Write Programs that execute across multiple devices or computers in which all the devices are connected to each other using a network. There are three requirements to establish a network
- Hardware: computers, cables, modems, hubs and much more
- Software: programs created that will talk between the server and the clients
- Protocol: This is the representation used to establish a connection which aides in sending and receiving data in the appropriate format. A Protocol also is used to send information from point A to point B on the network.
InputStream myobj = mysock.getInputStream();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myobj));
OutputStream myobj = mysock.getOutputStream();
DataOutputStream doutst = new DataOuputStream(myobj);
doutst.writeBytes();//used to send strings in the form of groups of bytes
A set of rules that every computer on the network must follow. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and IP stands for Internet Protocol which are the standard protocol models used on any network. TCP/IP Model has five layers:
- Application Layer
- TCP Layer
- IP Layer
- Data Link Layer
- Physical Layer
this is the topmost layer within the TCP/IP Model that directly interracts with an application or data.
This layer receives data from the application and formats the data and then sends
the data to the next layer in the form of continuous stream of bytes.
This layer receives data from the Application Layer and will divide the data into
smaller segments which we refer to these segments as packets. A packet will
store a group of bytes of data. The packets are then sent to the next layer in line
which is the IP Layer
This layer inserts big packets into envelopes called frames. Every frame has a packet.
Within this packet the following is stored:
- IP Address of the Destination Computer
- IP Address of the Source Computer
- additional information is stored in regards to error detection and correction
The three frames are then sent to the next layer in line which is the Data Link Layer
This layer receives frames from the IP Layer. This layer then dispatches them to
the designated computer on the network.
This layer is used to physically send data on the network by using the appropriate hardware.
Your id on the network split into four sections every section can have a number from
maps your ip address to human-readable names
this is used to upload and download files from and to the server
this is used to transfer web pages from one computer to the other on the internet.
This is the most widely used protocol on the internet
this is used send mails on the network
this is the communication mechanism between two computers using the TCP Protocol.
A client creates a socket on its end of the communication spectrum and tries to connect
his socket to a server. When a connection is made, the server creates a socket object
on its end of the communication.
this is used receive mails into mailboxes
this is used to transfer data in a connection-less manner and unreliable manner.
This does not check how many bits are sent or recieved at the other side during
transmission of data. Bit loss can be experienced. UDP is primarily used to send
images, audio and video files.
if I use the java.net package and use the getByName() method of the InetAddress class
I pass in the Host Name and Server as arguments and it returns the IP Address of the server.
Serversocket myserversock = new ServerSocket(8080);
Socket mysocket = myserversock.accept();
OutputStream object = mysocket.getOutputStream();//attaching the output stream to the server socket using getOutputStream method
PrintStream printstr = new PrintStream(object); //this print stream object is used to send data to the client
//Now I must close all connection
myserversock.close();//closing the server socket
mysocket.close();//closing the socket
printstr.close();//closing the print stream
//creating a socket in the client side
//If my computer is not in the network I can must run the client and server
//in the same system.
Socket mysock = new Socket("", 8080);
InputStream myobj = mysock.getInputStream();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myobj));//to read data from the socket into the client
Str = br.readLine();//To read data from the buffer
br.close();//close the buffer reader connections
mysock.close();//close the socket connection
To receive data from the server it is better to use bufferedReader as inputStream
To send data from the client I use the DataOutputStrema