import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln, psi
from scipy.stats import dirichlet

Legacy numerical solution.
Should not be used as it is probably broken

def make_range(*x):
    constructs leftover values for the simplex given the first k entries
    (0,x_k) = 1-(x_1+...+x_(k-1))
    return (0, max(0, 1 - sum(x)))

def relative_entropy(p, q):
    relative entropy of the two given dirichlet distributions

    def tmp(*x):
        First adds the last always forced entry to the input (the last x_last = 1-(x_1+...+x_(N)) )
        Then computes the relative entropy of posterior and prior for that datapoint
        x_new = np.append(x, 1 - sum(x))
        return p(x_new) * log2(p(x_new) / q(x_new))

    return tmp

def naive_monte_carlo_integral(fun, dim, samples=10_000_000):
    s = np.random.rand(dim - 1, samples)
    s = np.sort(np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, samples)), s, np.ones((1, samples)))), 0)
    # print(s)
    pos = np.diff(s, axis=0)
    # print(pos)
    res = fun(pos)
    return np.mean(res)

def infogain(a_post, a_prior):
    raise (
        """For the love of good don't use this:
    it's insanely poorly conditioned, the worst numerical code I have ever written
    and it's slow as molasses. Use the analytic solution instead.

    Maybe remove
    args = len(a_prior)
    p = dirichlet(a_post).pdf
    q = dirichlet(a_prior).pdf
    (info, _) = nquad(relative_entropy(p, q), [make_range for _ in range(args - 1)], opts={"epsabs": 1e-8})
    # info = naive_monte_carlo_integral(relative_entropy(p,q), len(a_post))
    return info

def analytic_solution(a_post, a_prior):
    Analytic solution to the KL-divergence between two dirichlet distributions.
    Proof is in the Notion design doc.
    post_sum = np.sum(a_post)
    prior_sum = np.sum(a_prior)
    info = (
        - gammaln(prior_sum)
        - np.sum(gammaln(a_post))
        + np.sum(gammaln(a_prior))
        - np.sum((a_post - a_prior) * (psi(a_post) - psi(post_sum)))

    return info

def uniform_expected_infogain(a_prior):
    mean_weight = dirichlet.mean(a_prior)
    results = []
    for i, w in enumerate(mean_weight):
        a_post = a_prior.copy()
        a_post[i] = a_post[i] + 1
        results.append(w * analytic_solution(a_post, a_prior))
    return np.sum(results)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a_prior = np.array([1, 1, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
    a_post = np.array([1, 1, 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

    print("algebraic", analytic_solution(a_post, a_prior))
    # print("raw",infogain(a_post, a_prior))
    print("large infogain", uniform_expected_infogain(a_prior))
    print("post infogain", uniform_expected_infogain(a_post))
    # a_prior = np.array([1,1,1000])
    # print("small infogain",uniform_expected_infogain(a_prior))