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16.02.Words Frequency

English Version




  • WordsFrequency(book)构造函数,参数为字符串数组构成的一本书
  • get(word)查询指定单词在数中出现的频率


WordsFrequency wordsFrequency = new WordsFrequency({"i", "have", "an", "apple", "he", "have", "a", "pen"});
wordsFrequency.get("you"); //返回0,"you"没有出现过
wordsFrequency.get("have"); //返回2,"have"出现2次
wordsFrequency.get("an"); //返回1
wordsFrequency.get("apple"); //返回1
wordsFrequency.get("pen"); //返回1


  • book[i]中只包含小写字母
  • 1 <= book.length <= 100000
  • 1 <= book[i].length <= 10
  • get函数的调用次数不会超过100000



我们用哈希表 $cnt$ 统计 $book$ 中每个单词出现的次数。

调用 get 函数时,我们只需要返回 $cnt$ 中对应的单词的出现次数即可。

时间复杂度方面,初始化哈希表 $cnt$ 的时间复杂度为 $O(n)$,其中 $n$$book$ 的长度。get 函数的时间复杂度为 $O(1)$。空间复杂度为 $O(n)$

class WordsFrequency:
    def __init__(self, book: List[str]):
        self.cnt = Counter(book)

    def get(self, word: str) -> int:
        return self.cnt[word]

# Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = WordsFrequency(book)
# param_1 = obj.get(word)
class WordsFrequency {
    private Map<String, Integer> cnt = new HashMap<>();

    public WordsFrequency(String[] book) {
        for (String x : book) {
            cnt.merge(x, 1, Integer::sum);

    public int get(String word) {
        return cnt.getOrDefault(word, 0);

 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * WordsFrequency obj = new WordsFrequency(book);
 * int param_1 = obj.get(word);
class WordsFrequency {
    WordsFrequency(vector<string>& book) {
        for (auto& x : book) {

    int get(string word) {
        return cnt[word];

    unordered_map<string, int> cnt;

 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * WordsFrequency* obj = new WordsFrequency(book);
 * int param_1 = obj->get(word);
type WordsFrequency struct {
	cnt map[string]int

func Constructor(book []string) WordsFrequency {
	cnt := map[string]int{}
	for _, x := range book {
	return WordsFrequency{cnt}

func (this *WordsFrequency) Get(word string) int {
	return this.cnt[word]

 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * obj := Constructor(book);
 * param_1 := obj.Get(word);
class WordsFrequency {
    private cnt: Map<string, number>;

    constructor(book: string[]) {
        const cnt = new Map<string, number>();
        for (const word of book) {
            cnt.set(word, (cnt.get(word) ?? 0) + 1);
        this.cnt = cnt;

    get(word: string): number {
        return this.cnt.get(word) ?? 0;

 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = new WordsFrequency(book)
 * var param_1 = obj.get(word)
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct WordsFrequency {
    cnt: HashMap<String, i32>,

 * `&self` means the method takes an immutable reference.
 * If you need a mutable reference, change it to `&mut self` instead.
impl WordsFrequency {
    fn new(book: Vec<String>) -> Self {
        let mut cnt = HashMap::new();
        for word in book.into_iter() {
            *cnt.entry(word).or_insert(0) += 1;
        Self { cnt }

    fn get(&self, word: String) -> i32 {
 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * let obj = WordsFrequency::new(book);
 * let ret_1: i32 = obj.get(word);
 * @param {string[]} book
var WordsFrequency = function (book) {
    this.cnt = new Map();
    for (const x of book) {
        this.cnt.set(x, (this.cnt.get(x) || 0) + 1);

 * @param {string} word
 * @return {number}
WordsFrequency.prototype.get = function (word) {
    return this.cnt.get(word) || 0;

 * Your WordsFrequency object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = new WordsFrequency(book)
 * var param_1 = obj.get(word)