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Frontend (Angular)

Frontend for application using Angular (updated to 19.0.3)

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. It will open http://localhost:4200/ in your default browser. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Or you can run npm run dev-server. It will start frontend and api together. Open http://localhost:4200/ to access application.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build. Also, we have enabled SSR (Server side rendering) for fast first loading of UI on production.

Next Todo

Next development

  • Add Bootstrap
  • Add Header and Side Menu, Profile page
  • Implement Login and add Interceptor to attach token in each request
  • Add CRUD example
  • Add A Grid
  • Add Proxy Configuration for local develolpment
  • Server Side Rendering
  • Reusable validation module
  • Core and Shared Module
  • Docker Support
  • Add Service Worker

Build with

Describes which version .

Name Version
bootstrap v5.3.2
@ng-bootstrap v17.0.0

Dockerfile Production

# Create image based off of the official Node 10 image
FROM node:21-alpine as builder

# Copy dependency definitions
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./

RUN npm install -g npm@9.1.2

## installing and Storing node modules on a separate layer will prevent unnecessary npm installs at each build
## --legacy-peer-deps as ngx-bootstrap still depends on Angular 14
RUN npm i --legacy-peer-deps && mkdir /app && mv ./node_modules ./app

# Change directory so that our commands run inside this new directory

# Get all the code needed to run the app
COPY . /app/

# Build server side bundles
RUN npm run build:ssr

FROM node:21-alpine
## From 'builder' copy published folder
COPY --from=builder /app /app

# Expose the port the app runs in

USER node

CMD ["node", "dist/frontend/server/main.js"]

Dockerfile Development mode

# Create image based off of the official 12.8-alpine
FROM node:21-alpine

#RUN echo "nameserver" |  tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null

# Copy dependency definitions
COPY package*.json ./

## installing and Storing node modules on a separate layer will prevent unnecessary npm installs at each build
RUN npm i --legacy-peer-deps --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

COPY . /app/

EXPOSE 4200 49153