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Converts Postman-SDK Request into code snippet for PHP-pecl-http


To run Code-Gen, ensure that you have NodeJS >= v8. A copy of the NodeJS installable can be downloaded from

Using the Module

The module will expose an object which will have property convert which is the function for converting the Postman-SDK request to php-pecl-http code snippet.

convert function

Convert function takes three parameters

  • request - Postman-SDK Request Object

  • options - options is an object which hsa following properties

    • indentType - String denoting type of indentation for code snippet. eg: 'space', 'tab'
    • indentCount - Integer denoting count of indentation required
    • trimRequestBody - Boolean denoting whether to trim request body fields
    • followRedirect - Boolean denoting whether to redirect a request
    • requestTimeout - Integer denoting time after which the request will bail out in milli-seconds
  • callback - callback function with first parameter as error and second parameter as string for code snippet

var request = new sdk.Request(''),  //using postman sdk to create request  
    options = {
        indentCount: 3,
        indentType: 'space',
        requestTimeout: 200,
        trimRequestBody: true,
        followRedirect: true
convert(request, options, function(error, snippet) {
    if (error) {
        //  handle error
    //  handle snippet

Guidelines for using generated snippet

  • Since Postman-SDK Request object doesn't provide complete path of the file, it needs to be manually inserted in case of uploading a file.

  • This module doesn't support cookies.