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Managing Property Access with Proxies

Proxies are an interesting and powerful feature in ES6 that act as intermediaries between API consumers and objects. In a nutshell, you can use a Proxy to determine the desired behavior whenever the properties of an underlying target object are accessed. A handler object can be used to configure traps for your Proxy, which define and restrict how the underlying object is accessed, as we’ll see in a bit.

Getting Started with Proxy

By default, proxies don’t do much—​in fact they don’t do anything. If you don’t provide any configuration, your proxy will just work as a pass-through to the target object, also known as a "no-op forwarding proxy," meaning that all operations on the proxy object defer to the underlying object.

In the following piece of code, we create a no-op forwarding Proxy. You can observe how by assigning a value to, that value is passed onto You could think of proxies as the gatekeepers of their underlying objects: they may allow certain operations to go through and prevent others from passing, but they carefully inspect every single interaction with their underlying objects.

const target = {}
const handler = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler) = true
// <- true
// <- undefined

We can make the proxy object a bit more interesting by adding traps. Traps allow you to intercept interactions with target in several different ways, as long as those interactions happen through the proxy object. For instance, we could use a get trap to log every attempt to pull a value out of a property in target, or a set trap to prevent certain properties from being written to. Let’s kick things off by learning more about get traps.

Trapping get Accessors

The proxy in the following code listing is able to track any and every property access event because it has a handler.get trap. It can also be used to transform the value returned by accessing any given property before returning a value to the accessor.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    console.log(`Get on property "${ key }"`)
    return target[key]
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
proxy.numbers = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
// 'Get on property "numbers"'
// <- [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
// 'Get on property "something-else"'
// <- undefined

As a complement to proxies, ES6 introduces a Reflect built-in object. The traps in ES6 proxies are mapped one-to-one to the Reflect API: for every trap, there’s a matching reflection method in Reflect. These methods can be particularly useful when we want the default behavior of proxy traps, but we don’t want to concern ourselves with the implementation of that behavior.

In the following code snippet we use Reflect.get to provide the default behavior for get operations, while not worrying about accessing the key property in target by hand. While in this case the operation may seem trivial, the default behavior for other traps may be harder to remember and implement correctly. We can forward every parameter in the trap to the reflection API and return its result.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    console.log(`Get on property "${ key }"`)
    return Reflect.get(target, key)
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)

The get trap doesn’t necessarily have to return the original target[key] value. Imagine the case where you wanted properties prefixed by an underscore to be inaccessible. In this case, you could throw an error, letting the consumer know that the property is inaccessible through the proxy.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    if (key.startsWith('_')) {
      throw new Error(`Property "${ key }" is inaccessible.`)
    return Reflect.get(target, key)
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
// <- Uncaught Error: Property "_secret" is inaccessible.

To the keen observer, it may be apparent that disallowing access to certain properties through the proxy becomes most useful when creating a proxy with clearly defined access rules for the underlying target object, and exposing that proxy instead of the target object. That way you can still access the underlying object freely, but consumers are forced to go through the proxy and play by its rules, putting you in control of exactly how they can interact with the object. This wasn’t possible before proxies were introduced in in ES6.

Trapping set Accessors

As the in counterpart of get traps, set traps can intercept property assignment. Suppose we wanted to prevent assignment on properties starting with an underscore. We could replicate the get trap we implemented earlier to block assignment as well.

The Proxy in the next example prevents underscored property access for both get and set when accessing target through proxy. Note how the set trap returns true here? Returning true in a set trap means that setting the property key to the provided value should succeed. If the return value for the set trap is false, setting the property value will throw a TypeError under strict mode, and otherwise fail silently. If we were using Reflect.set instead, as brought up earlier, we wouldn’t need to concern ourselves with these implementation details: we could just return Reflect.set(target, key, value). That way, when somebody reads our code later, they’ll be able to understand that we’re using Reflect.set, which is equivalent to the default operation, equivalent to the case where a Proxy object isn’t part of the equation.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    invariant(key, 'get')
    return Reflect.get(target, key)
  set(target, key, value) {
    invariant(key, 'set')
    return Reflect.set(target, key, value)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)

The following piece of code demonstrates how the proxy responds to consumer interaction.

proxy.text = 'the great black pony ate your lunch'
// <- 'the great black pony ate your lunch'
// <- Error: Can't get private "_secret" property
proxy._secret = 'invalidate'
// <- Error: Can't set private "_secret" property

The object being proxied, target in our latest example, should be completely hidden from consumers, so that they are forced to access it exclusively through proxy. Preventing direct access to the target object means that they will have to obey the access rules defined on the proxy object—​such as "properties prefixed with an underscore are off-limits."

To that end, you could wrap the proxied object in a function and then return the proxy.

function proxied() {
  const target = {}
  const handler = {
    get(target, key) {
      invariant(key, 'get')
      return Reflect.get(target, key)
    set(target, key, value) {
      invariant(key, 'set')
      return Reflect.set(target, key, value)
  return new Proxy(target, handler)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"

Usage stays the same, except that now access to target is completely governed by proxy and its mischievous traps. At this point, any _secret properties in target are completely inaccessible through the proxy, and since target can’t be accessed directly from outside the proxied function, they’re sealed off from consumers for good.

A general-purpose approach would be to offer a proxying function that takes an original object and returns a proxy. You can then call that function whenever you’re about to expose a public API, as shown in the following code block. The concealWithPrefix function wraps the original object in a Proxy where properties prefixed with a prefix value (or _ if none is provided) can’t be accessed.

function concealWithPrefix(original, prefix='_') {
  const handler = {
    get(original, key) {
      invariant(key, 'get')
      return Reflect.get(original, key)
    set(original, key, value) {
      invariant(key, 'set')
      return Reflect.set(original, key, value)
  return new Proxy(original, handler)
  function invariant(key, action) {
    if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
      throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"
const target = {
  _secret: 'secret',
  text: 'everyone-can-read-this'
const proxy = concealWithPrefix(target)
// expose proxy to consumers

You might be tempted to argue that you could achieve the same behavior in ES5 simply by using variables privately scoped to the concealWithPrefix function, without the need for the Proxy itself. The difference is that proxies allow you to "privatize" property access dynamically. Without relying on Proxy, you couldn’t mark every property that starts with an underscore as private. You could use Object.freeze[1] on the object, but then you wouldn’t be able to modify the property references yourself, either. Or you could define get and set accessors for every property, but then again you wouldn’t be able to block access on every single property, only the ones you explicitly configured getters and in setters for.

Schema Validation with Proxies

Sometimes we have an object with user input that we want to validate against a schema, a model of how that input is supposed to be structured, what properties it should have, what types those properties should be, and how those properties should be filled. We’d like to verify that a customer email field contains an email address, a numeric cost field contains a number, and a required name field isn’t missing.

There are a number of ways in which you could do schema validation. You could use a validation function that throws errors if an invalid value is found on the object, but you’d have to ensure the object is off limits once you’ve deemed it valid. You could validate each property individually, but you’d have to remember to validate them whenever they’re changed. You could also use a Proxy. By providing consumers with a Proxy to the actual model object, you’d ensure that the object never enters an invalid state, as an exception would be thrown otherwise.

Another aspect of schema validation via Proxy is that it helps you separate validation concerns from the target object, where validation occurs sometimes in the wild. The target object would stay as a plain JavaScript object, meaning that while you give consumers a validating proxy, you keep an untainted version of the data that’s always valid, as guaranteed by the proxy.

Just like a validation function, the handler settings can be reutilized across several Proxy instances, without having to rely on prototypal inheritance or ES6 classes.

In the following example, we have a simple validator object, with a set trap that looks up properties in a map. When a property gets set through the proxy, its key is looked up on the map. If the map contains a rule for that property, it’ll run that function to assert whether the assignment is deemed valid. As long as the person properties are set through a proxy using the validator, the model invariants will be satisfied according to our predefined validation rules.

const validations = new Map()
const validator = {
  set(target, key, value) {
    if (validations.has(key)) {
      return validations[key](value)
    return Reflect.set(target, key, value)
validations.set('age', validateAge)

function validateAge(value) {
  if (typeof value !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(value)) {
    throw new TypeError('Age must be a number')
  if (value <= 0) {
    throw new TypeError('Age must be a positive number')
  return true

The following piece of code shows how we could consume the validator handler. This general-purpose proxy handler is passed into a Proxy for the person object. The handler then enforces our schema by ensuring that values set through the proxy pass the schema validation rules for any given property. In this case, we’ve added a validation rule that says age must be a positive numeric value.

const person = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(person, validator)
proxy.age = 'twenty three'
// <- TypeError: Age must be a number
proxy.age = NaN
// <- TypeError: Age must be a number
proxy.age = 0
// <- TypeError: Age must be a positive number
proxy.age = 28
// <- 28

While proxies offer previously unavailable granular control over what a consumer can and cannot do with an object, as defined by access rules defined by the implementor, there’s also a harsher variant of proxies that allows us to completely shut off access to target whenever we deem it necessary: revocable proxies.

Revocable Proxies

Revocable proxies offer more fine-grained control than plain Proxy objects. The API is a bit different in that there is no new keyword involved, as opposed to new Proxy(target, handler); and a { proxy, revoke } object is returned, instead of just the proxy object being returned. Once revoke() is called, the proxy will throw an error on any operation.

Let’s go back to our pass-through Proxy example and make it revocable. Note how we’re no longer using new, how calling revoke() over and over has no effect, and how an error is thrown if we attempt to interact with the underlying object in any way.

const target = {}
const handler = {}
const { proxy, revoke } = Proxy.revocable(target, handler)
proxy.isUsable = true
// <- true
// <- TypeError: illegal operation attempted on a revoked proxy

This type of Proxy is particularly useful because you can completely cut off access to the proxy granted to a consumer. You could expose a revocable Proxy and keep around the revoke method, perhaps in a WeakMap collection. When it becomes clear that the consumer shouldn’t have access to target anymore—​not even through proxy—you .revoke() their access rights.

The following example shows two functions. The getStorage function can be used to get proxied access into storage, and it keeps a reference to the revoke function for the returned proxy object. Whenever we want to cut off access to storage for a given proxy, revokeStorage will call its associated revoke function and remove the entry from the WeakMap. Note that making both functions accessible to the same set of consumers won’t pose security concerns: once access through a proxy has been revoked, it can’t be restored.

const proxies = new WeakMap()
const storage = {}

function getStorage() {
  const handler = {}
  const { proxy, revoke } = Proxy.revocable(storage, handler)
  proxies.set(proxy, { revoke })
  return proxy

function revokeStorage(proxy) {

Given that revoke is available on the same scope where your handler traps are defined, you could set up unforgiving access rules such that if a consumer attempts to access a private property more than once, you revoke their proxy access entirely.

Proxy Trap Handlers

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of proxies is how you can use them to intercept just about any interaction with the target object—​not only plain get or set operations.

We’ve already covered get, which traps property access; and set, which traps property assignment. Next up we’ll discuss the different kinds of traps you can set up.

has Trap

We can use handler.has to conceal any property you want when it comes to the in operator. In the set trap code samples we prevented changes and even access to properties with a certain prefix, but unwanted accessors could still probe the proxy to figure out whether these properties exist. There are three alternatives here:

  • Do nothing, in which case key in proxy falls through to Reflect.has(target, key), the equivalent of key in target

  • Return true or false regardless of whether key is or is not present in target

  • Throw an error signaling that the in operation is illegal

Throwing an error is quite final, and it certainly doesn’t help in those cases where you want to conceal the fact that the property even exists. You would be acknowledging that the property is, in fact, protected. Throwing is, however, valid in those cases where you want the consumer to understand why the operation is failing, as you can explain the failure reason in an error message.

It’s often best to indicate that the property is not in the object, by returning false instead of throwing. A fall-through case where you return the result of the key in target expression is a good default case to have.

Going back to the getter/setter example in Trapping set Accessors, we’ll want to return false for properties in the prefixed property space and use the default for all other properties. This will keep our inaccessible properties well hidden from unwanted visitors.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    invariant(key, 'get')
    return Reflect.get(target, key)
  set(target, key, value) {
    invariant(key, 'set')
    return Reflect.set(target, key, value)
  has(target, key) {
    if (key.startsWith('_')) {
      return false
    return Reflect.has(target, key)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"

Note how accessing properties through the proxy will now return false when querying one of the private properties, with the consumer being none the wiser—​completely unaware that we’ve intentionally hid the property from them. Note how _secret in target returns true because we’re bypassing the proxy. That means we can still use the underlying object unchallenged by tight access control rules while consumers have no choice but to stick to the proxy’s rules.

const target = {
  _secret: 'securely-stored-value',
  wellKnown: 'publicly-known-value'
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
console.log('wellKnown' in proxy)
// <- true
console.log('_secret' in proxy)
// <- false
console.log('_secret' in target)
// <- true

We could’ve thrown an exception instead. That would be useful in situations where attempts to access properties in the private space is seen as a mistake that would’ve resulted in an invalid state, rather than as a security concern in code that aims to be embedded into third-party websites.

Note that if we wanted to prevent Object#hasOwnProperty from finding properties in the private space, the has trap won’t help.

// <- true

The getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap in getOwnPropertyDescriptor Trap offers a solution that’s able to intercept Object#hasOwnProperty as well.

deleteProperty Trap

Setting a property to undefined clears its value, but the property is still part of the object. Using the delete operator on a property with code like delete cat.furBall means that the furBall property will be completely gone from the cat object.

const cat = { furBall: true }
cat.furBall = undefined
console.log('furBall' in cat)
// <- true
delete cat.furBall
console.log('furBall' in cat)
// <- false

The code in the last example where we prevented access to prefixed properties has a problem: you can’t change the value of a _secret property, nor even use in to learn about its existence, but you still can remove the property entirely using the delete operator through the proxy object. The following code sample shows that shortcoming in action.

const target = { _secret: 'foo' }
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
console.log('_secret' in proxy)
// <- false
console.log('_secret' in target)
// <- true
delete proxy._secret
console.log('_secret' in target)
// <- false

We can use handler.deleteProperty to prevent a delete operation from working. Just like with the get and set traps, throwing in the deleteProperty trap will be enough to prevent the deletion of a property. In this case, throwing is okay because we want the consumer to know that external operations on prefixed properties are forbidden.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    invariant(key, 'get')
    return Reflect.get(target, key)
  set(target, key, value) {
    invariant(key, 'set')
    return Reflect.set(target, key, value)
  deleteProperty(target, key) {
    invariant(key, 'delete')
    return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"

If we ran the exact same piece of code we tried earlier, we’d run into the exception while trying to delete _secret from the proxy. The following example shows the mechanics of the updated handler.

const target = { _secret: 'foo' }
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
console.log('_secret' in proxy)
// <- true
delete proxy._secret
// <- Error: Can't delete private "_secret" property

Consumers interacting with target through the proxy can no longer delete properties in the _secret property space. That’s one less thing to worry about!

defineProperty Trap

The Object.defineProperty function—​introduced in ES5—​can be used to add new properties to a target object, using a property key and a property descriptor. For the most part, Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) is used in two kinds of situations:

  1. When we need to ensure cross-browser support of getters and setters

  2. When we want to define a custom property accessor

Properties added by hand are read-write, they are deletable, and they are enumerable.

Properties added through Object.defineProperty, in contrast, default to being read-only, nondeletable, and nonenumerable. By default, the property is akin to bindings declared using the const statement in that it’s read-only, but that doesn’t make it immutable.

When creating properties through defineProperty, you can customize the following aspects of the property descriptor:

  • configurable = false disables most changes to the property descriptor and makes the property undeletable

  • enumerable = false hides the property from loops and Object.keys

  • writable = false makes the property value read-only

  • value = undefined is the initial value for the property

  • get = undefined is a method that acts as the getter for the property

  • set = undefined is a method that receives the new value and updates the property’s value

Note that you’ll have to choose between configuring the value and writable pair or get and set pair. When choosing the former you’re configuring a data descriptor. You get a data descriptor when creating plain properties, such as in pizza.topping = 'ham', too. In that case, topping has a value and it may or may not be writable. If you pick the second pair of options, you’re creating an accessor descriptor that is entirely defined by the methods you can use to get() or set(value) for the property.

The following code sample shows how property descriptors can be completely different depending on whether we use the declarative option or go through the programmatic API. We use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, which receives a target object and a property key, to pull the object descriptor for properties we create.

const pizza = {}
pizza.topping = 'ham'
Object.defineProperty(pizza, 'extraCheese', { value: true })
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pizza, 'topping'))
// {
//   value: 'ham',
//   writable: true,
//   enumerable: true,
//   configurable: true
// }
  Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pizza, 'extraCheese')
// {
//   value: true,
//   writable: false,
//   enumerable: false,
//   configurable: false
// }

The handler.defineProperty trap can be used to intercept properties being defined. Note that this trap intercepts the declarative pizza.extraCheese = false property declaration flavor as well as Object.defineProperty calls. As arguments for the trap, you get the target object, the property key, and the descriptor.

The next example prevents the addition of any properties added through the proxy. When the handler returns false, the property declaration fails loudly with an exception under strict mode, and silently without an exception when we’re in sloppy mode. Strict mode is superior to sloppy mode due to its performance gains and hardened semantics. It is also the default mode in ES6 modules, as we’ll see in [javascript-modules]. For those reasons, we’ll assume strict mode in all the code examples.

const handler = {
  defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
    return false
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
proxy.extraCheese = false
// <- TypeError: 'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned false

If we go back to the prefixed properties use case, we could add a defineProperty trap to prevent the creation of private properties through the proxy. In the following example we will throw on attempts to define a property in the private prefixed space by reusing the invariant function.

const handler = {
  defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
    invariant(key, 'define')
    return Reflect.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }"

Let’s try it out on a target object. We’ll attempt to declare a property with and without the prefix. Setting a property in the private property space at the proxy level will now throw an error.

const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
proxy.topping = 'cheese'
proxy._secretIngredient = 'salsa'
// <- Error: Can't define private "_secretIngredient" property

The proxy object is safely hiding _secret properties behind a trap that guards them from definition through either proxy[key] = value or Object.defineProperty(proxy, key, { value }). If we factor in the previous traps we saw, we could prevent _secret properties from being read, written, queried, and created.

There’s one more trap that can help conceal _secret properties.

ownKeys Trap

The handler.ownKeys method may be used to return an Array of properties that will be used as a result for Reflect.ownKeys(). It should include all properties of target: enumerable, non-enumerable, and symbols as well. A default implementation, as always, could pass through to the reflection method on the proxied target object.

const handler = {
  ownKeys(target) {
    return Reflect.ownKeys(target)

Interception wouldn’t affect the output of Object.keys in this case, since we’re simply passing through to the default implementation.

const target = {
  [Symbol('id')]: 'ba3dfcc0',
  _secret: 'sauce',
  _toppingCount: 3,
  toppings: ['cheese', 'tomato', 'bacon']
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
for (const key of Object.keys(proxy)) {
  // <- '_secret'
  // <- '_toppingCount'
  // <- 'toppings'

Do note that the ownKeys interceptor is used during all of the following operations:

  • Reflect.ownKeys() returns every own key on the object

  • Object.getOwnPropertyNames() returns only nonsymbol properties

  • Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() returns only symbol properties

  • Object.keys() returns only nonsymbol enumerable properties

  • returns only nonsymbol enumerable properties

In the use case where we want to shut off access to a prefixed property space, we could take the output of Reflect.ownKeys(target) and filter off of that. That’d be the same approach that methods such as Object.getOwnPropertySymbols follow internally.

In the next example, we’re careful to ensure that any keys that aren’t strings, namely Symbol property keys, always return true. Then, we filter out string keys that begin with '_'.

const handler = {
  ownKeys(target) {
    return Reflect.ownKeys(target).filter(key => {
      const isStringKey = typeof key === 'string'
      if (isStringKey) {
        return !key.startsWith('_')
      return true

If we now used the handler in the preceding snippet to pull the object keys, we’ll only find the properties in the public, nonprefixed space. Note how the Symbol isn’t being returned either. That’s because Object.keys filters out Symbol property keys before returning its result.

const target = {
  [Symbol('id')]: 'ba3dfcc0',
  _secret: 'sauce',
  _toppingCount: 3,
  toppings: ['cheese', 'tomato', 'bacon']
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
for (const key of Object.keys(proxy)) {
  // <- 'toppings'

Symbol iteration wouldn’t be affected by our handler because Symbol keys have a type of 'symbol', which would cause our .filter function to return true.

const target = {
  [Symbol('id')]: 'ba3dfcc0',
  _secret: 'sauce',
  _toppingCount: 3,
  toppings: ['cheese', 'tomato', 'bacon']
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(proxy)) {
  // <- Symbol(id)

We were able to hide properties prefixed with _ from key enumeration while leaving symbols and other properties unaffected. What’s more, there’s no need to repeat ourselves in several trap handlers: a single ownKeys trap took care of all different enumeration methods. The only caveat is that we need to be careful about handling Symbol property keys.

Advanced Proxy Traps

For the most part, the traps that we discussed so far have to do with property access and manipulation. Up next is the last trap we’ll cover that’s related to property access. Every other trap in this section has to do with the object we are proxying itself, instead of its properties.

getOwnPropertyDescriptor Trap

The getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap is triggered when querying an object for the property descriptor for some key. It should return a property descriptor or undefined when the property doesn’t exist. There is also the option of throwing an exception, aborting the operation entirely.

If we go back to the canonical private property space example, we could implement a trap, such as the one in the next code snippet, to prevent consumers from learning about property descriptors of private properties.

const handler = {
  getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
    invariant(key, 'get property descriptor for')
    return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)
function invariant(key, action) {
  if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    throw new Error(`Can't ${ action } private "${ key }" property`)
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, '_secret')
// <- Error: Can't get property descriptor for private
// "_secret" property

One problem with this approach might be that you’re effectively telling external consumers that they’re unauthorized to access prefixed properties. It might be best to conceal them entirely by returning undefined. That way, private properties will behave no differently than properties that are truly absent from the target object. The following example shows how Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor returns undefined for an nonexistent dressing property, and how it does the same for a _secret property. Existing properties that aren’t in the private property space produce their property descriptors as usual.

const handler = {
  getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
    if (key.startsWith('_')) {
    return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)
const target = {
  _secret: 'sauce',
  topping: 'mozzarella'
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'dressing'))
// <- undefined
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, '_secret'))
// <- undefined
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'topping'))
// {
//   value: 'mozzarella',
//   writable: true,
//   enumerable: true,
//   configurable: true
// }

The getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap is able to intercept the implementation of Object#hasOwnProperty, which relies on property descriptors to check whether a property exists.

// <- true
// <- false

When you’re trying to hide things, it’s best to have them try and behave as if they fell in some other category than the category they’re actually in, thus concealing their behavior and passing it off for something else. Throwing, however, sends the wrong message when we want to conceal something: why does a property throw instead of return undefined? It must exist but be inaccessible. This is not unlike situations in HTTP API design where we might prefer to return "404 Not Found" responses for sensitive resources, such as an administration backend, when the user is unauthorized to access them, instead of the technically correct "401 Unauthorized" status code.

When debugging concerns outweigh security concerns, you should at least consider the throw statement. In any case, it’s important to understand your use case in order to figure out the optimal and least surprising behavior for a given component.

apply Trap

The apply trap is quite interesting; it’s specifically tailored to work with functions. When the proxied target function is invoked, the apply trap is triggered. All of the statements in the following code sample would go through the apply trap in your proxy handler object.

proxy('cats', 'dogs')
proxy(...['cats', 'dogs']), 'cats', 'dogs')
proxy.apply(null, ['cats', 'dogs'])
Reflect.apply(proxy, null, ['cat', 'dogs'])

The apply trap receives three arguments:

  • target is the function being proxied

  • ctx is the context passed as this to target when applying a call

  • args is an array of arguments passed to target when applying the call

The default implementation that doesn’t alter the outcome would return the results of calling Reflect.apply.

const handler = {
  apply(target, ctx, args) {
    return Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)

Besides being able to log all parameters of every function call for proxy, this trap could also be used to add extra parameters or to modify the results of a function call. All of these examples would work without changing the underlying target function, which makes the trap reusable across any functions that need the extra functionality.

The following example proxies a sum function through a twice trap handler that doubles the results of sum without affecting the code around it other than using the proxy instead of the sum function directly.

const twice = {
  apply(target, ctx, args) {
    return Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args) * 2
function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b
const proxy = new Proxy(sum, twice)
console.log(proxy(1, 2))
// <- 6

Moving onto another use case, suppose we want to preserve the context for this across function calls. In the following example we have a logger object with a .get method that returns the logger object itself.

const logger = {
  test() {
    return this

If we want to ensure that get always returns logger, we could bind that method to logger, as shown next.

logger.test = logger.test.bind(logger)

The problem with that approach is that we’d have to do it for every single function on logger that relies on this being a reference to the logger object itself. An alternative could involve using a proxy with a get trap handler, where we modify returned functions by binding them to the target object.

const selfish = {
  get(target, key) {
    const value = Reflect.get(target, key)
    if (typeof value !== 'function') {
      return value
    return value.bind(target)
const proxy = new Proxy(logger, selfish)

This would work for any kind of object, even class instances, without any further modification. The following snippet demonstrates how the original logger is vulnerable to .call and similar operations that can change the this context, while the proxy object ignores those kinds of changes.

const something = {}
console.log(logger.test() === logger)
// <- true
console.log( === something)
// <- true
console.log(proxy.test() === logger)
// <- true
console.log( === logger)
// <- true

There’s a subtle problem that arises from using selfish in its current incarnation, though. Whenever we get a reference to a method through the proxy, we get a freshly created bound function that’s the result of value.bind(target). Consequently, methods no longer appear to be equal to themselves. As shown next, this can result in confusing behavior.

console.log(proxy.test !== proxy.test)
// <- true

This could be resolved using a WeakMap. We’ll go back to our selfish trap handler options, and move that into a factory function. Within that function we’ll keep a cache of bound methods, so that we create the bound version of each function only once. While we’re at it, we’ll make our selfish function receive the target object we want to be proxying, so that the details of how we are binding every method become an implementation concern.

function selfish(target) {
  const cache = new WeakMap()
  const handler = {
    get(target, key) {
      const value = Reflect.get(target, key)
      if (typeof value !== 'function') {
        return value
      if (!cache.has(value)) {
        cache.set(value, value.bind(target))
      return cache.get(value)
  const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
  return proxy

Now that we are caching bound functions and tracking them by the original value, the same object is always returned and simple comparisons don’t surprise consumers of selfish anymore.

const selfishLogger = selfish(logger)
console.log(selfishLogger.test === selfishLogger.test)
// <- true
console.log(selfishLogger.test() === selfishLogger)
// <- true
console.log( ===
// <- true

The selfish function can now be reused whenever we want all methods on an object to be bound to the host object itself. This is particularly convenient when dealing with classes that heavily rely on this being the instance object.

There are dozens of ways of binding methods to their parent object, all with their own sets of advantages and drawbacks. The proxy-based solution might be the most convenient and hassle-free, but browser support isn’t great yet, and Proxy implementations are known to be pretty slow.

We haven’t used an apply trap for the selfish examples, which illustrates that not everything is one-size-fits-all. Using an apply trap for this use case would involve the current selfish proxy returning proxies for value functions, and then returning a bound function in the apply trap for the value proxy. While this may sound more correct, in the sense that we’re not using .bind but instead relying on Reflect.apply, we’d still need the WeakMap cache and selfish proxy. That is to say we’d be adding an extra layer of abstraction, a second proxy, and getting little value in terms of separation of concerns or maintainability, since both proxy layers would remain coupled to some degree, it’d be best to keep everything in a single layer. While abstractions are a great thing, too many abstractions can become more insurmountable than the problem they attempt to fix.

Up to what point is the abstraction justifiable over a few .bind statements in the constructor of a class object? These are hard questions that always depend on context, but they must be considered when designing a component system so that, in the process of adding abstraction layers meant to help you avoid repeating yourself, you don’t add complexity for complexity’s sake.

construct Trap

The construct trap intercepts uses of the new operator. In the following code sample, we implement a custom construct trap that behaves identically to the construct trap. We use the spread operator, in combination with the new keyword, so that we can pass any arguments to the Target constructor.

const handler = {
  construct(Target, args) {
    return new Target(...args)

The previous example is identical to using Reflect.construct, shown next. Note that in this case we’re not spreading the args over the parameters to the method call. Reflection methods mirror the method signature of proxy traps, and as such Reflect.construct has a signature of Target, args, just like the construct trap method.

const handler = {
  construct(Target, args) {
    return Reflect.construct(Target, args)

Traps like construct allow us to modify or extend the behavior of an object without using a factory function or changing the implementation. It should be noted, however, that proxies should always have a clearly defined goal, and that goal shouldn’t meddle too much with the implementation of the underlying target. That is to say, a proxy trap for construct that acts as a switch for several different underlying classes is probably the wrong kind of abstraction: a simple function would do.

Use cases for construct traps should mostly revolve around rebalancing constructor parameters or doing things that should always be done around the constructor, such as logging and tracking object creation.

The following example shows how a proxy could be used to offer a slightly different experience to a portion of the consumers, without changing the implementation of the class. When using the ProxiedTarget, we can leverage the constructor parameters to declare a name property on the target instance.

const handler = {
  construct(Target, args) {
    const [ name ] = args
    const target = Reflect.construct(Target, args) = name
    return target
class Target {
  hello() {
    console.log(`Hello, ${ }!`)

In this case, we could’ve changed Target directly so that it receives a name parameter in its constructor and stores that as an instance property. That is not always the case. You could be unable to modify a class directly, either because you don’t own that code or because other code relies on a particular structure already. The following code snippet shows the Target class in action, with its regular API and the modified ProxiedTarget API resulting from using proxy traps for construct.

const target = new Target() = 'Nicolás'
// <- 'Hello, Nicolás'

const ProxiedTarget = new Proxy(Target, handler)
const proxy = new ProxiedTarget('Nicolás')
// <- 'Hello, Nicolás'

Note that arrow functions can’t be used as constructors, and thus we can’t use the construct trap on them. Let’s move onto the last few traps.

getPrototypeOf Trap

We can use the handler.getPrototypeOf method as a trap for all of the following operations:

  • Object#proto property

  • Object#isPrototypeOf method

  • Object.getPrototypeOf method

  • Reflect.getPrototypeOf method

  • instanceof operator

This trap is quite powerful, as it allows us to dynamically determine the reported underlying prototype for an object.

You could, for instance, use this trap to make an object pretend it’s an Array when accessed through the proxy. The following example does exactly that, by returning Array.prototype as the prototype of proxied objects. Note that instanceof indeed returns true when asked if our plain object is an Array.

const handler = {
  getPrototypeOf: target => Array.prototype
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
console.log(proxy instanceof Array)
// <- true

On its own, this isn’t sufficient for the proxy to be a true Array. The following code snippet shows how the Array#push method isn’t available on our proxy even though we’re reporting a prototype of Array.

// <- undefined

Naturally, we can keep patching the proxy until we get the behavior we want. In this case, we may want to use a get trap to mix the Array.prototype with the actual backend target. Whenever a property isn’t found on the target, we’ll use reflection again to look the property up on Array.prototype as well. As it turns out, this behavior is good enough to be able to leverage `Array’s methods.

const handler = {
  getPrototypeOf: target => Array.prototype,
  get(target, key) {
    return (
      Reflect.get(target, key) ||
      Reflect.get(Array.prototype, key)
const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)

Note now how proxy.push points to the Array#push method, how we can use it unobtrusively as if we were working with an array object, and also how printing the object logs it as the object it is rather than as an array of ['first', 'second'].

// <- function push() { [native code] }
proxy.push('first', 'second')
// <- { 0: 'first', 1: 'second', length: 2 }

Conversely to the getPrototypeOf trap, there’s setPrototypeOf.

setPrototypeOf Trap

There is an Object.setPrototypeOf method in ES6 that can be used to change the prototype of an object into a reference to another object. It’s considered the proper way of setting the prototype, as opposed to setting the special proto property, which is a feature that’s supported in most browsers but was deprecated in ES6.

Deprecation means that browser vendors are discouraging the use of proto. In other contexts, deprecation also means that the feature might be removed in the future. The web platform, however, doesn’t break backward compatibility, and proto is unlikely to ever be removed. That being said, deprecation also means you’re discouraged from using the feature. Thus, using the Object.setPrototypeOf method is preferable to changing proto when we want to modify the underlying prototype for an object.

You can use handler.setPrototypeOf to set up a trap for Object.setPrototypeOf. The following snippet of code doesn’t alter the default behavior of changing a prototype into base. Note that, for completeness, there is a Reflect.setPrototypeOf method that’s equivalent to Object.setPrototypeOf.

const handler = {
  setPrototypeOf(target, proto) {
    Object.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)
const base = {}
function Target() {}
const proxy = new Proxy(Target, handler)
proxy.setPrototypeOf(proxy, base)
console.log(proxy.prototype === base)
// <- true

There are several use cases for setPrototypeOf traps. You could have an empty method body, in which case the trap would sink calls to Object.setPrototypeOf into a no-op: an operation where nothing occurs. You could throw an exception making the failure explicit, if you deem the new prototype to be invalid or you want to prevent consumers from changing the prototype of the proxied object.

You could implement a trap like the following, which mitigates security concerns in a proxy that might be passed away to third-party code, as a way of limiting access to the underlying Target. That way, consumers of proxy would be unable to modify the prototype of the underlying object.

const handler = {
  setPrototypeOf(target, proto) {
    throw new Error('Changing the prototype is forbidden')
const base = {}
function Target() {}
const proxy = new Proxy(Target, handler)
proxy.setPrototypeOf(proxy, base)
// <- Error: Changing the prototype is forbidden

In these cases, it’s best to fail with an exception so that consumers can understand what is going on. By explicitly disallowing prototype changes, the consumer can start looking elsewhere. If we didn’t throw an exception, the consumer could still eventually learn that the prototype isn’t changing through debugging. You might as well save them from that pain!

preventExtensions Trap

You can use handler.preventExtensions to trap the Object.preventExtensions method introduced in ES5. When extensions are prevented on an object, new properties can’t be added any longer: the object can’t be extended.

Imagine a scenario where you want to be able to selectively preventExtensions on some objects, but not all of them. In that scenario, you could use a WeakSet to keep track of the objects that should be extensible. If an object is in the set, then the preventExtensions trap should be able to capture those requests and discard them.

The following snippet does exactly that: it keeps objects that can be extended in a WeakSet and prevents the rest from being extended.

const canExtend = new WeakSet()
const handler = {
  preventExtensions(target) {
    const canPrevent = !canExtend.has(target)
    if (canPrevent) {
    return Reflect.preventExtensions(target)

Now that we’ve set up the handler and WeakSet, we can create a target object and a proxy for that target, adding the target to our set. Then, we could try Object.preventExtensions on the proxy and we’ll notice it fails to prevent extensions to target. This is the intended behavior, as the target can be found in the canExtend set. Note that while we’re seeing a TypeError exception, because the consumer intended to prevent extensions but failed to do so due to the trap, this would be a silent error under sloppy mode.

const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
// <- TypeError: 'preventExtensions' on proxy:
// trap returned falsy

If we removed the target from the canExtend set before calling Object.preventExtensions, then target would be made non-extensible as originally intended. The following code snippet shows that behavior in action.

const target = {}
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)
// <- false

isExtensible Trap

An extensible object is an object that you can add new properties to, an object you can extend.

The handler.isExtensible method can be used for logging or auditing calls to Object.isExtensible, but not to decide whether an object is extensible. That’s because this trap is subject to a harsh invariant that puts a hard limit to what you can do with it: a TypeError is thrown if Object.isExtensible(proxy) !== Object.isExtensible(target).

While this trap is nearly useless other than for auditing purposes, you could also throw an error within the handler if you don’t want consumers to know whether the underlying object is extensible or not.

As we’ve learned over the last few pages, there are myriad use cases for proxies. We can use Proxy for all of the following, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg:

  • Add validation rules on plain old JavaScript objects, and enforce them

  • Keep track of every interaction that goes through a proxy

  • Implement your own observable objects

  • Decorate and extend objects without changing their implementation

  • Make certain properties on an object completely invisible to consumers

  • Revoke access at will when the consumer should no longer be able to access an object

  • Modify the arguments passed to a proxied method

  • Modify the result produced by a proxied method

  • Prevent deletion of specific properties through the proxy

  • Prevent new definitions from succeeding, according to the desired property descriptor

  • Shuffle arguments around in a constructor

  • Return a result other than the object created via new and a constructor

  • Swap out the prototype of an object for something else

Proxies are an extremely powerful feature in ES6, with many potential applications, and they’re well equipped for code instrumentation and introspection. However, they also have a significant performance impact in JavaScript engine execution as they’re virtually impossible to optimize for. This makes proxies impractical for applications where speed is of the essence.

At the same time it’s easy to confuse consumers by providing complicated proxies that attempt to do too much. It may be a good idea to avoid them for most use cases, or at least develop consistent and uncomplicated access rules. Make sure you’re not producing many side effects in property access, which can lead to confusion even if properly documented.

1. The Object.freeze method prevents adding new properties, removing existing ones, and modifying property value references. Note that it doesn’t make the values themselves immutable: their properties can still change, provided Object.freeze isn’t called on those objects as well.