- Add support for Neuralynx data files with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_neuralynx` (:gh:`11969` by :newcontrib:`Kristijan Armeni` and :newcontrib:`Ivan Skelin`)
- Improve tests for saving splits with :class:`mne.Epochs` (:gh:`11884` by `Dmitrii Altukhov`_)
- Added functionality for linking interactive figures together, such that changing one figure will affect another, see :ref:`tut-ui-events` and :mod:`mne.viz.ui_events`. Current figures implementing UI events are :func:`mne.viz.plot_topomap` and :func:`mne.viz.plot_source_estimates` (:gh:`11685` :gh:`11891` by `Marijn van Vliet`_)
- HTML anchors for :class:`mne.Report` now reflect the
of the report items rather than using a global incrementorglobal-N
(:gh:`11890` by `Eric Larson`_) - Added public :func:`mne.io.write_info` to complement :func:`mne.io.read_info` (:gh:`11918` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Added option
to to :meth:`Raw.compute_psd() <mne.io.Raw.compute_psd>`, :meth:`Epochs.compute_psd() <mne.Epochs.compute_psd>`, and :meth:`Evoked.compute_psd() <mne.Evoked.compute_psd>`, to allow skipping DC removal when computing Welch or multitaper spectra (:gh:`11769` by `Nikolai Chapochnikov`_) - Add the possibility to provide a float between 0 and 1 as
in ~mne.compute_proj_raw, ~mne.compute_proj_epochs and ~mne.compute_proj_evoked to select the number of vectors based on the cumulative explained variance (:gh:`11919` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Add extracting all time courses in a label using :func:`mne.extract_label_time_course` without applying an aggregation function (like
) (:gh:`12001` by `Hamza Abdelhedi`_) - Added support for Artinis fNIRS data files to :func:`mne.io.read_raw_snirf` (:gh:`11926` by `Robert Luke`_)
- Add helpful error messages when using methods on empty :class:`mne.Epochs`-objects (:gh:`11306` by `Martin Schulz`_)
- Add support for passing a :class:`python:dict` as
to specify per-channel-type colors in :func:`mne.viz.plot_alignment` (:gh:`12067` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add inferring EEGLAB files' montage unit automatically based on estimated head radius using :func:`read_raw_eeglab(..., montage_units="auto") <mne.io.read_raw_eeglab>` (:gh:`11925` by `Jack Zhang`_, :gh:`11951` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Add :class:`~mne.time_frequency.EpochsSpectrumArray` and :class:`~mne.time_frequency.SpectrumArray` to support creating power spectra from :class:`NumPy array <numpy.ndarray>` data (:gh:`11803` by `Alex Rockhill`_)
- Add support for writing forward solutions to HDF5 and convenience function :meth:`mne.Forward.save` (:gh:`12036` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Refactored internals of :func:`mne.read_annotations` (:gh:`11964` by `Paul Roujansky`_)
- Add support for drawing MEG sensors in :ref:`mne coreg` (:gh:`12098` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Improve string representation of :class:`mne.Covariance` (:gh:`12181` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Add
to :ref:`mne sys_info` to check for a new release on GitHub (:gh:`12146` by `Eric Larson`_) - Bad channels are now colored gray in addition to being dashed when spatial colors are used in :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked` and related functions (:gh:`12142` by `Eric Larson`_)
- By default MNE-Python creates matplotlib figures with
rather than the defaultlayout='tight'
(:gh:`12050`, :gh:`12103` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_ and `Eric Larson`_) - Enhance :func:`~mne.viz.plot_evoked_field` with a GUI that has controls for time, colormap, and contour lines (:gh:`11942` by `Marijn van Vliet`_)
- Add :class:`mne.viz.ui_events.UIEvent` linking for interactive colorbars, allowing users to link figures and change the colormap and limits interactively. This supports :func:`~mne.viz.plot_evoked_topomap`, :func:`~mne.viz.plot_ica_components`, :func:`~mne.viz.plot_tfr_topomap`, :func:`~mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap`, :meth:`~mne.Evoked.plot_image`, and :meth:`~mne.Epochs.plot_image` (:gh:`12057` by `Santeri Ruuskanen`_)
- Add example KIT phantom dataset in :func:`mne.datasets.phantom_kit.data_path` and :ref:`tut-phantom-kit` (:gh:`12105` by `Judy D Zhu`_ and `Eric Larson`_)
- :func:`~mne.epochs.make_metadata` now accepts
, which will bound the time window used for metadata generation by event names (instead of a fixed time). That way, you can now for example generate metadata spanning from one cue or fixation cross to the next, even if trial durations vary throughout the recording (:gh:`12118` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Add support for passing multiple labels to :func:`mne.minimum_norm.source_induced_power` (:gh:`12026` by `Erica Peterson`_, `Eric Larson`_, and `Daniel McCloy`_ )
- Added documentation to :meth:`mne.io.Raw.set_montage` and :func:`mne.add_reference_channels` to specify that montages should be set after adding reference channels (:gh:`12160` by `Jacob Woessner`_)
- Add argument
to the function using theqt
browser backend to allow enabling/disabling the splash screen (:gh:`12185` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - :class:`~mne.preprocessing.ICA`'s HTML representation (displayed in Jupyter notebooks and :class:`mne.Report`) now includes all optional fit parameters (e.g., max. number of iterations) (:gh:`12194`, by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Fix bug where :func:`mne.io.read_raw_gdf` would fail due to improper usage of
(:gh:`12168` by :newcontrib:`Rasmus Aagaard`) - Fix bugs with :func:`mne.preprocessing.realign_raw` where the start of
was incorrectly cropped; and onsets and durations inother.annotations
were left unsynced with the resampled data (:gh:`11950` by :newcontrib:`Qian Chu`) - Fix bug where
argument was ignored when reading annotations from an EDF file (:gh:`11958` by :newcontrib:`Andrew Gilbert`) - Mark tests
as network tests (:gh:`12041` by :newcontrib:`Maksym Balatsko`) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.channels.read_ch_adjacency` (:gh:`11608` by :newcontrib:`Ivan Zubarev`)
- Fix bug where
epochs.get_data(..., scalings=...)
would errantly modify the preloaded data (:gh:`12121` by :newcontrib:`Pablo Mainar` and `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bugs with saving splits for :class:`~mne.Epochs` (:gh:`11876` by `Dmitrii Altukhov`_)
- Fix bug with multi-plot 3D rendering where only one plot was updated (:gh:`11896` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug where
level was not respected inside parallel jobs (:gh:`12154` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug where subject birthdays were not correctly read by :func:`mne.io.read_raw_snirf` (:gh:`11912` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug where warnings were emitted when computing spectra for channels marked as bad (:gh:`12186` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.chpi.compute_head_pos` for CTF data where digitization points were modified in-place, producing an incorrect result during a save-load round-trip (:gh:`11934` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug where non-compliant stimulus data streams were not ignored by :func:`mne.io.read_raw_snirf` (:gh:`11915` by `Johann Benerradi`_)
- Fix bug with
in :func:`mne.minimum_norm.compute_source_psd` (:gh:`11927` by `Alex Gramfort`_) - Fix bug with notebooks when using PyVista 0.42 by implementing
backend support (:gh:`11956` by `Eric Larson`_) - Removed preload parameter from :func:`mne.io.read_raw_eyelink`, because data are always preloaded no matter what preload is set to (:gh:`11910` by `Scott Huberty`_)
- Fix bug with :meth:`mne.viz.Brain.get_view` where calling :meth:`~mne.viz.Brain.show_view` with returned parameters would change the view (:gh:`12000` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :meth:`mne.viz.Brain.show_view` where
would change the view distance (:gh:`12000` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`~mne.viz.Brain.add_annotation` when reading an annotation from a file with both hemispheres shown (:gh:`11946` by `Marijn van Vliet`_)
- Fix bug with reported component number and errant reporting of PCA explained variance as ICA explained variance in :meth:`mne.Report.add_ica` (:gh:`12155`, :gh:`12167` by `Eric Larson`_ and `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Fix bug with axis clip box boundaries in :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo` and related functions (:gh:`11999` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with
when loading data from and exporting to EDF file (:gh:`11952` by `Paul Roujansky`_) - Fix bug where :class:`mne.Info` HTML representations listed all channel counts instead of good channel counts under the heading "Good channels" (:gh:`12145` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix rendering glitches when plotting Neuromag/TRIUX sensors in :func:`mne.viz.plot_alignment` and related functions (:gh:`12098` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with delayed checking of :class:`info["bads"] <mne.Info>` (:gh:`12038` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :ref:`mne coreg` where points inside the head surface were not shown (:gh:`12147`, :gh:`12164` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_alignment` where
were not handled properly on a per-channel-type basis (:gh:`12067` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix handling of channel information in annotations when loading data from and exporting to EDF file (:gh:`11960` :gh:`12017` :gh:`12044` by `Paul Roujansky`_)
- Add missing
parameters to :meth:`Transform.save() <mne.transforms.Transform.save>` (:gh:`12004` by `Marijn van Vliet`_) - Fix parsing of eye-link :class:`~mne.Annotations` when
is provided to :func:`~mne.io.read_raw_eyelink` (:gh:`12003` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Correctly prune channel-specific :class:`~mne.Annotations` when creating :class:`~mne.Epochs` without the channel(s) included in the channel specific annotations (:gh:`12010` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_)
- Fix :func:`~mne.viz.plot_volume_source_estimates` with :class:`~mne.VolSourceEstimate` which include a list of vertices (:gh:`12025` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_)
- Add support for non-ASCII characters in Annotations, Evoked comments, etc when saving to FIFF format (:gh:`12080` by `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Correctly handle passing
to :meth:`mne.io.Raw.pick` (:gh:`12019` by `Scott Huberty`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.time_frequency.Spectrum.plot` and related functions where bad channels were not marked (:gh:`12142` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`~mne.viz.plot_raw` where changing
via :func:`~mne.set_config` would have no effect within a Python session (:gh:`12078` by `Santeri Ruuskanen`_) - Improve handling of
argument in the channel interpolation function to support :class:`str` and raise helpful error messages (:gh:`12113` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Fix combination of
event channels into a single synthetic trigger channelSTI 014
by the MFF reader of :func:`mne.io.read_raw_egi` (:gh:`12122` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_eeglab` and :func:`mne.read_epochs_eeglab` where automatic fiducial detection would fail for certain files (:gh:`12165` by `Clemens Brunner`_)
- Fix concatenation of
in the device to head transformation (:gh:`12198` by `Mathieu Scheltienne`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds` where the title was not displayed when
(:gh:`12192` by `Jacob Woessner`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_cnt` where the bad channels were not properly read (:gh:`12189` by `Jacob Woessner`_)
- Fix bug where iterating over :class:`~mne.io.Raw` would result in an error (:gh:`12205` by `Clemens Brunner`_)
- The default for :meth:`mne.Epochs.get_data` of
will change tocopy=True
in 1.7. Set it explicitly to avoid a warning (:gh:`12121` by :newcontrib:`Pablo Mainar` and `Eric Larson`_) mne.preprocessing.apply_maxfilter
andmne maxfilter
have been deprecated and will be removed in 1.7. Use :func:`mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter` (see :ref:`this tutorial <tut-artifact-sss>`) in Python or the command-line utility from MEGINmaxfilter
and :func:`mne.bem.fit_sphere_to_headshape` instead (:gh:`11938` by `Eric Larson`_)- :func:`mne.io.kit.read_mrk` reading pickled files is deprecated using something like
np.savetxt(fid, pts, delimiter="\t", newline="\n")
to save your points instead (:gh:`11937` by `Eric Larson`_) - Replace legacy
is an instance of :class:`~mne.io.Raw`, :class:`~mne.Epochs`, or :class:`~mne.Evoked`) wherever possible (:gh:`11907` by `Clemens Brunner`_) - The
parameter has been removed in favor ofdistance="auto"
in :func:`mne.viz.set_3d_view`, :meth:`mne.viz.Brain.show_view`, and related functions (:gh:`12000` by `Eric Larson`_) - Several unused parameters from :func:`mne.gui.coregistration` are now deprecated: tabbed, split, scrollable, head_inside, guess_mri_subject, scale, and
. All arguments are also now keyword-only. (:gh:`12147` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Adam Li
- Alex Rockhill
- Alexandre Gramfort
- Ana Radanovic
- Andy Gilbert+
- Clemens Brunner
- Daniel McCloy
- Denis A. Engemann
- Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
- Dmitrii Altukhov
- Dominik Welke
- Eric Larson
- Erica Peterson
- Gonzalo Reina
- Hamza Abdelhedi
- Ivan Skelin+
- Ivan Zubarev+
- Jack Zhang
- Jacob Woessner
- Johann Benerradi
- John Veillette
- Judy D Zhu
- Kristijan Armeni+
- Mainak Jas
- Maksym Balatsko+
- Marijn van Vliet
- Martin Schulz
- Mathieu Scheltienne
- Nikolai Chapochnikov
- Pablo Mainar+
- Paul Roujansky
- Qian Chu+
- Rasmus Aagaard+
- Richard Höchenberger
- Rob Luke
- Santeri Ruuskanen
- Scott Huberty
- Stefan Appelhoff