File tree
545 files changed
lines changed- app
- code/Magento
- Backend
- Block/System/Config/Form
- Model
- etc
- view/adminhtml/templates/store/switcher
- Bundle
- Pricing/Price
- etc
- view/frontend
- templates/js
- web
- Catalog
- Block/Adminhtml/Product/Options
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Product/Initialization
- Model
- Product
- Attribute
- Backend
- Source
- Initialization/Helper
- Resource
- Product/Indexer/Eav
- Pricing/Price
- Service/V1
- Data
- Eav
- AttributeSet
- Product
- AttributeGroup
- AttributeSet
- Link
- Data
- ProductLink
- CollectionProvider
- DataMapper
- ProductEntity
- etc
- view
- adminhtml
- templates/catalog/product
- web/product
- frontend/layout
- CatalogInventory/Block/Adminhtml/Form/Field
- ConfigurableProduct
- Model/Product/Type
- view/adminhtml/templates/catalog/product/edit/super
- Core/App/Router
- Customer
- Block/Adminhtml/Edit
- Renderer/Attribute
- Tab
- Service/V1/Data
- Eav
- view/adminhtml/templates/edit/tab/account/form/renderer
- DesignEditor/Model/Url
- Eav/Model
- Entity
- Validator/Attribute
- Email/Model/Template
- GroupedProduct
- Model/Product/Initialization/Helper/ProductLinks/Plugin
- Service/V1/Product/Link/Data/ProductLink
- CollectionProvider
- DataMapper
- ProductEntity
- etc
- adminhtml
- view/adminhtml/templates/product/grouped
- ImportExport/Model
- Export/Entity
- Import
- Entity
- Index/Model
- Indexer
- Resource
- OfflinePayments
- Block/Info
- etc
- adminhtml
- view
- adminhtml/templates/form
- frontend/templates/form
- Ogone/Model
- Payment
- Block
- Model
- Checks
- Config
- Source
- Method
- Paypal
- Block
- Adminhtml
- Store
- System/Config
- Field
- Fieldset
- Express
- Helper
- Model
- Api
- Config
- Structure/Element
- Express
- Method
- etc
- adminhtml
- view/adminhtml/templates/system/config/fieldset
- ProductAlert
- Block/Email
- view/frontend/templates/email
- RecurringPayment/sql/recurringpayment_setup
- Review/Controller/Adminhtml
- Sales
- Block
- Adminhtml/Order/Create
- Order
- Helper/Quote/Item
- Model
- AdminOrder
- Payment/Method
- Quote
- Resource
- Order
- Payment
- Quote
- Payment
- data/sales_setup
- view/adminhtml/web/order/create
- SalesRule
- Helper
- Model
- Shipping/Model
- Store/App/Response
- Tax/sql/tax_setup
- User/sql/user_setup
- Weee
- Helper
- Model/Total/Quote
- sql/weee_setup
- design/frontend/Magento/blank/Magento_Theme/layout
- dev/tests
- functional
- lib/Mtf
- App/State
- Client/Driver/Selenium/Element
- Util/Generate
- tests/app/Magento
- Backend/Test
- Block
- System/Config
- Widget
- Handler
- Page
- Adminhtml
- System
- etc/global
- Catalog/Test
- Block
- Adminhtml/Product
- Product
- ProductList
- Constraint
- Fixture
- CatalogProductSimple
- Handler/CatalogProductSimple
- Page
- Category
- Product
- Repository
- TestCase/Product
- UpdateSimpleProductEntityTest
- etc/global
- CatalogSearch/Test
- Constraint
- Fixture
- CatalogSearchQuery
- TestCase
- SuggestSearchingResultEntityTest
- etc/global
- Customer/Test
- Constraint
- TestCase
- DeleteCustomerBackendEntityTest
- etc/global
- Downloadable/Test
- Block
- Adminhtml
- Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab
- Downloadable
- Product
- Catalog/Product
- View
- Constraint
- Fixture
- CatalogProductDownloadable
- DownloadableProduct
- Handler/Curl
- Page/Product
- TestCase
- Create
- CreateDownloadableProductEntityTest
- etc/global
- Tax/Test
- Block/Adminhtml/Rate
- Edit
- Constraint
- Fixture
- Page/Adminhtml
- Repository
- TestCase
- UpdateTaxRateEntityTest
- UpdateTaxRuleEntityTest
- etc/global
- UrlRewrite/Test
- Constraint
- Fixture
- Handler/UrlRewrite
- Repository
- TestCase
- DeleteProductUrlRewritesEntityTest
- etc
- curl
- global
- User/Test
- Block
- Adminhtml
- User/Edit
- Tab
- Backend
- Constraint
- Fixture
- Handler
- AdminUser
- AdminUserRole
- Page
- Adminhtml
- Backend
- Repository
- TestCase
- DeleteAdminUserEntityTest
- etc
- curl
- global
- integration
- framework/Magento/TestFramework/Workaround/Cleanup
- testsuite/Magento
- Catalog
- Model/Resource/Product/Indexer/Eav
- _files
- Centinel
- ConfigurableProduct/Model/Product/Type
- Customer
- Block/Adminhtml/Group
- Edit
- Service/V1
- _files
- DesignEditor/Model/Translate/_files
- GroupedProduct/_files
- ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/_files
- Sales
- Block/Adminhtml/Order/Create
- Form
- Model
- AdminOrder
- Service
- _files
- Tax/Model
- Sales/Total/Quote
- TaxClass/Type
- Widget/Block/Adminhtml/Widget/Instance/Edit/Chooser/_files
- performance/framework/tests/unit/testsuite/Magento/Test/Performance/_files
- static
- framework
- Magento/TestFramework/CodingStandard/Tool
- tests/unit/testsuite/Magento/TestFramework/CodingStandard/Tool
- testsuite/Magento/Test
- Legacy/_files
- Php/_files/whitelist
- unit
- framework/Magento/TestFramework/Helper
- testsuite/Magento
- Backend/Model/Config/_files
- Bundle
- Block/Catalog/Product/View/Type/Bundle
- Pricing
- Adjustment
- Price
- Render
- Catalog
- Block/Adminhtml/Product
- Helper/Form
- Options
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Product/Initialization
- Model
- Product/Attribute
- Backend
- Source
- Resource/Product/Indexer/Eav
- Pricing/Price
- Service/V1
- Product
- AttributeGroup
- AttributeSet
- Link
- Data/ProductLink
- CollectionProvider
- DataMapper
- ProductEntity
- CatalogRule/Pricing/Price
- ConfigurableProduct
- Model/Product/Type
- Pricing/Price
- Core/Model/View
- Customer
- Block
- Adminhtml/Edit
- Renderer/Attribute
- Tab
- Widget
- Controller/Adminhtml
- Model
- Metadata/Form
- Resource/Group/Grid
- Service/V1
- Data
- Eav
- Downloadable/Block/Catalog/Product
- Framework
- App
- Action
- Cache
- Config/Initial
- Backup
- _files/data
- Code
- DB/Adapter/Pdo
- Less/PreProcessor/Instruction
- Pricing
- Adjustment
- Price
- PriceInfo
- Render
- Service
- Data/Eav
- _files/Archive
- archives
- GroupedProduct
- Model/Product/Initialization/Helper/ProductLinks/Plugin
- Service/V1/Product/Link/Data/ProductLink
- CollectionProvider
- DataMapper
- ProductEntity
- ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/Product/_files
- Ogone/Model
- Payment/Model
- Checks
- Config
- Source
- Source
- Paypal
- Block/Adminhtml
- Store
- System/Config
- Field
- Fieldset
- Helper
- Model
- Config
- Structure/Element
- Method
- _files
- ProductAlert/Block/Email
- RequireJs/Block/Html/Head
- Review/Controller/Adminhtml
- Sales
- Helper/Quote/Item
- Model
- Payment/Method
- Quote
- SalesRule
- Helper
- Model
- Plugin
- System/Config/Source/Coupon
- Store/App/Response
- Webapi/Service/Entity
- Weee
- Helper
- Model/Total/Quote
- downloader/lib/Magento/Framework/Connect
- lib/internal/Magento/Framework
- App/Config/Initial
- Connect
- DB/Adapter/Pdo
- Event/Invoker
- Exception
- File
- Filter
- Gdata/Gshopping
- Model
- ObjectManager/Factory
- Service
- Data
- Eav
- V1/Data
- Search
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
545 files changed
lines changed+69-2
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 68 |
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2 | 69 |
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3 | 70 |
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104 | 171 |
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106 | 173 |
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107 |
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110 | 177 |
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122 | 189 |
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125 |
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127 | 194 |
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128 | 195 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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92 | 92 |
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93 | 93 |
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98 | 98 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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93 | 93 |
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94 | 94 |
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95 | 95 |
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96 |
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108 | 109 |
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109 |
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112 | 112 |
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118 |
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124 | 125 |
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125 | 126 |
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129 | 130 |
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130 | 131 |
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131 |
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132 | 132 |
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133 | 133 |
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134 | 134 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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97 | 97 |
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98 | 98 |
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99 | 99 |
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100 | 101 |
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101 | 102 |
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102 | 103 |
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186 | 187 |
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187 | 188 |
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188 | 189 |
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189 |
| - | |
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190 | 191 |
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191 | 192 |
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192 | 193 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 | 27 |
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31 | 28 |
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32 | 29 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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106 | 106 |
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107 | 107 |
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108 | 108 |
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109 |
| - | |
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110 | 110 |
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112 | 112 |
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147 |
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149 | 148 |
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150 | 149 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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145 | 145 |
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146 | 146 |
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147 | 147 |
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148 |
| - | |
149 | 148 |
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150 | 149 |
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151 | 150 |
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This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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125 | 125 |
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126 | 126 |
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127 | 127 |
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128 |
| - | |
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129 | 130 |
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130 | 131 |
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131 | 132 |
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0 commit comments