A set is a collection of:
- unordered elements
- unique elements
Doesn’t know where they are, just knows that they exist there.
No performance decrease when sample size increase as opposed to an Array
don’t care how many times something exists or where it exists
Use sets over arrays because it is faster and simpler to performs operations on it
A set is a collection of:
- unordered elements
- unique elements
Doesn’t know where they are, just knows that they exist there.
No performance decrease when sample size increase as opposed to an Array
- only appends to the set if the element is not present
- if it is present you get a boolean return type back of false
- add to my set all the elements from specified collection
- removes all the elements from the set
- give the hashCode of the instance of my set
- checking to see if my set is empty or not
- throw out a specific item from my set
- output to me the size of my set
- generate an Array for me of all the items within my set
- HashSet: no particular order
- insertion: O(1)
- removal: O(1)
- contains: O(1)
- LinkedHashSet: insertion order
- insertion: O(1)
- removal: O(1)
- contains: O(1)
- TreeSet: sorted order
- insertion: O(n*logn)
- removal: O(n*logn)
- contains: O(n*logn)