A class is essentially a data type. Whenever we create an instance of a class we declare it so say I want to declare 10 dog ages i would go and say
Within a class we have methods and we have attributes. An attribute is similar to variables in that they hold information for us.
We want to have 2 attributes for our dog class the Name and the age. Classes allow us to build very large application without having to code
every small bit by ourselves. We have a blue print of how sth might look. Say I have a person Class and wanted to describe a specific the person the details are ### what’s called attributes. If we wanted to build a large scale application we do not want to describe every single person specifically using a bunch of different ### variables. This would be a waste of time. Instead, we create a blueprint of what a person might look like.
The above idea is a structure of a person which is known as a class. To create a new person, all we have to do is instantiate the class. This process is called
an object. The class is the blueprint and the object is the specific example. A class allows us to create different entities which are similar in structure.
Person x = new Person();
A Class is a structure/blue print and object is an instance of the class. The above has a class name Person. Person here, is what's called a custom type
x is the identifier. When we instantiate we can create n number of objects say: Alan, Waleed, Neha, Michael, Juan
The person class has two elements: Name: This is a field talk():
When we instantiate the class into an object we can assign a value to the field name such as “Angela”
public class Vars
//Variables outside of a method and within a class are called FIELDS!
public int testFie=6;
//So when some make an instance of the class Stupid Program the field testFie
//Would be available for anyone and it would have a default value of 6.
public class Main
// Instance Variables
String name;
String major;
String year;
// Constructor Declaration of Class
public Main(String name, String major, String year)
this.name = name;
this.major = major;
this.year = year;
// method 1
public String getName()
return name;
// method 2
public String getMajor()
return major;
// method 3
public String getYear()
return year;
public String toString()
return("Hi my name is "+ this.getName()+
".\nMy major is " +
this.getMajor()+", and I am a " + this.getYear());
public static void main(String[] args)
Main carolina = new Main("carolina","CS", "Senior");