Espressif use an optional update approach for their firmware know as OTA (over the air). This module offers an equivalent facility for Lua applications developers, and enables module development and production updates by carrying out automatic synchronisation with a named provisioning service at reboot.
This luaOTA
provisioning service uses a different approach to
enduser setup.
The basic concept here is that the ESP modules are configured with a pre-imaged file
system that includes a number of files in the luaOTA namespace. (SPIFFS doesn't
implement a directory hierarchy as such, but instead simply treats the conventional
directory separator as a character in the filename. Nonetheless, the "luaOTA/"
prefix serves to separate the lc files in the luaOTA namespace.)
This module should always be first executed at startup.luaOTA/
A fifth file luaOTA/config.json
contains a JSON parameterised local configuration that
can be initially create by and subsequently updated by the provisioning process. Most
importantly this configuration contains the TCP address of the provisioning service, and
a shared secret that is used to sign any records exchanged between the ESP client and
the provisioning service.
Under this approach, init.lua
is still required but it is reduced to a one-line lua
call which invokes the luaOTA
module by a require "luaOTA.check"
The config.json
file which provides the minimum configuration parameters to connect to
the WiFi and provisioning server, however these can by overridden through the UART by
first doing a abortOTA()
and then a manual initialisation as described in the
init.lua section below.
configures the wifi and connects to the required sid in STA mode using the
local configuration. The ESP's IP address is allocated using DHCP unless the optional
three static IP parameters have been configured. It then attempts to establish a
connection to the named provisioning service. If this is absent, a timeout occurs or the
service returns a "no update" status, then module does a full clean up of all the
resources (if the leave
parameter is false, then the wifi stack is then also
shutdown.), and it then transfers control by a
to the configured
application module and function.
If luaOTA
does establish a connection to IP address:port of the provisioning service,
it then issues a "getupdate" request using its CPU ID and a configuration parameter
block as context. This update dialogue uses a simple JSON protocol(described below) that
enables the provision server either to respond with a "no update", or to start a
dialogue to reprovision the ESP8266's SPIFFS.
In the case of "no update", luaOTA
is by design ephemeral, that is it shuts down the
net services and does a full resource clean up. Hence the presence of the provisioning
service is entirely optional and it doesn't needed to be online during normal operation,
as luaOTA
will fall back to transferring control to the main Lua application.
In the case of an active update, the ESP is restarted so resource cleanup on
completion is not an issue. The provisioning dialogue is signed, so the host
provisioning service and the protocol are trusted, with the provisioning service driving
the process. This greatly simplifies the luaOTA
client coding as this is a simple
responder, which actions simple commands such as:
- download a file,
- download and compile file,
- upload a file
- rename (or delete) a file
with the ESP being rebooted on completion of the updates to the SPIFFS. Hence in practice the ESP boots into one one two modes:
- normal execution or
- OTA update followed by reboot and normal execution.
Note that even though NodeMCU follows the Lua convention of using the lua
and lc
extensions respectively for source files that need to be compiled, and for pre-compiled
files, the Lua loader itself only uses the presence of a binary header to determine the
file mode. Hence if the init.lua
file contains pre-compiled content, and similarly all
loaded modules use pre-compiled lc files, then the ESP can run in production mode
without needing to invoke the compiler at all.
The simplest strategy for the host provisioning service is to maintain a reference source directory on the host (per ESP module). The Lua developer can maintain this under git or equivalent and make any changes there, so that synchronisation of the ESP will be done automatically on reboot.
This is typically includes a single line:
require "LuaOTA.check"
however if the configuration is incomplete then this can be aborted as manual process by entering the manual command through the UART
abortOTA(); require "luaOTA.check":_init {ssid ="SOMESID" --[[etc. ]]}
where the parameters to the _init
method are:
. The SSID of the Wifi service to connect to, together with its password.server
. The name or IP address and port of the provisioning
. The filename of the module which will berequired
after provisioning is complete. Defaults to LuaOTA/default.entry
. The method that will be called on the module indicated byapp
. Defaults toinit
. A site-specific secret shared with the provisioning server for MD5-based signing of the protocol messages.leave
. If true the STA service is left connected otherwise the wifi is shutdownespip
. These parameters are omitted if the ESP is using a DHCP service for IP configuration, otherwise you need to specify the ESP's IP, gateway, netmask and default nameserver.
If the global DEBUG
is set, then LuaOTA will also dump out some diagnostic debug.
This only has one public method: _init
which can be called with the above parameters.
However the require wrapper in the check module also posts a call to self:_init()
as a
new task. This new task function includes a guard to prevent a double call in the case
where the binding require includes an explicit call to _init()
Any provisioning changes results in a reboot, so the only normal "callback" is to invoke
the application entry method as defined in config.json
using a
This is often tailored to specific project requirements, but a simple example of a
provisioning server is included which provides the corresponding server-side
functionality. This example is coded in Lua and can run on any development PC or server
that supports Lua 5.1 - 5.3 and the common modules socket
, lfs
, md5
and cjson
It can be easily be used as the basis of one for your specific project needs.
Note that even though this file is included in the luaOTA
subdirectory within Lua
examples, this is designed to run on the host and should not be included in the
The example server expects a repository directory, which is expected to contain the to-be-provisioned files (.lua files, .lc files...). Additionally, it expects a .json file for every ESP that is to be provisioned, containing the "secret" as well as the relevant filenames. This file should be called 'ESP-xxxxxxxx.json', with 'xxxxxxxx' replaced with the ChipID.
The NodeMCu build must include the following modules:
. -
This implementation follow ephemeral practices, that it is coded to ensure that all resources used are collected by the Lua GC, and hence the available heap on application start is the same as if luaOTA had not been called.
Methods in the
file are static and inherit self as an upvalue. -
In order to run comfortably within ESP resources, luaOTA executes its main functionality as a number of overlay methods. These are loaded dynamically (and largely transparently) by an
Methods starting with a "_" are call-once and return the function reference
All others are also entered in the self table so that successive calls will use the preloaded function. The convention is that any dynamic function is called in object form so they are loaded and executed with self as the first parameter, and hence are called using the object form self:someFunc() to get the context as a parameter.
Some common routines are also defined as closures within the dynamic methods
This coding also makes a lot of use of tailcalls (See PiL 6.3) to keep the stack size to a minimum.
The command protocol is unencrypted and uses JSON encoding, but all exchanges are signed by a 6 char signature taken extracted from a MD5 based digest across the JSON string. Any command which fails the signature causes the update to be aborted. Commands are therefore regarded as trusted, and this simplifies the client module on the ESP.
The process can support both source and compiled code provisioning, but the latter is recommended as this permits a compile-free runtime for production use, and hence minimises the memory use and fragmentation that occurs as a consequence of compilation.
In earlier versions of the provisioning service example, I included
but this changes the line numbering which I found real pain for debugging, so I now just include a simple filter to remove "--" comments and leading and trailing whitespace if the source includes a--SAFETRIM
flag. This typically reduced the size of lua files transferred by ~30% and this also means that developers have no excuse for not properly commenting their code! -
The chip ID is included in the configuration identification response to permit the provisioning service to support different variants for different ESP8266 chips.
The (optional update & reboot) operate model also has the side effect that the
client can reprovision itself. -
Though the simplest approach is always to do a
immediately on reboot, there are other strategies that could be applied, for example to test a gpio pin or a flag in RTC memory or even have the application call the require directly (assuming that there's enough free RAM for it to run and this way avoid the connection delay to the WiFi.
also itself serves as a worked example of how to write ESP-friendly
The functionality is divided into autoloaded processing chunks using a self autoloader, so that
calls can load new code from flash in a way that is simple and largely transparent to the application. The autoloader preferentially loads thelc
compiled code variant if available. -
The local environment is maintained in a self array, to keep scoping explicit. Note that since loaded code cannot inherit upvalues, then
must be passed to the function using an object constructorself:self:somefunction()
, but where the function can have a self argument then the alternative is to use an upvalue binding. See thetmr
alarm call at the end of_init.lua
as an example:
self.timer:alarm( 500, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, self:_doTick())
is evaluated before the alarm API call. This autoloadsluaOTA/
which storesself
as a local and returns a function which takes no arguments; it is this last returned function that is used as the timer callback, and when this is called it can still access self as an upvalue. -
This code makes a lot of use of locals and upvalues as these are both fast and use less memory footprint than globals or table entries.
The lua GC will mark and sweep to reclaim any unreferenced resources: tables, strings, functions, userdata. So if your code at the end of a processing phase leaves no variables (directly or indirectly) in _G or the Lua registry, then all of the resources that were loaded to carry out your application will be recovered by the GC. In this case heap at the end of a "no provisioning" path is less than 1Kb smaller than if luaOTA had not been called and this is an artifact of how the lua_registry system adopts a lazy reuse of registry entries.
If you find that an enumeration of
includes function references or tables other than ROMtables, then you have not been tidying up by doing the appropriate closes or unregister calls. Any such stuck resources can result in a stuck cascade due to upvalues being preserved in the function closure or entries in a table.