- Add support for exporting to EEGLAB's set format with :mod:`eeglabio` with new methods :meth:`mne.io.Raw.export` and :meth:`mne.Epochs.export`. (:gh:`9192` by new contributor |Jack Zhang|_)
- :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo` now uses a Minimum/Maximum of peaks for each channel type to calculate ylim when input param is None (:gh:`9285` by new contributor |Ram Pari|_)
- Add exclude parameter to :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo` (:gh:`9278` by new contributor |Ram Pari|_)
- Add :meth:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR.to_data_frame` and :meth:`mne.time_frequency.AverageTFR.to_data_frame` methods (:gh:`9124` by new contributor |Felix Klotzsche|_)
- Add
to :class:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR` (:gh:`9124` by new contributor |Felix Klotzsche|_) - Add CSV, TSV, and XYZ support to :func:`mne.channels.read_custom_montage` (:gh:`9203` by new contributor |Jack Zhang|_)
- Add HTML representation for ~mne.Epochs in Jupyter Notebooks (:gh:`9174` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- Speed up :func:`mne.viz.plot_ica_properties` by refactoring (:gh:`9174` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- Add
method to epochs and evoked objects (:gh:`9088` by new contributor |Erica Peterson|_ and `Victoria Peterson`_) - New tutorial for function :func:`mne.make_fixed_length_epochs` (:gh:`9156` by new contributor |Erica Peterson|_)
- Add different colors for each volume source space in :func:`mne.viz.plot_alignment` (:gh:`9043` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- Add
parameter to :func:`mne.make_fixed_length_epochs` to allow creating overlapping fixed length epochs (:gh:`9096` by new contributor |Silvia Cotroneo|_) - Add :meth:`mne.Dipole.to_mni` for more convenient dipole.pos to MNI conversion (:gh:`9043` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- Update citations in maxwell.py (:gh:`9043` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- New Tutorial for analyzing frequency-tagging data (:gh:`8867` by new contributor |Dominik Welke|_ and `Evgenii Kalenkovich`_)
- Add dbs as new channel type for deep brain stimulation (DBS) recordings (:gh:`8739` by new contributor |Richard Koehler|_)
- Add some preprocessing functions to the EEGLAB migration guide (:gh:`9169` by new contributor |Apoorva Karekal|_)
- Add :func:`mne.chpi.extract_chpi_locs_kit` to read cHPI coil locations from KIT/Yokogawa data (:gh:`8813` by new contributor |Matt Sanderson|_, `Robert Seymour`_, and `Eric Larson`_)
- Add
parameter to :meth:`mne.io.Raw.set_montage` and related functions to match unrecognized channel location names to known aliases (:gh:`8799` by new contributor |Zhi Zhang|_) - Update the
3d backend to useipyvtk_simple
for a better integration withinJupyter
(:gh:`8503` by `Guillaume Favelier`_) - Remove the 15-character limitation for channel names when writing to FIF format. If you need the old 15-character names, you can use something like
raw.rename_channels({n: n[:13] for n in raw.ch_names}, allow_duplicates=True)
, by `Eric Larson`_ (:gh:`8346`) - Add channel-specific annotation support to :class:`mne.Annotations` via
parameter (:gh:`8896` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add toggle-all button to :class:`mne.Report` HTML and
argument tomne.Report.add_bem_to_section
(:gh:`8723` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add infant template MRI dataset downloader :func:`mne.datasets.fetch_infant_template` (:gh:`8738` by `Eric Larson`_ and `Christian O'Reilly`_)
- Add digitizer information to :func:`mne.io.read_raw_egi` (:gh:`8789` by `Christian Brodbeck`_)
- Add support for reading some incomplete raw FIF files in :func:`mne.io.read_raw_fif` (:gh:`9268` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Allow reading digitization from files other than
in the coregistration GUI (:gh:`8790` by `Christian Brodbeck`_) - Speed up :func:`mne.inverse_sparse.tf_mixed_norm` using STFT/ISTFT linearity (:gh:`8697` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Reduce memory consumption of mne.io.Raw and speed up epoching when thousands of events are present for mne.Epochs (:gh:`8801` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Speed up
import mne
by reducing function creation overhead (:gh:`8829` by `Eric Larson`_) - mne.Report.parse_folder now processes supported non-FIFF files by default, too (:gh:`8744` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- mne.Report has gained the new methods ~mne.Report.add_custom_js and ~mne.Report.add_custom_css for adding user-defined JavaScript and styles (:gh:`8762`, :gh:`9037` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Add option to control appearance of opaque inside surface of the head to :ref:`mne coreg` (:gh:`8793` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Add option to disable projection using
in :ref:`mne browse_raw` (:gh:`9262` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add keypress to toggle projection using
in :meth:`mne.io.Raw.plot` and :ref:`mne browse_raw` (:gh:`9262` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add support for non-FIF files in :ref:`mne browse_raw` using :func:`mne.io.read_raw` (:gh:`8806` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Add :func:`mne.io.read_raw_nedf` for reading StarStim / enobio NEDF files (:gh:`8734` by `Tristan Stenner`_)
- Add :meth:`raw.describe() <mne.io.Raw.describe>` to display (or return) descriptive statistics for each channel (:gh:`8760` by `Clemens Brunner`_)
- Add :meth:`annotations.to_data_frame() <mne.Annotations.to_data_frame>` to return annotations as a pandas dataframe (:gh:`8783` by `Robert Luke`_)
- Add :func:`mne.preprocessing.compute_maxwell_basis` to compute the SSS basis function (:gh:`8822` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Add the
parameter to :class:`mne.viz.Brain` to display sharp edges and improve perception (:gh:`8771` by `Guillaume Favelier`_) - Add warning to :func:`mne.cov.compute_whitener` when an explicit
parameter leads to a large increase in condition number (:gh:`8805` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add parameter
to mne.viz.Brain.show_view to make views relative to the closest canonical (MNI) axes rather than the native MRI surface RAS coordinates (:gh:`8794` by `Eric Larson`_) - Add
to manage closing figures (:gh:`8730` by `Guillaume Favelier`_) - Add :func:`mne.write_head_bem` to support writing head surface files (:gh:`8841` by `Yu-Han Luo`_)
- The signal of
(respiratory) channels is now assumed to be in the unit Volt (:gh:`8858` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Static type checkers like Pylance (comes with VS Code) now display the parameters of many more functions correctly, largely improving overall usability for VS Code users (:gh:`8862` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Support new EEGLAB file format (:gh:`8874` by `Clemens Brunner`_)
- Reading and writing FIFF files whose filenames end with
, and_ieeg.fif(.gz)
doesn't emit a warning anymore; this improves interobaility with BIDS-formatted datasets (:gh:`8868` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - On macOS, we now set the environment variable
if it hasn't been set explicitly by the user, in order to ensure that ~mne.SourceEstimate plots work on macOS 11 with older versions of Qt and PyQt (:gh:`8959` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - :func:`mne.time_frequency.EpochsTFR.average` now allows different ways of averaging, such as "median", or callable functions (:gh:`8879` by `Adam Li`_)
- ~mne.Epochs metadata can now be generated automatically from events using mne.epochs.make_metadata (:gh:`8834` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Interactions with sliders in mne.Report will now continuously update the linked content (it was updated only on mouse button release before) (:gh:`9023` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- mne.viz.plot_drop_log and :meth:`mne.Epochs.plot_drop_log` now omit displaying the subject name in the title if
is passed (:gh:`9015` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Plot ECoG tutorial now uses a real epilepsy seizure dataset and visualizes the seizure onset (:gh:`9087` by `Eric Larson`_, `Adam Li`_, `Alex Rockhill`_ and `Liberty Hamilton`_)
- Improve documentation of Report-Class (:gh:`9113` by `Martin Schulz`_)
- Add :func:`mne.channels.DigMontage.add_estimated_fiducials` which will add LPA, RPA and Nasion fiducial points to the
object inmri
coordinate frame (:gh:`9118` by `Adam Li`_) - :func:`mne.io.anonymize_info` now anonymizes also sex and hand fields when
(:gh:`9103`, :gh:`9175` by new contributor |Rotem Falach|_ and `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Add parameter
to :class:`mne.viz.Brain` for optional Dark-Mode (:gh:`9149` by `Martin Schulz`_, `Guillaume Favelier`_) - Add first_samp support for raw simulations with mne.simulation.simulate_raw and mne.simulation.SourceSimulator (:gh:`9166` by `Steven Bierer`_)
- ~mne.Evoked gained a
attribute that is automatically assembled based on the baseline of the averaged ~mne.Epochs (:gh:`9210` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Add
parameter to :meth:`mne.io.Raw.get_data` to return data in the desired unit (:gh:`9136` by `Johann Benerradi`_ and `Stefan Appelhoff`_) - Add :func:`mne.preprocessing.equalize_bads` to interpolate bad channels in a list of ~mne.Evoked, ~mne.Epochs or ~mne.io.Raw having different sets of bad channels (:gh:`9241` by `Alex Gramfort`_)
- :meth:`mne.Epochs.equalize_event_counts` can now be called without providing a list of event names, and will equalize the counts of all event types present in the ~mne.Epochs (:gh:`9261` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- :func:`mne.preprocessing.find_eog_events` and :func:`mne.preprocessing.create_eog_epochs` now accept a list of channel names, allowing you to specify multiple EOG channels at once (:gh:`9269` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Improve performance of :func:`mne.set_bipolar_reference` (:gh:`9270` by `Martin Schulz`_)
- Add support for setting montages on fNIRS data, with built in standard montages for Artinis OctaMon and Artinis Brite23 devices (:gh:`9141` by `Johann Benerradi`_, `Robert Luke`_ and `Eric Larson`_)
- Enable support for reading SNIRF files with 2D optode positions (:gh:`9347` `Robert Luke`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.time_frequency.tfr` where plot misbehaved. Plot now always returns a list of figures instead of a single figure handle (:gh:`8013` by new contributor `Eduard Ort`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo` where set ylim parameters gets swapped across channel types. (:gh:`9207` by new contributor |Ram Pari|_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_edf` where µV was not correctly recognized (:gh:`9187` by new contributor |Sumalyo Datta|_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds` did not check type of combine. (:gh:`9151` by new contributor |Matteo Anelli|_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo` where
was only being applied to the first channel in the dataset (:gh:`9162` by new contributor |Ram Pari|_ ) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.Epochs.plot_image` allowing interactive zoom to work properly (:gh:`9152` by by new contributor |Maggie Clarke|_ and `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.Epochs.plot_image` where the
was different depending on the evoked parameter (:gh:`9115` by new contributor |Matteo Anelli|_) - Fix bug with restricting :func:`mne.io.Raw.save` saving options to .fif and .fif.gz extensions (:gh:`9062` by new contributor |Valerii Chirkov|_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_kit` where missing marker coils were not handled (:gh:`8989` by new contributor |Judy D Zhu|_)
- Fix bug with
where time axis in Epochs data object was dropped. (:gh:`8839` by new contributor |Anna Padee|_) - Fix bug with mne.io.Raw.resample to allow passing
(:gh:`8844` by new contributor |Enrico Varano|_ and `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bugs with mne.io.read_raw_persyst where multiple
with the same name are allowed, andComments
with a "," character are now allowed (:gh:`8311` and :gh:`8806` by new contributor |Andres Rodriguez|_ and `Adam Li`_) - Fix zen mode and scalebar toggling for :meth:`raw.plot() <mne.io.Raw.plot>` when using the
matplotlib backend (:gh:`8688` by `Daniel McCloy`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.snapshot_brain_montage` where the positions were incorrect (:gh:`8983` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter` where the eSSS basis had to exactly match the good channels instead of being a superset (:gh:`8675` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with
wheren_jobs != 1
would causen_jobs
subsets of MRI images in some orientations to be flipped (:gh:`8713` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`raw.plot() <mne.io.Raw.plot>` where annotations didn't immediately appear when changing window duration (:gh:`8689` by `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Fix bug with :meth:`raw.plot() <mne.io.Raw.plot>` where
did not compute scalings using the full range of data (:gh:`8806` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`raw.plot() <mne.io.Raw.plot>` where setting a
could lead to non-data-channels not plotting (:gh:`8954` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`mne.io.Raw.load_data` and :meth:`mne.Epochs.drop_bad` where
logging was not handled properly (:gh:`8884` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.io.read_raw_nicolet` where header type values such as num_sample and duration_in_sec where not parsed properly (:gh:`8712` by `Alex Gramfort`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.preprocessing.read_ica_eeglab` when reading decompositions using PCA dimensionality reduction (:gh:`8780` by `Alex Gramfort`_ and `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator` where
was errantly restricted to be less than or equal to 1. (:gh:`8804` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.stats.permutation_cluster_1samp_test` and related clustering functions when
(:gh:`#8842` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_alignment` where plotting a sphere model could ignore the
argument (:gh:`8857` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.SourceEstimate.plot` where flatmaps were not positioned properly when using
(:gh:`9315` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`mne.Annotations.save` where files could be overwritten accidentally, it can now be controlled via the
argument (:gh:`8896` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with
argument ofmne.Report.add_bem_to_section
(:gh:`8723` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.chpi.compute_chpi_locs` where all cHPI coils being off would lead to an empty array of the wrong dimensionality (:gh:`8956` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :func:`mne.extract_label_time_course` where labels, STCs, and the source space were not checked for compatible
attributes (:gh:`9284` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.grow_labels` where
could run forever or raise an error (:gh:`9317` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix compatibility bugs with
(:gh:`8845` by `Eric Larson`_) - Fix bug with mne.viz.Brain where non-inflated surfaces had an X-offset imposed by default (:gh:`8794` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with :ref:`mne coreg` where nasion values were not updated when clicking (:gh:`8793` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with matplotlib-based 3D plotting where
were not properly initialized in :func:`mne.viz.plot_source_estimates` (:gh:`8811` by `Chris Bailey`_) - Allow sEEG channel types in :meth:`mne.Evoked.plot_joint` (:gh:`8736` by `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Fix bug where hidden annotations could be deleted interactively in :meth:`mne.io.Raw.plot` windows (:gh:`8831` by `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Function :func:`mne.set_bipolar_reference` was not working when passing
constructed with somepicks
(:gh:`8728` by `Alex Gramfort`_) - Fix anonymization issue of FIF files after IO round trip (:gh:`8731` by `Alex Gramfort`_)
- Fix bug in mne.preprocessing.ICA.plot_sources where right-clicking component names could yield ~mne.preprocessing.ICA.plot_properties windows for the wrong component if
had been specified (:gh:`8996` by `Daniel McCloy`_) - Fix title not shown in :func:`mne.viz.plot_montage` (:gh:`8752` by `Clemens Brunner`_)
- mne.io.read_raw_egi now correctly handles pathlib.Path filenames (:gh:`8759` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- mne.viz.plot_evoked and mne.Evoked.plot now correctly plot global field power (GFP) for EEG data when
is passed (used to plot RMS). For MEG data, we continue to plot the RMS, but now label it correctly as such (:gh:`8775` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Fix bug with :ref:`mne make_scalp_surfaces` where
was not functional (:gh:`8800` by `Yu-Han Luo`_) - Fix bug with :func:`mne.viz.plot_topomap` when plotting gradiometers with a missing channel in a pair (:gh:`8817` by `Alex Gramfort`_)
- :meth:`epochs.crop() <mne.Epochs.crop>` now also adjusts the
attributes if necessary (:gh:`8821` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - When creating ~mne.Epochs, we now ensure that
cannot fall outside of the epochs' time interval anymore (:gh:`8821` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - ~mne.io.read_raw_bti erroneously treated response channels as respiratory channels (:gh:`8856` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- The RMS trace shown in the time viewer of ~mne.SourceEstimate plots is now correctly labeled as
before) (:gh:`8965` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - Fix bug with :meth:`mne.SourceEstimate.plot` and related functions where the scalars were not interactively updated properly (:gh:`8985` by `Eric Larson`_)
- Fix bug with mne.channels.find_ch_adjacency() returning wrong adjacency for Neuromag122-Data (:gh:`8891` by `Martin Schulz`_)
- Fix :func:`mne.read_dipole` yielding :class:`mne.Dipole` objects that could not be indexed (:gh:`8963` by `Marijn van Vliet`_)
- Fix bug when setting n_jobs > 1 in :meth:`mne.Report.parse_folder` (:gh:`9109` by `Martin Schulz`_)
- Fix bug with :meth:`mne.Evoked.plot_image` where an incorrect clim parameter did not raise any error (:gh:`9115` by new contributor |Matteo Anelli|_)
- Fix bug with
where incorrect fnirs types were returned (:gh:`9178` by `Robert Luke`_) - Fix bug when passing both axes and picks to mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds (:gh:`9252` by `Daniel McCloy`_)
- Improved string representation of ~mne.Epochs containing multiple event types; improved (and more mathematically correct)
in the mne.combine_evoked output; and better (and often more concise) legend labels in the figures created via ~mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds (:gh:`9027` by `Richard Höchenberger`_) - :func:`mne.preprocessing.find_ecg_events` now correctly handles situation where no ECG activity could be detected, and correctly returns an empty array of ECG events (:gh:`9236` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Fix bug with
attribute for ~mne.Epochs after calling :meth:`mne.Epochs.add_channels` (:gh:`9246` by `Alex Gramfort`_) - Fix bug where
could not be used in :meth:`mne.SourceEstimate.plot` (:gh:`9305` by `Jean-Rémi King`_) - mne.preprocessing.compute_proj_eog and mne.preprocessing.compute_proj_ecg now return empty lists if no EOG or ECG events, respectively, could be found. Previously, we'd return
in these situations, which does not match the documented behavior of returning a list of projectors (:gh:`9277` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Introduced new
settings forICA.max_iter
. The old defaultmax_iter=200
will be removed in MNE-Python 0.24 (:gh:`9099` by new contributor |Cora Kim|_) mne.viz.plot_sensors_connectivity
now allows setting the colorbar label via thecbar_label
parameter (:gh:`9248` by `Daniel McCloy`_)mne.read_selection
has been deprecated in favor of mne.read_vectorview_selection.mne.read_selection
will be removed in MNE-Python 0.24 (:gh:`8870` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)mne.beamformer.tf_dics
has been deprecated and will be removed in MNE-Python 0.24 (:gh:`9122` by `Britta Westner`_)- Fitting ~mne.preprocessing.ICA on baseline-corrected ~mne.Epochs, and / or applying it on baseline-corrected ~mne.Epochs or ~mne.Evoked data will now display a warning. Users are advised to only baseline correct their data after cleaning is completed (:gh:`9033` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- Supplying multiple channel names to mne.preprocessing.find_eog_events or mne.preprocessing.compute_proj_eog as a string of comma-separated channel names has been deprecated; please pass a list of channel names instead. Support for comma-separated strings will be removed in MNE-Python 0.24 (:gh:`9269` by `Richard Höchenberger`_)
- The default in :func:`mne.beamformer.make_dics` of
will change toreal_filter=True
in 0.24 (:gh:`9340` by `Britta Westner`_)
People who contributed to this release in alphabetical order (people with a + are first time contributors):
- Adam Li
- Alex Rockhill
- Alexandre Gramfort
- Ana Radanovic
- Andres Rodriguez+
- Anna Padee+
- Apoorva Karekal+
- Britta Westner
- Catalina Magalvan
- Christian Brodbeck
- Christian Mista
- Christian O'Reilly
- Christina Zhao
- Christopher J. Bailey
- Clemens Brunner
- Cora Kim+
- Daniel McCloy
- Denis A. Engemann
- Dominik Welke+
- Eduard Ort
- Enrico Varano+
- Eric Larson
- Erica Peterson+
- Evgenii Kalenkovich
- Felix Klotzsche+
- Giorgio Marinato
- Guillaume Favelier
- Jack Zhang+
- Jean-Rémi King
- Johann Benerradi
- Joris Van den Bossche
- Judy D Zhu+
- Liberty Hamilton
- Luke Bloy
- Maggie Clarke+
- Mainak Jas
- Manorama Kadwani
- Marijn van Vliet
- Martin Schulz
- Matt Sanderson+
- Matteo Anelli+
- Nicolas Gensollen
- Ram Pari+
- Richard Höchenberger
- Richard Koehler+
- Robert Luke
- Rotem Falach+
- Sebastien Treguer
- Silvia Cotroneo+
- Stefan Appelhoff
- Steven Bierer
- Sumalyo Datta+
- Timon Merk
- Tristan Stenner
- Valerii Chirkov+
- Victoria Peterson
- Yu-Han Luo
- Zhi Zhang+