This gist contains the code to create a simple "javascript quiz" with react & ES6. In this version, you can see following features in this app-
- User can take a quiz and get to know if their answers to questions are right or wrong through red/green signals showing next to question.
- Questions can be added through UI interface and the'll get saved in database.
First, fork this gist to your own account by clicking the fork symbol in the upper right.
Then copy the clone URL to your clipboard.
Setup MongoDB on your system through this link-> Setup MongoDB.
Verify mongoDB setup by going in the bin folder of mongodb(in my case: C:/mongodb/bin) and run
mongo --version
. This will display the MongoDB version installed on your system and various other information. -
npm install
to install all the dependencies & devDependencies. -
npm run start-dev
to start the server. This will start both Express server and Webpack server for react. -
Go into the bin folder inside mongodb(in my case: C:/mongodb/bin), open command prompt, and run
to start the mongoDB server.
And you'll be good to go 👍