This contains Kriti's notes from when she was revising docs in June 2023. This will eventually be a style guide.
- Use sentence case for titles. Don't capitalize random nouns.
- Good:
- Connect a database server
- Bad:
- Connect a Database Server
- Connect a Database server
- Good:
- When referencing external services or software, refer to them how they refer to themselves. e.g. write "Let's Encrypt", not "lets encrypt"
- When linking to external sites, identify the site. e.g. don't say "Django settings", say "Django settings (see Django docs)".
- We don't want to send users to external websites unexpectedly – external links should be clearly identified.
- Every item in a single list should be the same type of thing.
- Good list:
- Apples
- Oranges
- Bananas
- Bad list:
- Apples
- Apples are grown all over the world
- You can buy apples at the grocery store
- Good list:
- If you are using lists to collect different types of facts together, then give each list item a title, e.g.
- Apples
- Origin: Apples are grown all over the world = Where to buy: You can buy apples at the grocery store
- Apples
- Don't have bullets on the same line as an info-box. It's okay to have an infobox under a list item, but it should be part of a previous bullet, not have its own bullet.
- Generally aim for simpler language since it's more accessible to non-native speakers. e.g. "acquisition" is more succinct, but "where to buy" is simpler.
- Where to buy: You can buy apples at the grocery store
- Acquisition: You can buy apples at the grocery store
- Don't use short-forms e.g. say "distributions", not "distros"