| 1 | +Containerization |
| 2 | +================= |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, |
| 5 | +and ship it all out as one package. They allow a modular construction of an application architecture, or microservice in short. |
| 6 | +Docker is a popular tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +Preprocessing scripts and models can be created as a docker image snapshot, and launched as a container in production. |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +https://runnable.com/docker/python/dockerize-your-python-application |
| 11 | +https://docs.docker.com/get-started/part2/ |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +Docker Folder |
| 14 | +-------------- |
| 15 | +To start of a new project, create a new folder. This should only contain your docker file and related python files. |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | +Dockerfile |
| 18 | +------------ |
| 19 | +A dockerfile, is a file without extension type. It contains commands to tell docker what are the steps to do to |
| 20 | +create an image. |
| 21 | + |
| 22 | + * ``FROM`` tells Docker which image you base your image on (eg, Python 3 or continuumio/miniconda3). |
| 23 | + * ``RUN`` tells Docker which additional commands to execute. |
| 24 | + * ``CMD`` tells Docker to execute the command when the image loads. |
| 25 | + |
| 26 | +.. code:: |
| 27 | +
| 28 | + # Use an official Python runtime as a parent image |
| 29 | + FROM python:2.7-slim |
| 30 | +
| 31 | + # Set the working directory to /app |
| 32 | + WORKDIR /app |
| 33 | +
| 34 | + # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app |
| 35 | + COPY . /app |
| 36 | +
| 37 | + # Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt |
| 38 | + RUN pip install --trusted-host pypi.python.org -r requirements.txt |
| 39 | +
| 40 | + # Make port 80 available to the world outside this container |
| 41 | + EXPOSE 80 |
| 42 | +
| 43 | + # Define environment variable |
| 44 | + ENV NAME World |
| 45 | +
| 46 | + # Run app.py when the container launches |
| 47 | + CMD ["python", "app.py"] |
| 48 | +
| 49 | +
| 50 | +Build Docker image |
| 51 | +--------------------- |
| 52 | +``docker build -t image-name .`` --(-t = tag the image as) build and name image |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +Commands |
| 56 | +---------- |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +Help |
| 59 | + * ``docker --help`` --list all base commands |
| 60 | + * ``docker COMMAND --help`` --list all options for a command |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +Create Image |
| 63 | + * ``docker build -t image_name .`` --(-t = tag the image as) build and name image, "." is the location of the dockerfile |
| 64 | + |
| 65 | +Get Image from Docker Hub |
| 66 | + * ``docker pull image_name`` --pull image from dockerhub into docker |
| 67 | + * ``docker run image_name COMMAND`` --check if image in docker, if not pull & run image from dockerhub into docker. If no command is given, the container will stop running. |
| 68 | + * ``docker run image_name cat /etc/*release*`` --run image and print out the version of image |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | +Other Run Commands |
| 71 | + * ``docker run Ubuntu:17.04`` --semicolon specifies the version (known as tags as listed in Dockerhub), else will pull the latest |
| 72 | + * ``docker run ubuntu`` vs ``docker run mmumshad/ubuntu`` --the first is an official image, the 2nd with the / is created by the community |
| 73 | + * ``docker run -d image_name`` --(-d = detach) docker runs in background, and you can continue typing other commands in the bash. Else need to open another terminal. |
| 74 | + * ``docker run -v /local/storage/folder:/image/data/folder mysql`` --(-v = volume mapping) all data will be destroyed if container is stopped |
| 75 | + |
| 76 | +.. figure:: images/docker_cmd.PNG |
| 77 | + :scale: 100 % |
| 78 | + :align: center |
| 79 | + |
| 80 | + running docker with a command. each container has a unique container ID, container name, and their base image name |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | +IPs & Ports |
| 83 | + * ```` --IP address of docker host |
| 84 | + * ``docker inspect container_id`` --dump of container info, as well as at the bottom, under Network, the internal IP address. to view server in web browser, enter the ip and the exposed port. eg. |
| 85 | + * ``docker run -p 80:5000 image_name`` --(host_port:container_port) map host service port with the container port on docker host |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | +See Images & Containers in Docker |
| 88 | + * ``docker images`` --see all installed docker images |
| 89 | + * ``docker ps`` --(ps = process status) show status of images which are running |
| 90 | + * ``docker ps -a`` --(-a = all) show status of all images including those that had exited |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | +Start/Stop Containers |
| 93 | + * ``docker start container_name`` --run container |
| 94 | + * ``docker stop container_name`` --stop container from running, but container still lives in the disk |
| 95 | + * ``docker stop container_name1 container_name2`` --stop multiple container from running in a single line |
| 96 | + * ``docker stop container_id`` --stop container using the ID. There is no need to type the id in full, just the first few char suffices. |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | +Remove Containers/Images |
| 99 | + * ``docker rm container_name`` --remove container from docker |
| 100 | + * ``docker rmi image_name`` --(rmi = remove image) from docker. must remove container b4 removing image. |
| 101 | + * ``docker -f rmi image_name`` --(-f = force) force remove image even if container is running |
| 102 | + |
| 103 | +Execute Commands for Containers |
| 104 | + * ``docker exec container_nm COMMAND`` --execute a command within container |
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