A map is an object that maps keys and values
Cannot contain the same keys
similar to a dictionary in Python and a Key-Value pair in JS
Keys must be unique within a map
Maps are very important to know when dealing with Abstraction in OOP
Java has three types of maps: HashMap, TreeMap and LinkedHashMap
- HashMap
- Check if Empty: isEmpty()
- Remove a particular key: .remove()
- Does Not Maintain Insertion Order
- Holds A Value Depending on A Key
- Only Holds Unique Elements
- Lookup & Insertion: O(1)
- Only allowed to store 1 Null Key
- Allowed to store multiple null values
- TreeMap
- Key Order
- Only Holds Unique Elements
- Lookup & Insertion: O(log(n))
- Cannot Store Null as a key
- Allowed to store multiple null values
- Maintains Ascending Orders
- LinkedHasMap:
- Only Holds Unique Elements
- Allowed to store only one null key
- Allowed to store multiple null values.
- Maintains Insertion Order
import java.util.*;
public class HashMap
public static void main(String args[])
//HashMap Declaration
//HashMap<DT of Key, DT of Value> nameOfHashMap= new HashMap<DT of Key, DT of Value>();
HashMap<Integer,String> myHashMap=new HashMap<Integer,String>();//Creating HashMap.
myHashMap.put(2,"Papaya"); //Putting elements in Map.
//Output: {1=Apple, 2=Papaya, 3=Mango, 4=Lemon} meaning Key Order
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
//Tree Declaration
//TreeMap<DT of Key, DT of Value> nameOfTreeMap= new HashMap<DT of Key, DT of Value>();
TreeMap<Integer,String> myTreeMap=new TreeMap<Integer,String>();//Creating HashMap.
myTreeMap.put(2,"Papaya"); //Putting elements in Map.
//Output: {1=Apple, 2=Papaya, 3=Mango, 4=Lemon}
//meaning Key Order
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
//LHM Declaration
//LinkedHashMap<DT of Key, DT of Value> nameOfLinkedHashMap= new LinkedHashMap<DT of Key, DT of Value>();
LinkedHashMap<String,String> myLHashMap=newLinkedHashMap<String,String>();//Creating Linked HashMap.
myLHashMap.put("MW","Calculus3"); //Putting elements in Map.