pypdf uses {class}~pypdf.PdfReader
to parse PDF files.
The method {py:meth} <>
shows the basic
structure of parsing:
- Finding and reading the cross-reference tables / trailer: The cross-reference table (xref table) is a table of byte offsets that indicate the locations of objects within the file. The trailer provides additional information such as the root object (Catalog) and the Info object containing metadata.
- Parsing the objects: After locating the xref table and the trailer, pypdf
proceeds to parse the objects in the PDF. Objects in a PDF can be of various
types such as dictionaries, arrays, streams, and simple data types (e.g.,
integers, strings). pypdf parses these objects and stores them in
PdfReader.resolved_objects <pypdf.PdfReader.resolved_objects>
, populated by {py:meth}cache_indirect_object <pypdf.PdfReader.cache_indirect_object>
. - Decoding content streams: The content of a PDF is typically stored in
content streams, which are sequences of PDF operators and operands. pypdf
decodes these content streams by applying filters (e.g.,
) specified in the stream's dictionary. This is only done when the object is requested by {py:meth}PdfReader.get_object <pypdf.PdfReader.get_object>
which uses thePdfReader._get_object_from_stream
- 7.5 File Structure
- 7.5.4 Cross-Reference Table
- 7.8 Content Streams and Resources