Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
{:faker, "~> 0.13"}
to your deps inmix.exs
:defp deps do [{:faker, "~> 0.13", only: :test}] end
mix deps.get
:ExUnit.start() Faker.start()
jump to usage examples.
- OTP 18+
- Elixir 1.4+
See documentation and usage examples.
If you get a message like the one below when you call
, you need to add:faker
to your application's mix file, in theapplications
function, as above.** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Faker.Address.city_count/1 lib/faker/address.ex:48: Faker.Address.city_count(nil) lib/faker/address.ex:41: Faker.Address.city/0
Faker was designed as a lightweight library, that's why it can be easily used with other tools.
You can build templates for testing purposes with the Blacksmith project. See the Blacksmith readme for details.
Faker was originally written by Igor Kapkov.
Current list of maintainers:
Released under the MIT License.