One of the 4 pillars of OOP(A,E,I,P):
I have 3 elements:
I wrap the variables and the code implementation which interacts with the methods as one
Variables within my class cannot be accessed by other classes
Only the methods of that particular class can access them
All in all, it is the process by which I group information
Class Variables should always be declared private
Setter and Getter Methods should be public
Example Encapsulating Class
public class EncapsulatingThis {
private String myFullName ;
private String myIdentifNum ;
private int myAge ;
public int getMyAge (){
return myAge ;
public void setMyAge (int theAge ){
myAge = theAge ;
public String getMyId (){
return myIdentifNum ;
public void setMyId (String myNewId ){
myIdentifNum = myNewId ;
public String getMyName (){
return myFullName ;
public void setMyName (String fullName ){
myFullName = fullName ;
//overriding the toString() method
@ Override
public String toString ()
return ("Hi my Name is: " + getMyName () + " and I am " + getMyAge () + " and my ID is: " + getMyId ());
import java .util .*;
public class RunnerClass {
public static void main (String [] args ){
EncapsulatingThis encapsObj = new EncapsulatingThis ();
encapsObj .setMyName ("Omar" );
encapsObj .setMyAge (27 );
encapsObj .setMyId ("165X70B15D" );
System .out .println (encapsObj .toString ());