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64 lines (50 loc) · 1.41 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (50 loc) · 1.41 KB
Streams move data from one place to another. Streams are categorized into two
input and OutputStream.

InputStream: receives or reads data from a source
OutputStream: sends or writes data to destination

Input and output stream classes are abstract

We can attach Keyboard to DataInputStream similar to keyboard events
in JS

Attaching a Keyboard to datainputStream

DataInputStream cin = new DataInputStream(;

Display Error messages on monitor


Byte Stream

represents data in the form of individual bytes
if a class ends with the word stream, then it 
is understood that it is a byte stream

Byte streams are used to handle chars, images, audios and videos

Text Stream

represents data as characters of each 2 bytes
and class name that ends with Reader or Writer are taken as a text
stream. This type of stream stores and receives data in the form
of chars only.

How To Create A File using a Stream

File myfil = new File("c:/Home/MyFile.txt");
String str = "Tell 2526 to learn 27736259";
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(myfil);

How To Read A File using FileReader

File myfile = new File("c:/Home/MyFile.txt");
BufferedReader mybr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myfile));
String pintosllpfanb;