
- XmpInformation._converter_date was unusable (#921)
- PEP8 renaming (#905)
- XmpInformation missing method _getText (#917)
- Fix PendingDeprecationWarning on _merge_page (#904)
- PendingDeprecationWarning for getContents (#893)
- PendingDeprecationWarning on using PdfMerger (#891)
- Incorrectly show deprecation warnings on internal usage (#887)
- Add stacklevel=2 to deprecation warnings (#889)
- Remove duplicate warnings imports (#888)
This release adds a lot of deprecation warnings in preparation of the PyPDF2 2.0.0 release. The changes are mostly using snake_case function-, method-, and variable-names as well as using properties instead of getter-methods.
Maintenance (MAINT):
- Remove IronPython Fallback for zlib (#868)
- Make the
module private - Rename of core classes:
- PdfFileReader ➔ PdfReader
- PdfFileWriter ➔ PdfWriter
- PdfFileMerger ➔ PdfMerger
- Use PEP8 conventions for function names and parameters
- If a property and a getter-method are both present, use the property
In many places:
- getObject ➔ get_object
- writeToStream ➔ write_to_stream
- readFromStream ➔ read_from_stream
- readObject ➔ read_object
- convertToInt ➔ convert_to_int
- DocumentInformation.getText ➔ DocumentInformation._get_text : This method should typically not be used; please let me know if you need it.
PdfReader class:
- getDocumentInfo ➔ metadata
- flattenedPages attribute ➔ flattened_pages
- resolvedObjects attribute ➔ resolved_objects
- xrefIndex attribute ➔ xref_index
- getNamedDestinations / namedDestinations attribute ➔ named_destinations
- getPageLayout / pageLayout ➔ page_layout attribute
- getPageMode / pageMode ➔ page_mode attribute
- getIsEncrypted / isEncrypted ➔ is_encrypted attribute
- getOutlines ➔ get_outlines
- readObjectHeader ➔ read_object_header
- cacheGetIndirectObject ➔ cache_get_indirect_object
- cacheIndirectObject ➔ cache_indirect_object
- getDestinationPageNumber ➔ get_destination_page_number
- readNextEndLine ➔ read_next_end_line
- _zeroXref ➔ _zero_xref
- _authenticateUserPassword ➔ _authenticate_user_password
- _pageId2Num attribute ➔ _page_id2num
- _buildDestination ➔ _build_destination
- _buildOutline ➔ _build_outline
- _getPageNumberByIndirect(indirectRef) ➔ _get_page_number_by_indirect(indirect_ref)
- _getObjectFromStream ➔ _get_object_from_stream
- _decryptObject ➔ _decrypt_object
- _flatten(..., indirectRef) ➔ _flatten(..., indirect_ref)
- _buildField ➔ _build_field
- _checkKids ➔ _check_kids
- _writeField ➔ _write_field
- _write_field(..., fieldAttributes) ➔ _write_field(..., field_attributes)
- _read_xref_subsections(..., getEntry, ...) ➔ _read_xref_subsections(..., get_entry, ...)
PdfWriter class:
- addMetadata ➔ add_metadata
- addPage ➔ add_page
- addBlankPage ➔ add_blank_page
- addAttachment(fname, fdata) ➔ add_attachment(filename, data)
- insertPage ➔ insert_page
- insertBlankPage ➔ insert_blank_page
- appendPagesFromReader ➔ append_pages_from_reader
- updatePageFormFieldValues ➔ update_page_form_field_values
- cloneReaderDocumentRoot ➔ clone_reader_document_root
- cloneDocumentFromReader ➔ clone_document_from_reader
- getReference ➔ get_reference
- getOutlineRoot ➔ get_outline_root
- getNamedDestRoot ➔ get_named_dest_root
- addBookmarkDestination ➔ add_bookmark_destination
- addBookmarkDict ➔ add_bookmark_dict
- addBookmark ➔ add_bookmark
- addNamedDestinationObject ➔ add_named_destination_object
- addNamedDestination ➔ add_named_destination
- removeLinks ➔ remove_links
- removeImages(ignoreByteStringObject) ➔ remove_images(ignore_byte_string_object)
- removeText(ignoreByteStringObject) ➔ remove_text(ignore_byte_string_object)
- addURI ➔ add_uri
- addLink ➔ add_link
- getPage(pageNumber) ➔ get_page(page_number)
- getPageLayout / setPageLayout / pageLayout ➔ page_layout attribute
- getPageMode / setPageMode / pageMode ➔ page_mode attribute
- _addObject ➔ _add_object
- _addPage ➔ _add_page
- _sweepIndirectReferences ➔ _sweep_indirect_references
PdfMerger class
parameter: strict=True ➔ strict=False (the PdfFileMerger still has the old default)- addMetadata ➔ add_metadata
- addNamedDestination ➔ add_named_destination
- setPageLayout ➔ set_page_layout
- setPageMode ➔ set_page_mode
Page class:
- artBox / bleedBox/ cropBox/ mediaBox / trimBox ➔ artbox / bleedbox/ cropbox/ mediabox / trimbox
- getWidth, getHeight ➔ width / height
- getLowerLeft_x / getUpperLeft_x ➔ left
- getUpperRight_x / getLowerRight_x ➔ right
- getLowerLeft_y / getLowerRight_y ➔ bottom
- getUpperRight_y / getUpperLeft_y ➔ top
- getLowerLeft / setLowerLeft ➔ lower_left property
- upperRight ➔ upper_right
- mergePage ➔ merge_page
- rotateClockwise / rotateCounterClockwise ➔ rotate_clockwise
- _mergeResources ➔ _merge_resources
- _contentStreamRename ➔ _content_stream_rename
- _pushPopGS ➔ _push_pop_gs
- _addTransformationMatrix ➔ _add_transformation_matrix
- _mergePage ➔ _merge_page
XmpInformation class:
- getElement(..., aboutUri, ...) ➔ get_element(..., about_uri, ...)
- getNodesInNamespace(..., aboutUri, ...) ➔ get_nodes_in_namespace(..., aboutUri, ...)
- _getText ➔ _get_text
- matrixMultiply ➔ matrix_multiply
- RC4_encrypt is moved to the security module
- _rebuild_xref_table expects trailer to be a dict (#857)
- Security Policy
- Incorrectly issued xref warning/exception (#855)
- Handle missing destinations in reader (#840)
- warn-only in readStringFromStream (#837)
- Fix corruption in startxref or xref table (#788 and #830)
- Project Governance (#799)
- History of PyPDF2
- PDF feature/version support (#816)
- More details on text parsing issues (#815)
- Add benchmark command to Makefile
- Ignore IronPython parts for code coverage (#826)
- Split pdf module (#836)
- Separated CCITTFax param parsing/decoding (#841)
- Update requirements files
- Use external repository for larger/more PDFs for testing (#820)
- Swap incorrect test names (#838)
- Add test for PdfFileReader and page properties (#835)
- Add tests for PyPDF2.generic (#831)
- Add tests for utils, form fields, PageRange (#827)
- Add test for ASCII85Decode (#825)
- Add test for FlateDecode (#823)
- Add test for filters.ASCIIHexDecode (#822)
- Apply pre-commit (black, isort) + use snake_case variables (#832)
- Remove debug code (#828)
- Documentation, Variable names (#839)
A change I would like to highlight is the performance improvement for large PDF files (#808) 🎉
- Add papersizes (#800)
- Allow setting permission flags when encrypting (#803)
- Allow setting form field flags (#802)
- TypeError in xmp._converter_date (#813)
- Improve spacing for text extraction (#806)
- Fix PDFDocEncoding Character Set (#809)
- Use null ID when encrypted but no ID given (#812)
- Handle recursion error (#804)
- CMaps (#811)
- The PDF Format + commit prefixes (#810)
- Add compression example (#792)
- Add Benchmark for Performance Testing (#781)
- Validate PDF magic byte in strict mode (#814)
- Make PdfFileMerger.addBookmark() behave life PdfFileWriters' (#339)
- Quadratic runtime while parsing reduced to linear (#808)
- Newlines in text extraction (#807)
- Use 1MB as offset for readNextEndLine (#321)
- 'PdfFileWriter' object has no attribute 'stream' (#787)
- Invalid float object; use 0 as fallback (#782)
- Robustness (#785)
- Import exceptions from PyPDF2.errors in PyPDF2.utils (#780)
- Naming in 'make_changelog.py'
- Remove support for Python 2.6 and older (#776)
- Extract document permissions (#320)
- Clip by trimBox when merging pages, which would otherwise be ignored (#240)
- Add overwriteWarnings parameter PdfFileMerger (#243)
- IndexError for getPage() of decrypted file (#359)
- Handle cases where decodeParms is an ArrayObject (#405)
- Updated PDF fields don't show up when page is written (#412)
- Set Linked Form Value (#414)
- Fix zlib -5 error for corrupt files (#603)
- Fix reading more than last1K for EOF (#642)
- Accidental import
- Allow extra whitespace before "obj" in readObjectHeader (#567)
- Link to pdftoc in Sample_Code (#628)
- Working with annotations (#764)
- Structure history
- Add issue templates (#765)
- Add tool to generate changelog
- Use grouped constants instead of string literals (#745)
- Add error module (#768)
- Use decorators for @staticmethod (#775)
- Split long functions (#777)
- Run tests in CI once with -OO Flags (#770)
- Filling out forms (#771)
- Add tests for Writer (#772)
- Error cases (#773)
- Check Error messages (#769)
- Regression test for issue #88
- Regression test for issue #327
- Make variable naming more consistent in tests
- ContentStream_readInlineImage had potential infinite loop (#740)
- Fix merging encrypted files (#757)
- CCITTFaxDecode decodeParms can be an ArrayObject (#756)
- title sometimes None (#744)
- Adjust short description of the package
- Rewrite JS tests from unittest to pytest (#746)
- Increase Test coverage, mainly with filters (#756)
- Add test for inline images (#758)
- Remove unused Travis-CI configuration (#747)
- Show code coverage (#754, #755)
- Add mutmut (#760)
- STY: Closing file handles, explicit exports, ... (#743)
- Guard formatting of
string (#738)
- Add more precise license field to setup (#733)
- Add test for issue #297
- DOC: Miscallenious ➔ Miscellaneous (Typo)
- TST: Fix CI triggering (master ➔ main) (#739)
- STY: Fix various style issues (#742)
- PKG: Make Tests not a subpackage (#728)
- BUG: Fix ASCII85Decode.decode assertion (#729)
- BUG: Error in Chinese character encoding (#463)
- BUG: Code duplication in Scripts/2-up.py
- ROBUST: Guard 'obj.writeToStream' with 'if obj is not None'
- ROBUST: Ignore a /Prev entry with the value 0 in the trailer
- MAINT: Remove Sample_Code (#726)
- TST: Close file handle in test_writer (#722)
- TST: Fix test_get_images (#730)
- DEV: Make tox use pytest and add more Python versions (#721)
- DOC: Many (#720, #723-725, #469)
- Add Scripts (including
), Resources, Tests, and Sample_Code back to PyPDF2. It was removed by accident in 1.27.0, but might get removed with 2.0.0 See discussions/718.
- Fixed project links on PyPI page after migration from mstamy2 to MartinThoma to the py-pdf organization on GitHub
- Documentation is now at pypdf2.readthedocs.io
- Add alpha channel support for png files in Script (#614)
- Fix formatWarning for filename without slash (#612)
- Add whitespace between words for extractText() (#569, #334)
- "invalid escape sequence" SyntaxError (#522)
- Avoid error when printing warning in pythonw (#486)
- Stream operations can be List or Dict (#665)
- Added Scripts/pdf-image-extractor.py
- Documentation improvements (#550, #538, #324, #426, #394)
- Add Github Action which automatically run unit tests via pytest and static code analysis with Flake8 (#660)
- Add several unit tests (#661, #663)
- Add .coveragerc to create coverage reports
- Pre commit: Developers can now
pre-commit install
to avoid tiny issues like trailing whitespaces
- Add the LICENSE file to the distributed packages (#288)
- Use setuptools instead of distutils (#599)
- Improvements for the PyPI page (#644)
- Python 3 changes (#504, #366)
NOTE: Active maintenance on PyPDF2 is resuming after a hiatus
Fixed a bug where image resources where incorrectly overwritten when merging pages
Added dictionary for JavaScript actions to the root (louib)
Added unit tests for the JS functionality (louib)
Add more Python 3 compatibility when reading inline images (im2703 and (VyacheslavHashov)
Return NullObject instead of raising error when failing to resolve object (ctate)
Don't output warning for non-zeroed xref table when strict=False (BenRussert)
Remove extraneous zeroes from output formatting (speedplane)
Fix bug where reading an inline image would cut off prematurely in certain cases (speedplane)
Fix bug when parsing inline images. Occurred when merging certain pages with inline images
Fixed type error when creating outlines by utilizing the isString() test
Added Python 3 algorithm for ASCII85Decode. Fixes issue when reading reportlab-generated files with Py 3 (jerickbixly)
Recognize more escape sequence which would otherwise throw an exception (manuelzs, robertsoakes)
Fixed overflow error in generic.py. Occurred when reading a too-large int in Python 2 (by Raja Jamwal)
Allow access to files which were encrypted with an empty password. Previously threw a "File has not been decrypted" exception (Elena Williams)
Do not attempt to decode an empty data stream. Previously would cause an error in decode algorithms (vladir)
Fixed some type issues specific to Py 2 or Py 3
Fix issue when stream data begins with whitespace (soloma83)
Recognize abbreviated filter names (AlmightyOatmeal and Matthew Weiss)
Copy decryption key from PdfFileReader to PdfFileMerger. Allows usage of PdfFileMerger with encrypted files (twolfson)
Fixed bug which occurred when a NameObject is present at end of a file stream. Threw a "Stream has ended unexpectedly" exception (speedplane)
Initial work on a test suite; to be expanded in future. Tests and Resources directory added, README updated (robertsoakes)
Added document cloning methods to PdfFileWriter: appendPagesFromReader, cloneReaderDocumentRoot, and cloneDocumentFromReader. See official documentation (robertsoakes)
Added method for writing to form fields: updatePageFormFieldValues. This will be enhanced in the future. See official documentation (robertsoakes)
New addAttachment method. See documentation. Support for adding and extracting embedded files to be enhanced in the future (moshekaplan)
Added methods to get page number of given PageObject or Destination: getPageNumber and getDestinationPageNumber. See documentation (mozbugbox)
Enhanced type handling (Brent Amrhein)
Enhanced exception handling in NameObject (sbywater)
Enhanced extractText method output (peircej)
Better exception handling
Enhanced regex usage in NameObject class (speedplane)
Bugfixes for reading files in Python 3 (by Anthony Tuininga and pqqp)
Appropriate errors are now raised instead of infinite loops (by naure and Cyrus Vafadari)
Bugfix for parsing number tokens with leading spaces (by Maxim Kamenkov)
Don't crash on bad /Outlines reference (by eshellman)
Conform tabs/spaces and blank lines to PEP 8 standards
Utilize the readUntilRegex method when reading Number Objects (by Brendan Jurd)
More bugfixes for Python 3 and clearer exception handling
Fixed encoding issue in merger (with eshellman)
Created separate folder for scripts
Documentation now available at pythonhosted.org
Bugfix in pagerange.py for when
has no value (by Vladir Cruz) -
Fix typos in OutlinesObject().add() (by shilluc)
Re-added a missing return statement in a utils.py method
Corrected viewing mode names (by Jason Scheirer)
New PdfFileWriter method: addJS() (by vfigueiro)
New bookmark features: color, boldness, italics, and page fit (by Joshua Arnott)
New PdfFileReader method: getFields(). Used to extract field information from PDFs with interactive forms. See documentation for details
Converted README file to markdown format (by Stephen Bussard)
Several improvements to overall performance and efficiency (by mozbugbox)
Fixed a bug where geospatial information was not scaling along with its page
Fixed a type issue and a Python 3 issue in the decryption algorithms (with Francisco Vieira and koba-ninkigumi)
Fixed a bug causing an infinite loop in the ASCII 85 decoding algorithm (by madmaardigan)
Annotations (links, comment windows, etc.) are now preserved when pages are merged together
Used the Destination class in addLink() and addBookmark() so that the page fit option could be properly customized
Added .DS_Store to .gitignore (for Mac users) (by Steve Witham)
implementation in NameObject (by Steve Witham) -
Fixed bug (inf. loop) when merging pages in Python 3 (by commx)
Corrected error when calculating height in scaleTo()
Removed unnecessary code from DictionaryObject (by Georges Dubus)
Fixed bug where an exception was thrown upon reading a NULL string (by speedplane)
Allow string literals (non-unicode strings in Python 2) to be passed to PdfFileReader
Allow ConvertFunctionsToVirtualList to be indexed with slices and longs (in Python 2) (by Matt Gilson)
Major improvements and bugfixes to addLink() method (see documentation in source code) (by Henry Keiter)
General code clean-up and improvements (with Steve Witham and Henry Keiter)
Fixed bug that caused crash when comments are present at end of dictionary
Fix for when /Type isn't present in the Pages dictionary (by Rob1080)
More tolerance for extra whitespace in Indirect Objects
Improved Exception handling
Fixed error in getHeight() method (by Simon Kaempflein)
implement use of utils.string_type to resolve Py2-3 compatibility issues
Prevent exception for multiple definitions in a dictionary (with carlosfunk) (only when strict = False)
Fixed errors when parsing a slice using pdfcat on command line (by Steve Witham)
Tolerance for EOF markers within 1024 bytes of the actual end of the file (with David Wolever)
Added overwriteWarnings parameter to PdfFileReader constructor, if False PyPDF2 will NOT overwrite methods from Python's warnings.py module with a custom implementation.
Fix NumberObject and NameObject constructors for compatibility with PyPy (Rüdiger Jungbeck, Xavier Dupré, shezadkhan137, Steven Witham)
Utilize utils.Str in pdf.py and pagerange.py to resolve type issues (by egbutter)
Improvements in implementing StringIO for Python 2 and BytesIO for Python 3 (by Xavier Dupré)
Added /x00 to Whitespaces, defined utils.WHITESPACES to clarify code (by Maxim Kamenkov)
Bugfix for merging 3 or more resources with the same name (by lucky-user)
Improvements to Xref parsing algorithm (by speedplane)
Official Python 3+ support (with contributions from TWAC and cgammans) Support for Python versions 2.6 and 2.7 will be maintained
Command line concatenation (see pdfcat in sample code) (by Steve Witham)
New FAQ; link included in README
Allow more (although unnecessary) escape sequences
Prevent exception when reading a null object in decoding parameters
Corrected error in reading destination types (added a slash since they are name objects)
Corrected TypeError in scaleTo() method
addBookmark() method in PdfFileMerger now returns bookmark (so nested bookmarks can be created)
Additions to Sample Code and Sample PDFs
changes to allow 2up script to work (see sample code) (by Dylan McNamee)
changes to metadata encoding (by Chris Hiestand)
New methods for links: addLink() (by Enrico Lambertini) and removeLinks()
Bugfix to handle nested bookmarks correctly (by Jamie Lentin)
New methods removeImages() and removeText() available for PdfFileWriter (by Tien Haï)
Exception handling for illegal characters in Name Objects
Removed pop in sweepIndirectReferences to prevent infinite loop (provided by ian-su-sirca)
Fixed bug caused by whitespace when parsing PDFs generated by AutoCad
Fixed a bug caused by reading a 'null' ASCII value in a dictionary object (primarily in PDFs generated by AutoCad).
Added new folders for PyPDF2 sample code and example PDFs; see README for each folder
Added a method for debugging purposes to show current location while parsing
Ability to create custom metadata (by jamma313)
Ability to access and customize document layout and view mode (by Joshua Arnott)
Added and corrected some documentation
Added some more warnings and exception messages
Removed old test/debugging code
More bugfixes (We have received many problematic PDFs via email, we will work with them)
Documentation - It's time for PyPDF2 to get its own documentation since it has grown much since the original pyPdf
A FAQ to answer common questions
Fixed a bug where older versions of objects were incorrectly added to the cache, resulting in outdated or missing pages, images, and other objects (from speedplane)
Fixed a bug in parsing the xref table where new xref values were overwritten; also cleaned up code (from speedplane)
New method mergeRotatedAroundPointPage which merges a page while rotating it around a point (from speedplane)
Updated Destination syntax to respect PDF 1.6 specifications (from jamma313)
Prevented infinite loop when a PdfFileReader object was instantiated with an empty file (from Jerome Nexedi)
Other Changes:
- Downloads now available via PyPI
- Installation through pip library is fixed
Removed one (from pdf.py) of the two Destination classes. Both classes had the same name, but were slightly different in content, causing some errors. (from Janne Vanhala)
Corrected and Expanded README file to demonstrate PdfFileMerger
Added filter for LZW encoded streams (from Michal Horejsek)
PyPDF2 issue tracker enabled on Github to allow community discussion and collaboration
Note: This ChangeLog has not been kept up-to-date for a while. Hopefully we can keep better track of it from now on. Some of the changes listed here come from previous versions 1.14 and 1.15; they were only vaguely defined. With the new _version.py file we should have more structured and better documented versioning from now on.
Fixed encrypt() method (from Martijn The)
Improved error handling on PDFs with truncated streams (from cecilkorik)
Python 3 support (from kushal-kumaran)
Fixed example code in README (from Jeremy Bethmont)
Fixed an bug caused by DecimalError Exception (from Adam Morris)
Many other bug fixes and features by:
jeansch Anton Vlasenko Joseph Walton Jan Oliver Oelerich Fabian Henze And any others I missed. Thanks for contributing!
Fixed a typo in code for reading a "\b" escape character in strings.
in FloatObject. -
Fixed a bug in reading octal escape sequences in strings.
Added getWidth and getHeight methods to the RectangleObject class.
Fixed compatibility warnings with Python 2.4 and 2.5.
Added addBlankPage and insertBlankPage methods on PdfFileWriter class.
Fixed a bug with circular references in page's object trees (typically annotations) that prevented correctly writing out a copy of those pages.
New merge page functions allow application of a transformation matrix.
To all patch contributors: I did a poor job of keeping this ChangeLog up-to-date for this release, so I am missing attributions here for any changes you submitted. Sorry! I'll do better in the future.
Added support for XMP metadata.
Fix reading files with xref streams with multiple /Index values.
Fix extracting content streams that use graphics operators longer than 2 characters. Affects merging PDF files.
Patch from Hartmut Goebel to permit RectangleObjects to accept NumberObject or FloatObject values.
PDF compatibility fixes.
Fix to read object xref stream in correct order.
Fix for comments inside content streams.
Text strings from PDF files are returned as Unicode string objects when pyPdf determines that they can be decoded (as UTF-16 strings, or as PDFDocEncoding strings). Unicode objects are also written out when necessary. This means that string objects in pyPdf can be either generic.ByteStringObject instances, or generic.TextStringObject instances.
The extractText method now returns a unicode string object.
All document information properties now return unicode string objects. In the event that a document provides docinfo properties that are not decoded by pyPdf, the raw byte strings can be accessed with an "_raw" property (ie. title_raw rather than title)
generic.DictionaryObject instances have been enhanced to be easier to use. Values coming out of dictionary objects will automatically be de-referenced (.getObject will be called on them), unless accessed by the new "raw_get" method. DictionaryObjects can now only contain PdfObject instances (as keys and values), making it easier to debug where non-PdfObject values (which cannot be written out) are entering dictionaries.
Support for reading named destinations and outlines in PDF files. Original patch by Ashish Kulkarni.
Stream compatibility reading enhancements for malformed PDF files.
Cross reference table reading enhancements for malformed PDF files.
Encryption documentation.
Replace some "assert" statements with error raising.
Minor optimizations to FlateDecode algorithm increase speed when using PNG predictors.
Fix several serious bugs introduced in version 1.8, caused by a failure to run through our PDF test suite before releasing that version.
Fix bug in NullObject reading and writing.
Add support for decryption with the standard PDF security handler. This allows for decrypting PDF files given the proper user or owner password.
Add support for encryption with the standard PDF security handler.
Add new pythondoc documentation.
Fix bug in ASCII85 decode that occurs when whitespace exists inside the two terminating characters of the stream.
Fix a bug when using a single page object in two PdfFileWriter objects.
Adjust PyPDF to be tolerant of whitespace characters that don't belong during a stream object.
Add documentInfo property to PdfFileReader.
Add numPages property to PdfFileReader.
Add pages property to PdfFileReader.
Add extractText function to PdfFileReader.
Add basic support for comments in PDF files. This allows us to read some ReportLab PDFs that could not be read before.
Add "auto-repair" for finding xref table at slightly bad locations.
New StreamObject backend, cleaner and more powerful. Allows the use of stream filters more easily, including compressed streams.
Add a graphics state push/pop around page merges. Improves quality of page merges when one page's content stream leaves the graphics in an abnormal state.
Add PageObject.compressContentStreams function, which filters all content streams and compresses them. This will reduce the size of PDF pages, especially after they could have been decompressed in a mergePage operation.
Support inline images in PDF content streams.
Add support for using .NET framework compression when zlib is not available. This does not make pyPdf compatible with IronPython, but it is a first step.
Add support for reading the document information dictionary, and extracting title, author, subject, producer and creator tags.
Add patch to support NullObject and multiple xref streams, from Bradley Lawrence.
Fix a bug where merging pages did not work in "no-rename" cases when the second page has an array of content streams.
Remove some debugging output that should not have been present.
Add capability to merge pages from multiple PDF files into a single page using the PageObject.mergePage function. See example code (README or web site) for more information.
Add ability to modify a page's MediaBox, CropBox, BleedBox, TrimBox, and ArtBox properties through PageObject. See example code (README or web site) for more information.
Refactor pdf.py into multiple files: generic.py (contains objects like NameObject, DictionaryObject), filters.py (contains filter code), utils.py (various). This does not affect importing PdfFileReader or PdfFileWriter.
Add new decoding functions for standard PDF filters ASCIIHexDecode and ASCII85Decode.
Change url and download_url to refer to new pybrary.net web site.
Fix new bug introduced in 1.2 where PDF files with \r line endings did not work properly anymore. A new test suite developed with various PDF files should prevent regression bugs from now on.
Fix a bug where inheriting attributes from page nodes did not work.
Improved support for files with CRLF-based line endings, fixing a common reported problem stating "assertion error: assert line == "%%EOF"".
Software author/maintainer is now officially a proud married person, which is sure to result in better software... somehow.
Add capability to rotate pages.
Improved PDF reading support to properly manage inherited attributes from /Type=/Pages nodes. This means that page groups that are rotated or have different media boxes or whatever will now work properly.
Added PDF 1.5 support. Namely cross-reference streams and object streams. This release can mangle Adobe's PDFReference16.pdf successfully.
First distutils-capable true public release. Supports a wide variety of PDF files that I found sitting around on my system.
Does not support some PDF 1.5 features, such as object streams, cross-reference streams.