27 | 27 | </Str>
28 | 28 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
29 | 29 | </Item>
| 30 | + <Item ItemId=";A_bigint_literal_cannot_use_exponential_notation_1352" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 31 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 32 | + <Val><![CDATA[A bigint literal cannot use exponential notation.]]></Val> |
| 33 | + </Str> |
| 34 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 35 | + </Item> |
| 36 | + <Item ItemId=";A_bigint_literal_must_be_an_integer_1353" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 37 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 38 | + <Val><![CDATA[A bigint literal must be an integer.]]></Val> |
| 39 | + </Str> |
| 40 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 41 | + </Item> |
30 | 42 | <Item ItemId=";A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature_2463" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
31 | 43 | <Str Cat="Text">
32 | 44 | <Val><![CDATA[A binding pattern parameter cannot be optional in an implementation signature.]]></Val>
1005 | 1017 | </Str>
1006 | 1018 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
1007 | 1019 | </Item>
| 1020 | + <Item ItemId=";An_identifier_or_keyword_cannot_immediately_follow_a_numeric_literal_1351" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 1021 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 1022 | + <Val><![CDATA[An identifier or keyword cannot immediately follow a numeric literal.]]></Val> |
| 1023 | + </Str> |
| 1024 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 1025 | + </Item> |
1008 | 1026 | <Item ItemId=";An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts_1183" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
1009 | 1027 | <Str Cat="Text">
1010 | 1028 | <Val><![CDATA[An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts.]]></Val>
2235 | 2253 | </Str>
2236 | 2254 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
2237 | 2255 | </Item>
2238 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Duplicate_declaration_0_2718" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
2239 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
2240 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Duplicate declaration '{0}'.]]></Val> |
2241 |
| - </Str> |
2242 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
2243 |
| - </Item> |
2244 | 2256 | <Item ItemId=";Duplicate_function_implementation_2393" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
2245 | 2257 | <Str Cat="Text">
2246 | 2258 | <Val><![CDATA[Duplicate function implementation.]]></Val>
2307 | 2319 | </Str>
2308 | 2320 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
2309 | 2321 | </Item>
| 2322 | + <Item ItemId=";Duplicate_property_0_2718" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 2323 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 2324 | + <Val><![CDATA[Duplicate property '{0}'.]]></Val> |
| 2325 | + </Str> |
| 2326 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 2327 | + </Item> |
2310 | 2328 | <Item ItemId=";Duplicate_string_index_signature_2374" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
2311 | 2329 | <Str Cat="Text">
2312 | 2330 | <Val><![CDATA[Duplicate string index signature.]]></Val>
2403 | 2421 | </Str>
2404 | 2422 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
2405 | 2423 | </Item>
| 2424 | + <Item ItemId=";Enable_the_experimentalDecorators_option_in_your_configuration_file_95074" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 2425 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 2426 | + <Val><![CDATA[Enable the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your configuration file]]></Val> |
| 2427 | + </Str> |
| 2428 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 2429 | + </Item> |
2406 | 2430 | <Item ItemId=";Enable_tracing_of_the_name_resolution_process_6085" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
2407 | 2431 | <Str Cat="Text">
2408 | 2432 | <Val><![CDATA[Enable tracing of the name resolution process.]]></Val>
3189 | 3213 | </Str>
3190 | 3214 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
3191 | 3215 | </Item>
3192 |
| - <Item ItemId=";In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression_2474" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
3193 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
3194 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[In 'const' enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression.]]></Val> |
3195 |
| - </Str> |
3196 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
3197 |
| - </Item> |
3198 | 3216 | <Item ItemId=";Include_modules_imported_with_json_extension_6197" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
3199 | 3217 | <Str Cat="Text">
3200 | 3218 | <Val><![CDATA[Include modules imported with '.json' extension]]></Val>
3741 | 3759 | </Str>
3742 | 3760 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
3743 | 3761 | </Item>
3744 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct_2497" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
3745 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
3746 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Module '{0}' resolves to a non-module entity and cannot be imported using this construct.]]></Val> |
3747 |
| - </Str> |
3748 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
3749 |
| - </Item> |
3750 | 3762 | <Item ItemId=";Module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk_2498" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
3751 | 3763 | <Str Cat="Text">
3752 | 3764 | <Val><![CDATA[Module '{0}' uses 'export =' and cannot be used with 'export *'.]]></Val>
3867 | 3879 | </Str>
3868 | 3880 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
3869 | 3881 | </Item>
| 3882 | + <Item ItemId=";No_overload_expects_0_type_arguments_but_overloads_do_exist_that_expect_either_1_or_2_type_arguments_2743" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 3883 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 3884 | + <Val><![CDATA[No overload expects {0} type arguments, but overloads do exist that expect either {1} or {2} type arguments.]]></Val> |
| 3885 | + </Str> |
| 3886 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 3887 | + </Item> |
3870 | 3888 | <Item ItemId=";Non_abstract_class_0_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_1_from_class_2_2515" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
3871 | 3889 | <Str Cat="Text">
3872 | 3890 | <Val><![CDATA[Non-abstract class '{0}' does not implement inherited abstract member '{1}' from class '{2}'.]]></Val>
4671 | 4689 | </Str>
4672 | 4690 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
4673 | 4691 | </Item>
| 4692 | + <Item ItemId=";Property_0_was_also_declared_here_2733" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 4693 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 4694 | + <Val><![CDATA[Property '{0}' was also declared here.]]></Val> |
| 4695 | + </Str> |
| 4696 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 4697 | + </Item> |
4674 | 4698 | <Item ItemId=";Property_assignment_expected_1136" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
4675 | 4699 | <Str Cat="Text">
4676 | 4700 | <Val><![CDATA[Property assignment expected.]]></Val>
4773 | 4797 | </Str>
4774 | 4798 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
4775 | 4799 | </Item>
| 4800 | + <Item ItemId=";Qualified_name_0_is_not_allowed_without_a_leading_param_object_1_8032" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 4801 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 4802 | + <Val><![CDATA[Qualified name '{0}' is not allowed without a leading '@param {object} {1}'.]]></Val> |
| 4803 | + </Str> |
| 4804 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 4805 | + </Item> |
4776 | 4806 | <Item ItemId=";Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type_6052" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
4777 | 4807 | <Str Cat="Text">
4778 | 4808 | <Val><![CDATA[Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type.]]></Val>
5805 | 5835 | </Str>
5806 | 5836 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5807 | 5837 | </Item>
| 5838 | + <Item ItemId=";This_JSX_tag_s_0_prop_expects_a_single_child_of_type_1_but_multiple_children_were_provided_2746" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 5839 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 5840 | + <Val><![CDATA[This JSX tag's '{0}' prop expects a single child of type '{1}', but multiple children were provided.]]></Val> |
| 5841 | + </Str> |
| 5842 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 5843 | + </Item> |
| 5844 | + <Item ItemId=";This_JSX_tag_s_0_prop_expects_type_1_which_requires_multiple_children_but_only_a_single_child_was_pr_2745" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 5845 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 5846 | + <Val><![CDATA[This JSX tag's '{0}' prop expects type '{1}' which requires multiple children, but only a single child was provided.]]></Val> |
| 5847 | + </Str> |
| 5848 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 5849 | + </Item> |
5808 | 5850 | <Item ItemId=";This_condition_will_always_return_0_since_the_types_1_and_2_have_no_overlap_2367" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
5809 | 5851 | <Str Cat="Text">
5810 | 5852 | <Val><![CDATA[This condition will always return '{0}' since the types '{1}' and '{2}' have no overlap.]]></Val>
5823 | 5865 | </Str>
5824 | 5866 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5825 | 5867 | </Item>
| 5868 | + <Item ItemId=";This_module_can_only_be_referenced_with_ECMAScript_imports_Slashexports_by_turning_on_the_0_flag_and_2497" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 5869 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 5870 | + <Val><![CDATA[This module can only be referenced with ECMAScript imports/exports by turning on the '{0}' flag and referencing its default export.]]></Val> |
| 5871 | + </Str> |
| 5872 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 5873 | + </Item> |
5826 | 5874 | <Item ItemId=";This_parameter_is_not_allowed_with_use_strict_directive_1346" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
5827 | 5875 | <Str Cat="Text">
5828 | 5876 | <Val><![CDATA[This parameter is not allowed with 'use strict' directive.]]></Val>
5871 | 5919 | </Str>
5872 | 5920 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5873 | 5921 | </Item>
5874 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2_2493" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 5922 | + <Item ItemId=";Tuple_type_0_of_length_1_has_no_element_at_index_2_2493" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
5875 | 5923 | <Str Cat="Text">
5876 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Tuple type '{0}' with length '{1}' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '{2}'.]]></Val> |
| 5924 | + <Val><![CDATA[Tuple type '{0}' of length '{1}' has no element at index '{2}'.]]></Val> |
5877 | 5925 | </Str>
5878 | 5926 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5879 | 5927 | </Item>
5907 | 5955 | </Str>
5908 | 5956 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5909 | 5957 | </Item>
5910 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Type_0_has_no_property_1_2460" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
5911 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
5912 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Type '{0}' has no property '{1}'.]]></Val> |
5913 |
| - </Str> |
5914 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
5915 |
| - </Item> |
5916 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature_2459" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
5917 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
5918 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Type '{0}' has no property '{1}' and no string index signature.]]></Val> |
5919 |
| - </Str> |
5920 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
5921 |
| - </Item> |
5922 | 5958 | <Item ItemId=";Type_0_is_missing_the_following_properties_from_type_1_Colon_2_2739" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
5923 | 5959 | <Str Cat="Text">
5924 | 5960 | <Val><![CDATA[Type '{0}' is missing the following properties from type '{1}': {2}]]></Val>
5949 | 5985 | </Str>
5950 | 5986 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
5951 | 5987 | </Item>
5952 |
| - <Item ItemId=";Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_Use_compiler_option_downlevelIteration_to_allow_iterating_of_iterators_2568" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
5953 |
| - <Str Cat="Text"> |
5954 |
| - <Val><![CDATA[Type '{0}' is not an array type. Use compiler option '--downlevelIteration' to allow iterating of iterators.]]></Val> |
5955 |
| - </Str> |
5956 |
| - <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
5957 |
| - </Item> |
5958 | 5988 | <Item ItemId=";Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type_2495" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
5959 | 5989 | <Str Cat="Text">
5960 | 5990 | <Val><![CDATA[Type '{0}' is not an array type or a string type.]]></Val>
6189 | 6219 | </Str>
6190 | 6220 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
6191 | 6221 | </Item>
| 6222 | + <Item ItemId=";Type_parameter_defaults_can_only_reference_previously_declared_type_parameters_2744" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 6223 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 6224 | + <Val><![CDATA[Type parameter defaults can only reference previously declared type parameters.]]></Val> |
| 6225 | + </Str> |
| 6226 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 6227 | + </Item> |
6192 | 6228 | <Item ItemId=";Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty_1098" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
6193 | 6229 | <Str Cat="Text">
6194 | 6230 | <Val><![CDATA[Type parameter list cannot be empty.]]></Val>
6387 | 6423 | </Str>
6388 | 6424 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
6389 | 6425 | </Item>
| 6426 | + <Item ItemId=";Updating_unchanged_output_timestamps_of_project_0_6371" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 6427 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 6428 | + <Val><![CDATA[Updating unchanged output timestamps of project '{0}'...]]></Val> |
| 6429 | + </Str> |
| 6430 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 6431 | + </Item> |
6390 | 6432 | <Item ItemId=";Use_synthetic_default_member_95016" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
6391 | 6433 | <Str Cat="Text">
6392 | 6434 | <Val><![CDATA[Use synthetic 'default' member.]]></Val>
6519 | 6561 | </Str>
6520 | 6562 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
6521 | 6563 | </Item>
| 6564 | + <Item ItemId=";_0_components_don_t_accept_text_as_child_elements_Text_in_JSX_has_the_type_string_but_the_expected_t_2747" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 6565 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 6566 | + <Val><![CDATA['{0}' components don't accept text as child elements. Text in JSX has the type 'string', but the expected type of '{1}' is '{2}'.]]></Val> |
| 6567 | + </Str> |
| 6568 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 6569 | + </Item> |
6522 | 6570 | <Item ItemId=";_0_expected_1005" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
6523 | 6571 | <Str Cat="Text">
6524 | 6572 | <Val><![CDATA['{0}' expected.]]></Val>
6789 | 6837 | </Str>
6790 | 6838 | <Disp Icon="Str" />
6791 | 6839 | </Item>
| 6840 | + <Item ItemId=";const_enum_member_initializers_can_only_contain_literal_values_and_other_computed_enum_values_2474" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true"> |
| 6841 | + <Str Cat="Text"> |
| 6842 | + <Val><![CDATA[const enum member initializers can only contain literal values and other computed enum values.]]></Val> |
| 6843 | + </Str> |
| 6844 | + <Disp Icon="Str" /> |
| 6845 | + </Item> |
6792 | 6846 | <Item ItemId=";const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_im_2475" ItemType="0" PsrId="306" Leaf="true">
6793 | 6847 | <Str Cat="Text">
6794 | 6848 | <Val><![CDATA['const' enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment or type query.]]></Val>
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