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File metadata and controls

1578 lines (1326 loc) · 54.5 KB

API (Restfull/JSON) documentation

This documentation describes the Glances API version 4 (Restfull/JSON) interface.

For Glances version 3, please have a look on:

Run the Glances API server

The Glances Restfull/API server could be ran using the following command line:

# glances -w --disable-webui

It is also ran automatically when Glances is started in Web server mode (-w).


The default root API URL is http://localhost:61208/api/4.

The bind address and port could be changed using the --bind and --port command line options.

It is also possible to define an URL prefix using the url_prefix option from the [outputs] section of the Glances configuration file.

Note: The url_prefix should always end with a slash (/).

For example:

will change the root API URL to http://localhost:61208/glances/api/4 and the Web UI URL to http://localhost:61208/glances/

API documentation URL

The API documentation is embedded in the server and available at the following URL: http://localhost:61208/docs#/.

WebUI refresh

It is possible to change the Web UI refresh rate (default is 2 seconds) using the following option in the URL: http://localhost:61208/glances/?refresh=5

GET API status

This entry point should be used to check the API status. It will the Glances version and a 200 return code if everything is OK.

Get the Rest API status:

# curl -I http://localhost:61208/api/4/status
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK"

GET plugins list

Get the plugins list:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/pluginslist

GET alert

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/alert

Fields descriptions:

  • begin: Begin timestamp of the event (unit is timestamp)
  • end: End timestamp of the event (or -1 if ongoing) (unit is timestamp)
  • state: State of the event (WARNING|CRITICAL) (unit is string)
  • type: Type of the event (CPU|LOAD|MEM) (unit is string)
  • max: Maximum value during the event period (unit is float)
  • avg: Average value during the event period (unit is float)
  • min: Minimum value during the event period (unit is float)
  • sum: Sum of the values during the event period (unit is float)
  • count: Number of values during the event period (unit is int)
  • top: Top 3 processes name during the event period (unit is list)
  • desc: Description of the event (unit is string)
  • sort: Sort key of the top processes (unit is string)
  • global_msg: Global alert message (unit is string)

GET amps

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/amps
[{"count": 0,
  "countmax": None,
  "countmin": 1.0,
  "key": "name",
  "name": "Dropbox",
  "refresh": 3.0,
  "regex": True,
  "result": None,
  "timer": 0.2482151985168457},
 {"count": 0,
  "countmax": 20.0,
  "countmin": None,
  "key": "name",
  "name": "Python",
  "refresh": 3.0,
  "regex": True,
  "result": None,
  "timer": 0.24815130233764648}]

Fields descriptions:

  • name: AMP name (unit is None)
  • result: AMP result (a string) (unit is None)
  • refresh: AMP refresh interval (unit is second)
  • timer: Time until next refresh (unit is second)
  • count: Number of matching processes (unit is number)
  • countmin: Minimum number of matching processes (unit is number)
  • countmax: Maximum number of matching processes (unit is number)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/amps/name
{"name": ["Dropbox", "Python", "Conntrack", "Nginx", "Systemd", "SystemV"]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/amps/name/Dropbox
{"Dropbox": [{"count": 0,
              "countmax": None,
              "countmin": 1.0,
              "key": "name",
              "name": "Dropbox",
              "refresh": 3.0,
              "regex": True,
              "result": None,
              "timer": 0.2482151985168457}]}

GET cloud

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cloud

GET connections

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/connections
{"net_connections_enabled": True, "nf_conntrack_enabled": True}

Fields descriptions:

  • LISTEN: Number of TCP connections in LISTEN state (unit is number)
  • ESTABLISHED: Number of TCP connections in ESTABLISHED state (unit is number)
  • SYN_SENT: Number of TCP connections in SYN_SENT state (unit is number)
  • SYN_RECV: Number of TCP connections in SYN_RECV state (unit is number)
  • initiated: Number of TCP connections initiated (unit is number)
  • terminated: Number of TCP connections terminated (unit is number)
  • nf_conntrack_count: Number of tracked connections (unit is number)
  • nf_conntrack_max: Maximum number of tracked connections (unit is number)
  • nf_conntrack_percent: Percentage of tracked connections (unit is percent)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/connections/net_connections_enabled
{"net_connections_enabled": True}

GET containers

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/containers

Fields descriptions:

  • name: Container name (unit is None)
  • id: Container ID (unit is None)
  • image: Container image (unit is None)
  • status: Container status (unit is None)
  • created: Container creation date (unit is None)
  • command: Container command (unit is None)
  • cpu_percent: Container CPU consumption (unit is percent)
  • memory_usage: Container memory usage (unit is byte)
  • io_rx: Container IO bytes read rate (unit is bytepersecond)
  • io_wx: Container IO bytes write rate (unit is bytepersecond)
  • network_rx: Container network RX bitrate (unit is bitpersecond)
  • network_tx: Container network TX bitrate (unit is bitpersecond)
  • uptime: Container uptime (unit is None)
  • engine: Container engine (Docker and Podman are currently supported) (unit is None)
  • pod_name: Pod name (only with Podman) (unit is None)
  • pod_id: Pod ID (only with Podman) (unit is None)

GET core

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/core
{"log": 16, "phys": 10}

Fields descriptions:

  • phys: Number of physical cores (hyper thread CPUs are excluded) (unit is number)
  • log: Number of logical CPU cores. A logical CPU is the number of physical cores multiplied by the number of threads that can run on each core (unit is number)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/core/phys
{"phys": 10}

GET cpu

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu
{"cpucore": 16,
 "ctx_switches": 493080568,
 "guest": 0.0,
 "idle": 86.5,
 "interrupts": 420997918,
 "iowait": 0.5,
 "irq": 0.0,
 "nice": 0.0,
 "soft_interrupts": 155707720,
 "steal": 0.0,
 "syscalls": 0,
 "system": 3.5,
 "total": 12.9,
 "user": 9.4}

Fields descriptions:

  • total: Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle) (unit is percent)
  • system: Percent time spent in kernel space. System CPU time is the time spent running code in the Operating System kernel (unit is percent)
  • user: CPU percent time spent in user space. User CPU time is the time spent on the processor running your program's code (or code in libraries) (unit is percent)
  • iowait: (Linux): percent time spent by the CPU waiting for I/O operations to complete (unit is percent)
  • dpc: (Windows): time spent servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) (unit is percent)
  • idle: percent of CPU used by any program. Every program or task that runs on a computer system occupies a certain amount of processing time on the CPU. If the CPU has completed all tasks it is idle (unit is percent)
  • irq: (Linux and BSD): percent time spent servicing/handling hardware/software interrupts. Time servicing interrupts (hardware + software) (unit is percent)
  • nice: (Unix): percent time occupied by user level processes with a positive nice value. The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been niced (unit is percent)
  • steal: (Linux): percentage of time a virtual CPU waits for a real CPU while the hypervisor is servicing another virtual processor (unit is percent)
  • guest: (Linux): time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel (unit is percent)
  • ctx_switches: number of context switches (voluntary + involuntary) per second. A context switch is a procedure that a computer's CPU (central processing unit) follows to change from one task (or process) to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict (unit is number)
  • ctx_switches_rate_per_sec: number of context switches (voluntary + involuntary) per second. A context switch is a procedure that a computer's CPU (central processing unit) follows to change from one task (or process) to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict per second (unit is number per second)
  • ctx_switches_gauge: number of context switches (voluntary + involuntary) per second. A context switch is a procedure that a computer's CPU (central processing unit) follows to change from one task (or process) to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • interrupts: number of interrupts per second (unit is number)
  • interrupts_rate_per_sec: number of interrupts per second per second (unit is number per second)
  • interrupts_gauge: number of interrupts per second (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • soft_interrupts: number of software interrupts per second. Always set to 0 on Windows and SunOS (unit is number)
  • soft_interrupts_rate_per_sec: number of software interrupts per second. Always set to 0 on Windows and SunOS per second (unit is number per second)
  • soft_interrupts_gauge: number of software interrupts per second. Always set to 0 on Windows and SunOS (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • syscalls: number of system calls per second. Always 0 on Linux OS (unit is number)
  • syscalls_rate_per_sec: number of system calls per second. Always 0 on Linux OS per second (unit is number per second)
  • syscalls_gauge: number of system calls per second. Always 0 on Linux OS (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • cpucore: Total number of CPU core (unit is number)
  • time_since_update: Number of seconds since last update (unit is seconds)
  • time_since_update: Number of seconds since last update (unit is seconds)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/total
{"total": 12.9}

GET diskio

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/diskio
[{"disk_name": "nvme0n1",
  "key": "disk_name",
  "read_bytes": 10167291392,
  "read_count": 391026,
  "write_bytes": 31230641152,
  "write_count": 1527146},
 {"disk_name": "nvme0n1p1",
  "key": "disk_name",
  "read_bytes": 7558144,
  "read_count": 605,
  "write_bytes": 1024,
  "write_count": 2}]

Fields descriptions:

  • disk_name: Disk name (unit is None)
  • read_count: Number of reads (unit is number)
  • read_count_rate_per_sec: Number of reads per second (unit is number per second)
  • read_count_gauge: Number of reads (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • write_count: Number of writes (unit is number)
  • write_count_rate_per_sec: Number of writes per second (unit is number per second)
  • write_count_gauge: Number of writes (cumulative) (unit is number)
  • read_bytes: Number of bytes read (unit is byte)
  • read_bytes_rate_per_sec: Number of bytes read per second (unit is byte per second)
  • read_bytes_gauge: Number of bytes read (cumulative) (unit is byte)
  • write_bytes: Number of bytes written (unit is byte)
  • write_bytes_rate_per_sec: Number of bytes written per second (unit is byte per second)
  • write_bytes_gauge: Number of bytes written (cumulative) (unit is byte)
  • time_since_update: Number of seconds since last update (unit is seconds)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/diskio/disk_name
{"disk_name": ["nvme0n1",

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/diskio/disk_name/nvme0n1
{"nvme0n1": [{"disk_name": "nvme0n1",
              "key": "disk_name",
              "read_bytes": 10167291392,
              "read_count": 391026,
              "write_bytes": 31230641152,
              "write_count": 1527146}]}

GET folders

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/folders

Fields descriptions:

  • path: Absolute path (unit is None)
  • size: Folder size in bytes (unit is byte)
  • refresh: Refresh interval in seconds (unit is second)
  • errno: Return code when retrieving folder size (0 is no error) (unit is number)
  • careful: Careful threshold in MB (unit is megabyte)
  • warning: Warning threshold in MB (unit is megabyte)
  • critical: Critical threshold in MB (unit is megabyte)

GET fs

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/fs
[{"device_name": "/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv",
  "free": 897378041856,
  "fs_type": "ext4",
  "key": "mnt_point",
  "mnt_point": "/",
  "percent": 5.8,
  "size": 1003736440832,
  "used": 55295893504}]

Fields descriptions:

  • device_name: Device name (unit is None)
  • fs_type: File system type (unit is None)
  • mnt_point: Mount point (unit is None)
  • size: Total size (unit is byte)
  • used: Used size (unit is byte)
  • free: Free size (unit is byte)
  • percent: File system usage in percent (unit is percent)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/fs/mnt_point
{"mnt_point": ["/"]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/fs/mnt_point//
{"/": [{"device_name": "/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv",
        "free": 897378041856,
        "fs_type": "ext4",
        "key": "mnt_point",
        "mnt_point": "/",
        "percent": 5.8,
        "size": 1003736440832,
        "used": 55295893504}]}

GET gpu

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/gpu

Fields descriptions:

  • gpu_id: GPU identification (unit is None)
  • name: GPU name (unit is None)
  • mem: Memory consumption (unit is percent)
  • proc: GPU processor consumption (unit is percent)
  • temperature: GPU temperature (unit is celsius)
  • fan_speed: GPU fan speed (unit is roundperminute)

GET help

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/help

GET ip

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/ip
{"address": "",
 "gateway": "",
 "mask": "",
 "mask_cidr": 24,
 "public_address": "",
 "public_info_human": ""}

Fields descriptions:

  • address: Private IP address (unit is None)
  • mask: Private IP mask (unit is None)
  • mask_cidr: Private IP mask in CIDR format (unit is number)
  • gateway: Private IP gateway (unit is None)
  • public_address: Public IP address (unit is None)
  • public_info_human: Public IP information (unit is None)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/ip/gateway
{"gateway": ""}

GET irq

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/irq

Fields descriptions:

  • irq_line: IRQ line name (unit is None)
  • irq_rate: IRQ rate per second (unit is numberpersecond)

GET load

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/load
{"cpucore": 16,
 "min1": 0.40185546875,
 "min15": 0.587890625,
 "min5": 0.638671875}

Fields descriptions:

  • min1: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 1 minute (unit is float)
  • min5: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 5 minutes (unit is float)
  • min15: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 15 minutes (unit is float)
  • cpucore: Total number of CPU core (unit is number)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/load/min1
{"min1": 0.40185546875}

GET mem

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/mem
{"active": 5094199296,
 "available": 10908983296,
 "buffers": 180162560,
 "cached": 5800796160,
 "free": 10908983296,
 "inactive": 3735175168,
 "percent": 33.6,
 "shared": 622718976,
 "total": 16422486016,
 "used": 5513502720}

Fields descriptions:

  • total: Total physical memory available (unit is bytes)
  • available: The actual amount of available memory that can be given instantly to processes that request more memory in bytes; this is calculated by summing different memory values depending on the platform (e.g. free + buffers + cached on Linux) and it is supposed to be used to monitor actual memory usage in a cross platform fashion (unit is bytes)
  • percent: The percentage usage calculated as (total - available) / total * 100 (unit is percent)
  • used: Memory used, calculated differently depending on the platform and designed for informational purposes only (unit is bytes)
  • free: Memory not being used at all (zeroed) that is readily available; note that this doesn't reflect the actual memory available (use 'available' instead) (unit is bytes)
  • active: (UNIX): memory currently in use or very recently used, and so it is in RAM (unit is bytes)
  • inactive: (UNIX): memory that is marked as not used (unit is bytes)
  • buffers: (Linux, BSD): cache for things like file system metadata (unit is bytes)
  • cached: (Linux, BSD): cache for various things (unit is bytes)
  • wired: (BSD, macOS): memory that is marked to always stay in RAM. It is never moved to disk (unit is bytes)
  • shared: (BSD): memory that may be simultaneously accessed by multiple processes (unit is bytes)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/mem/total
{"total": 16422486016}

GET memswap

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/memswap
{"free": 3836997632,
 "percent": 10.7,
 "sin": 186925056,
 "sout": 1518604288,
 "time_since_update": 1,
 "total": 4294963200,
 "used": 457965568}

Fields descriptions:

  • total: Total swap memory (unit is bytes)
  • used: Used swap memory (unit is bytes)
  • free: Free swap memory (unit is bytes)
  • percent: Used swap memory in percentage (unit is percent)
  • sin: The number of bytes the system has swapped in from disk (cumulative) (unit is bytes)
  • sout: The number of bytes the system has swapped out from disk (cumulative) (unit is bytes)
  • time_since_update: Number of seconds since last update (unit is seconds)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/memswap/total
{"total": 4294963200}

GET network

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/network
[{"alias": None,
  "bytes_all": 0,
  "bytes_all_gauge": 6286191015,
  "bytes_recv": 0,
  "bytes_recv_gauge": 5977645732,
  "bytes_sent": 0,
  "bytes_sent_gauge": 308545283,
  "interface_name": "wlp0s20f3",
  "key": "interface_name",
  "speed": 0,
  "time_since_update": 0.2501566410064697}]

Fields descriptions:

  • interface_name: Interface name (unit is None)
  • alias: Interface alias name (optional) (unit is None)
  • bytes_recv: Number of bytes received (unit is byte)
  • bytes_recv_rate_per_sec: Number of bytes received per second (unit is byte per second)
  • bytes_recv_gauge: Number of bytes received (cumulative) (unit is byte)
  • bytes_sent: Number of bytes sent (unit is byte)
  • bytes_sent_rate_per_sec: Number of bytes sent per second (unit is byte per second)
  • bytes_sent_gauge: Number of bytes sent (cumulative) (unit is byte)
  • bytes_all: Number of bytes received and sent (unit is byte)
  • bytes_all_rate_per_sec: Number of bytes received and sent per second (unit is byte per second)
  • bytes_all_gauge: Number of bytes received and sent (cumulative) (unit is byte)
  • speed: Maximum interface speed (in bit per second). Can return 0 on some operating-system (unit is bitpersecond)
  • is_up: Is the interface up ? (unit is bool)
  • time_since_update: Number of seconds since last update (unit is seconds)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/network/interface_name
{"interface_name": ["wlp0s20f3"]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/network/interface_name/wlp0s20f3
{"wlp0s20f3": [{"alias": None,
                "bytes_all": 0,
                "bytes_all_gauge": 6286191015,
                "bytes_recv": 0,
                "bytes_recv_gauge": 5977645732,
                "bytes_sent": 0,
                "bytes_sent_gauge": 308545283,
                "interface_name": "wlp0s20f3",
                "key": "interface_name",
                "speed": 0,
                "time_since_update": 0.2501566410064697}]}

GET now

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/now
{"custom": "2024-06-29 19:17:41 CEST", "iso": "2024-06-29T19:17:41+02:00"}

Fields descriptions:

  • custom: Current date in custom format (unit is None)
  • iso: Current date in ISO 8601 format (unit is None)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/now/iso
{"iso": "2024-06-29T19:17:41+02:00"}

GET percpu

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/percpu
[{"cpu_number": 0,
  "guest": 0.0,
  "guest_nice": 0.0,
  "idle": 21.0,
  "iowait": 0.0,
  "irq": 0.0,
  "key": "cpu_number",
  "nice": 0.0,
  "softirq": 0.0,
  "steal": 0.0,
  "system": 0.0,
  "total": 79.0,
  "user": 1.0},
 {"cpu_number": 1,
  "guest": 0.0,
  "guest_nice": 0.0,
  "idle": 23.0,
  "iowait": 0.0,
  "irq": 0.0,
  "key": "cpu_number",
  "nice": 0.0,
  "softirq": 0.0,
  "steal": 0.0,
  "system": 0.0,
  "total": 77.0,
  "user": 0.0}]

Fields descriptions:

  • cpu_number: CPU number (unit is None)
  • total: Sum of CPU percentages (except idle) for current CPU number (unit is percent)
  • system: Percent time spent in kernel space. System CPU time is the time spent running code in the Operating System kernel (unit is percent)
  • user: CPU percent time spent in user space. User CPU time is the time spent on the processor running your program's code (or code in libraries) (unit is percent)
  • iowait: (Linux): percent time spent by the CPU waiting for I/O operations to complete (unit is percent)
  • idle: percent of CPU used by any program. Every program or task that runs on a computer system occupies a certain amount of processing time on the CPU. If the CPU has completed all tasks it is idle (unit is percent)
  • irq: (Linux and BSD): percent time spent servicing/handling hardware/software interrupts. Time servicing interrupts (hardware + software) (unit is percent)
  • nice: (Unix): percent time occupied by user level processes with a positive nice value. The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been niced (unit is percent)
  • steal: (Linux): percentage of time a virtual CPU waits for a real CPU while the hypervisor is servicing another virtual processor (unit is percent)
  • guest: (Linux): percent of time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel (unit is percent)
  • guest_nice: (Linux): percent of time spent running a niced guest (virtual CPU) (unit is percent)
  • softirq: (Linux): percent of time spent handling software interrupts (unit is percent)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/percpu/cpu_number
{"cpu_number": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]}

GET ports

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/ports
[{"description": "DefaultGateway",
  "host": "",
  "indice": "port_0",
  "port": 0,
  "refresh": 30,
  "rtt_warning": None,
  "status": 0.006275,
  "timeout": 3}]

Fields descriptions:

  • host: Measurement is be done on this host (or IP address) (unit is None)
  • port: Measurement is be done on this port (0 for ICMP) (unit is None)
  • description: Human readable description for the host/port (unit is None)
  • refresh: Refresh time (in seconds) for this host/port (unit is None)
  • timeout: Timeout (in seconds) for the measurement (unit is None)
  • status: Measurement result (in seconds) (unit is second)
  • rtt_warning: Warning threshold (in seconds) for the measurement (unit is second)
  • indice: Unique indice for the host/port (unit is None)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/ports/host
{"host": [""]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/ports/host/
{"": [{"description": "DefaultGateway",
                  "host": "",
                  "indice": "port_0",
                  "port": 0,
                  "refresh": 30,
                  "rtt_warning": None,
                  "status": 0.006275,
                  "timeout": 3}]}

GET processcount

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/processcount
{"pid_max": 0, "running": 2, "sleeping": 277, "thread": 1508, "total": 412}

Fields descriptions:

  • total: Total number of processes (unit is number)
  • running: Total number of running processes (unit is number)
  • sleeping: Total number of sleeping processes (unit is number)
  • thread: Total number of threads (unit is number)
  • pid_max: Maximum number of processes (unit is number)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/processcount/total
{"total": 412}

GET processlist

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/processlist
[{"cmdline": ["/snap/firefox/4336/usr/lib/firefox/firefox"],
  "cpu_percent": 0.0,
  "cpu_times": {"children_system": 3.08,
                "children_user": 3.33,
                "iowait": 0.0,
                "system": 13.75,
                "user": 34.7},
  "gids": {"effective": 1000, "real": 1000, "saved": 1000},
  "io_counters": [393136128, 195969024, 0, 0, 0],
  "key": "pid",
  "memory_info": {"data": 681967616,
                  "dirty": 0,
                  "lib": 0,
                  "rss": 443969536,
                  "shared": 222199808,
                  "text": 987136,
                  "vms": 3721211904},
  "memory_percent": 2.7034246554842674,
  "name": "firefox",
  "nice": 0,
  "num_threads": 120,
  "pid": 793506,
  "status": "S",
  "time_since_update": 1,
  "username": "nicolargo"},
 {"cmdline": ["/snap/firefox/4336/usr/lib/firefox/firefox",
  "cpu_percent": 0.0,
  "cpu_times": {"children_system": 0.0,
                "children_user": 0.0,
                "iowait": 0.0,
                "system": 2.54,
                "user": 19.25},
  "gids": {"effective": 1000, "real": 1000, "saved": 1000},
  "io_counters": [1827840, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  "key": "pid",
  "memory_info": {"data": 412688384,
                  "dirty": 0,
                  "lib": 0,
                  "rss": 440922112,
                  "shared": 111878144,
                  "text": 987136,
                  "vms": 2946224128},
  "memory_percent": 2.684868244493684,
  "name": "Isolated Web Co",
  "nice": 0,
  "num_threads": 28,
  "pid": 793778,
  "status": "S",
  "time_since_update": 1,
  "username": "nicolargo"}]

Fields descriptions:

  • pid: Process identifier (ID) (unit is number)
  • name: Process name (unit is string)
  • cmdline: Command line with arguments (unit is list)
  • username: Process owner (unit is string)
  • num_threads: Number of threads (unit is number)
  • cpu_percent: Process CPU consumption (unit is percent)
  • memory_percent: Process memory consumption (unit is percent)
  • memory_info: Process memory information (dict with rss, vms, shared, text, lib, data, dirty keys) (unit is byte)
  • status: Process status (unit is string)
  • nice: Process nice value (unit is number)
  • cpu_times: Process CPU times (dict with user, system, iowait keys) (unit is second)
  • gids: Process group IDs (dict with real, effective, saved keys) (unit is number)
  • io_counters: Process IO counters (list with read_count, write_count, read_bytes, write_bytes, io_tag keys) (unit is byte)

GET psutilversion

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/psutilversion

GET quicklook

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/quicklook
{"cpu": 12.9,
 "cpu_hz": 4475000000.0,
 "cpu_hz_current": 1666410624.9999998,
 "cpu_log_core": 16,
 "cpu_name": "13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13620H",
 "cpu_phys_core": 10,
 "load": 3.7,
 "mem": 33.6,
 "percpu": [{"cpu_number": 0,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 21.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 79.0,
             "user": 1.0},
            {"cpu_number": 1,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 23.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 77.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 2,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 18.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 1.0,
             "total": 82.0,
             "user": 5.0},
            {"cpu_number": 3,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 22.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 78.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 4,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 8.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 1.0,
             "total": 92.0,
             "user": 14.0},
            {"cpu_number": 5,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 23.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 77.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 6,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 3.0,
             "iowait": 1.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 4.0,
             "total": 97.0,
             "user": 15.0},
            {"cpu_number": 7,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 23.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 1.0,
             "total": 77.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 8,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 19.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 1.0,
             "total": 81.0,
             "user": 3.0},
            {"cpu_number": 9,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 22.0,
             "iowait": 1.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 78.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 10,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 22.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 78.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 11,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 23.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 77.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 12,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 21.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 1.0,
             "total": 79.0,
             "user": 1.0},
            {"cpu_number": 13,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 23.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 77.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 14,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 22.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 78.0,
             "user": 0.0},
            {"cpu_number": 15,
             "guest": 0.0,
             "guest_nice": 0.0,
             "idle": 22.0,
             "iowait": 0.0,
             "irq": 0.0,
             "key": "cpu_number",
             "nice": 0.0,
             "softirq": 0.0,
             "steal": 0.0,
             "system": 0.0,
             "total": 78.0,
             "user": 0.0}],
 "swap": 10.7}

Fields descriptions:

  • cpu: CPU percent usage (unit is percent)
  • mem: MEM percent usage (unit is percent)
  • swap: SWAP percent usage (unit is percent)
  • load: LOAD percent usage (unit is percent)
  • cpu_log_core: Number of logical CPU core (unit is number)
  • cpu_phys_core: Number of physical CPU core (unit is number)
  • cpu_name: CPU name (unit is None)
  • cpu_hz_current: CPU current frequency (unit is hertz)
  • cpu_hz: CPU max frequency (unit is hertz)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/quicklook/cpu_name
{"cpu_name": "13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13620H"}

GET raid

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/raid

GET sensors

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/sensors
[{"critical": None,
  "key": "label",
  "label": "Ambient",
  "type": "temperature_core",
  "unit": "C",
  "value": 39,
  "warning": 0},
 {"critical": None,
  "key": "label",
  "label": "Ambient 3",
  "type": "temperature_core",
  "unit": "C",
  "value": 32,
  "warning": 0}]

Fields descriptions:

  • label: Sensor label (unit is None)
  • unit: Sensor unit (unit is None)
  • value: Sensor value (unit is number)
  • warning: Warning threshold (unit is number)
  • critical: Critical threshold (unit is number)
  • type: Sensor type (one of battery, temperature_core, fan_speed) (unit is None)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/sensors/label
{"label": ["Ambient",
           "Ambient 3",
           "Ambient 5",
           "Ambient 6",
           "Core 0",
           "Core 12",
           "Core 16",
           "Core 20",
           "Core 28",
           "Core 29",
           "Core 30",
           "Core 31",
           "Core 4",
           "Core 8",
           "Package id 0",
           "Sensor 1",
           "Sensor 2",
           "dell_smm 0",
           "dell_smm 1",
           "dell_smm 2",
           "dell_smm 3",
           "dell_smm 4",
           "dell_smm 5",
           "dell_smm 6",
           "dell_smm 7",
           "dell_smm 8",
           "dell_smm 9",
           "iwlwifi_1 0",
           "CPU Fan",
           "Video Fan",
           "dell_smm 0",
           "dell_smm 1",
           "BAT BAT0"]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/sensors/label/Ambient
{"Ambient": [{"critical": None,
              "key": "label",
              "label": "Ambient",
              "type": "temperature_core",
              "unit": "C",
              "value": 39,
              "warning": 0}]}

GET smart

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/smart

GET system

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/system
{"hostname": "nicolargo-xps15",
 "hr_name": "Ubuntu 24.04 64bit / Linux 6.8.0-31-generic",
 "linux_distro": "Ubuntu 24.04",
 "os_name": "Linux",
 "os_version": "6.8.0-31-generic",
 "platform": "64bit"}

Fields descriptions:

  • os_name: Operating system name (unit is None)
  • hostname: Hostname (unit is None)
  • platform: Platform (32 or 64 bits) (unit is None)
  • linux_distro: Linux distribution (unit is None)
  • os_version: Operating system version (unit is None)
  • hr_name: Human readable operating system name (unit is None)

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/system/os_name
{"os_name": "Linux"}

GET uptime

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/uptime
"20 days, 2:20:27"

GET version

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/version

GET wifi

Get plugin stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/wifi
[{"key": "ssid",
  "quality_level": -59.0,
  "quality_link": 51.0,
  "ssid": "wlp0s20f3"}]

Get a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/wifi/ssid
{"ssid": ["wlp0s20f3"]}

Get a specific item when field matches the given value:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/wifi/ssid/wlp0s20f3
{"wlp0s20f3": [{"key": "ssid",
                "quality_level": -59.0,
                "quality_link": 51.0,
                "ssid": "wlp0s20f3"}]}

GET all stats

Get all Glances stats:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/all
Return a very big dictionary (avoid using this request, performances will be poor)...

GET top n items of a specific plugin

Get top 2 processes of the processlist plugin:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/processlist/top/2

Note: Only work for plugin with a list of items

GET item description

Get item description (human readable) for a specific plugin/item:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/diskio/read_bytes/description
"Number of bytes read."

Note: the description is defined in the fields_description variable of the plugin.

GET item unit

Get item unit for a specific plugin/item:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/diskio/read_bytes/unit

Note: the description is defined in the fields_description variable of the plugin.

GET stats history

History of a plugin:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/history
{"system": [["2024-06-29T19:17:42.396270", 3.5],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447397", 0.7],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455830", 0.7]],
 "user": [["2024-06-29T19:17:42.396268", 9.4],
          ["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447396", 4.0],
          ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455825", 4.0]]}

Limit history to last 2 values:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/history/2
{"system": [["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447397", 0.7],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455830", 0.7]],
 "user": [["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447396", 4.0],
          ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455825", 4.0]]}

History for a specific field:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/system/history
{"system": [["2024-06-29T19:17:41.318736", 3.5],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:42.396270", 3.5],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447397", 0.7],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455830", 0.7]]}

Limit history for a specific field to last 2 values:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/system/history
{"system": [["2024-06-29T19:17:43.447397", 0.7],
            ["2024-06-29T19:17:44.455830", 0.7]]}

GET limits (used for thresholds)

All limits/thresholds:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/all/limits
{"alert": {"alert_disable": ["False"], "history_size": 1200.0},
 "amps": {"amps_disable": ["False"], "history_size": 1200.0},
 "containers": {"containers_all": ["False"],
                "containers_disable": ["False"],
                "containers_max_name_size": 20.0,
                "history_size": 1200.0},
 "core": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "cpu": {"cpu_ctx_switches_careful": 640000.0,
         "cpu_ctx_switches_critical": 800000.0,
         "cpu_ctx_switches_warning": 720000.0,
         "cpu_disable": ["False"],
         "cpu_iowait_careful": 5.0,
         "cpu_iowait_critical": 6.25,
         "cpu_iowait_warning": 5.625,
         "cpu_steal_careful": 50.0,
         "cpu_steal_critical": 90.0,
         "cpu_steal_warning": 70.0,
         "cpu_system_careful": 50.0,
         "cpu_system_critical": 90.0,
         "cpu_system_log": ["False"],
         "cpu_system_warning": 70.0,
         "cpu_total_careful": 65.0,
         "cpu_total_critical": 85.0,
         "cpu_total_log": ["True"],
         "cpu_total_warning": 75.0,
         "cpu_user_careful": 50.0,
         "cpu_user_critical": 90.0,
         "cpu_user_log": ["False"],
         "cpu_user_warning": 70.0,
         "history_size": 1200.0},
 "diskio": {"diskio_disable": ["False"],
            "diskio_hide": ["loop.*", "/dev/loop.*"],
            "history_size": 1200.0},
 "folders": {"folders_disable": ["False"], "history_size": 1200.0},
 "fs": {"fs_careful": 50.0,
        "fs_critical": 90.0,
        "fs_disable": ["False"],
        "fs_hide": ["/boot.*", ".*/snap.*"],
        "fs_warning": 70.0,
        "history_size": 1200.0},
 "gpu": {"gpu_disable": ["False"],
         "gpu_mem_careful": 50.0,
         "gpu_mem_critical": 90.0,
         "gpu_mem_warning": 70.0,
         "gpu_proc_careful": 50.0,
         "gpu_proc_critical": 90.0,
         "gpu_proc_warning": 70.0,
         "gpu_temperature_careful": 60.0,
         "gpu_temperature_critical": 80.0,
         "gpu_temperature_warning": 70.0,
         "history_size": 1200.0},
 "help": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "ip": {"history_size": 1200.0,
        "ip_disable": ["False"],
        "ip_public_api": [""],
        "ip_public_disabled": ["True"],
        "ip_public_field": ["ip"],
        "ip_public_refresh_interval": 300.0,
        "ip_public_template": ["{continent_name}/{country_name}/{city_name}"]},
 "load": {"history_size": 1200.0,
          "load_careful": 0.7,
          "load_critical": 5.0,
          "load_disable": ["False"],
          "load_warning": 1.0},
 "mem": {"history_size": 1200.0,
         "mem_careful": 50.0,
         "mem_critical": 90.0,
         "mem_disable": ["False"],
         "mem_warning": 70.0},
 "memswap": {"history_size": 1200.0,
             "memswap_careful": 50.0,
             "memswap_critical": 90.0,
             "memswap_disable": ["False"],
             "memswap_warning": 70.0},
 "network": {"history_size": 1200.0,
             "network_disable": ["False"],
             "network_hide": ["docker.*", "lo"],
             "network_hide_no_ip": ["True"],
             "network_hide_no_up": ["True"],
             "network_rx_careful": 70.0,
             "network_rx_critical": 90.0,
             "network_rx_warning": 80.0,
             "network_tx_careful": 70.0,
             "network_tx_critical": 90.0,
             "network_tx_warning": 80.0},
 "now": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "percpu": {"history_size": 1200.0,
            "percpu_disable": ["False"],
            "percpu_iowait_careful": 50.0,
            "percpu_iowait_critical": 90.0,
            "percpu_iowait_warning": 70.0,
            "percpu_max_cpu_display": 4.0,
            "percpu_system_careful": 50.0,
            "percpu_system_critical": 90.0,
            "percpu_system_warning": 70.0,
            "percpu_user_careful": 50.0,
            "percpu_user_critical": 90.0,
            "percpu_user_warning": 70.0},
 "ports": {"history_size": 1200.0,
           "ports_disable": ["False"],
           "ports_port_default_gateway": ["True"],
           "ports_refresh": 30.0,
           "ports_timeout": 3.0},
 "processcount": {"history_size": 1200.0, "processcount_disable": ["False"]},
 "processlist": {"history_size": 1200.0,
                 "processlist_cpu_careful": 50.0,
                 "processlist_cpu_critical": 90.0,
                 "processlist_cpu_warning": 70.0,
                 "processlist_disable": ["False"],
                 "processlist_mem_careful": 50.0,
                 "processlist_mem_critical": 90.0,
                 "processlist_mem_warning": 70.0,
                 "processlist_nice_warning": ["-20",
 "psutilversion": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "quicklook": {"history_size": 1200.0,
               "quicklook_bar_char": ["|"],
               "quicklook_cpu_careful": 50.0,
               "quicklook_cpu_critical": 90.0,
               "quicklook_cpu_warning": 70.0,
               "quicklook_disable": ["False"],
               "quicklook_list": ["cpu", "mem", "load"],
               "quicklook_load_careful": 70.0,
               "quicklook_load_critical": 500.0,
               "quicklook_load_warning": 100.0,
               "quicklook_mem_careful": 50.0,
               "quicklook_mem_critical": 90.0,
               "quicklook_mem_warning": 70.0,
               "quicklook_swap_careful": 50.0,
               "quicklook_swap_critical": 90.0,
               "quicklook_swap_warning": 70.0},
 "sensors": {"history_size": 1200.0,
             "sensors_battery_careful": 80.0,
             "sensors_battery_critical": 95.0,
             "sensors_battery_warning": 90.0,
             "sensors_disable": ["False"],
             "sensors_hide": ["unknown.*"],
             "sensors_refresh": 6.0,
             "sensors_temperature_core_careful": 60.0,
             "sensors_temperature_core_critical": 80.0,
             "sensors_temperature_core_warning": 70.0,
             "sensors_temperature_hdd_careful": 45.0,
             "sensors_temperature_hdd_critical": 60.0,
             "sensors_temperature_hdd_warning": 52.0},
 "system": {"history_size": 1200.0,
            "system_disable": ["False"],
            "system_refresh": 60},
 "uptime": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "version": {"history_size": 1200.0},
 "wifi": {"history_size": 1200.0,
          "wifi_careful": -65.0,
          "wifi_critical": -85.0,
          "wifi_disable": ["False"],
          "wifi_warning": -75.0}}

Limits/thresholds for the cpu plugin:

# curl http://localhost:61208/api/4/cpu/limits
{"cpu_ctx_switches_careful": 640000.0,
 "cpu_ctx_switches_critical": 800000.0,
 "cpu_ctx_switches_warning": 720000.0,
 "cpu_disable": ["False"],
 "cpu_iowait_careful": 5.0,
 "cpu_iowait_critical": 6.25,
 "cpu_iowait_warning": 5.625,
 "cpu_steal_careful": 50.0,
 "cpu_steal_critical": 90.0,
 "cpu_steal_warning": 70.0,
 "cpu_system_careful": 50.0,
 "cpu_system_critical": 90.0,
 "cpu_system_log": ["False"],
 "cpu_system_warning": 70.0,
 "cpu_total_careful": 65.0,
 "cpu_total_critical": 85.0,
 "cpu_total_log": ["True"],
 "cpu_total_warning": 75.0,
 "cpu_user_careful": 50.0,
 "cpu_user_critical": 90.0,
 "cpu_user_log": ["False"],
 "cpu_user_warning": 70.0,
 "history_size": 1200.0}