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Performance Toolkit


The Performance Toolkit enables you to test the performance of your Magento installations and the impact of your customizations. It allows you to generate sample data for testing performance and to run Apache JMeter scenarios, which imitate users activity. As a result, you get a set of metrics, that you can use to judge how changes affect performance, and the overall load capacity of your server(s).


Apache JMeter

  • Go to the Download Apache JMeter page and download JMeter in the Binaries section. Note that Java 8 or later is required.
  • Unzip the archive.

JSON Plugins

  • Go to the JMeter Installing Plugins page.
  • Download plugins-manager.jar and put it into the {JMeter path}/lib/ext directory. Then restart JMeter.
  • Follow the instructions provided on the JMeter Plugins Manager page to open Plugins Manager.
  • Select Json Plugins from the plugins listed on the Available Plugins tab, then click the Apply changes and restart JMeter button.

Quick Start

Before running the JMeter tests for the first time, you will need to first use the php bin/magento setup:performance:generate-fixtures {profile path} command to generate the test data. You can find the configuration files of available B2C profiles in the folders setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ce and setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ee.

It can take a significant amount of time to generate a profile. For example, generating the large profile can take up to 4 hours. So we recommend using the -s option to skip indexation. Then you can start indexation manually.

Splitting generation and indexation processes doesn't reduce total processing time, but it requires fewer resources. For example, to generate a small profile, use commands:

php bin/magento setup:performance:generate-fixtures -s setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ce/small.xml
php bin/magento indexer:reindex

For more information about the available profiles and generating fixtures generation, read Generate data for performance testing.

For run Admin Pool in multithreading mode, please be sure, that:

  • "Admin Account Sharing" is enabled

    Follow Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security. Set Admin Account Sharing to Yes.

  • Indexers setup in "Update by schedule" mode:

    Follow System > Tool > Index Management Set "Update by schedule" for all idexers

Note: Before generating medium or large profiles, it may be necessary to increase the value of tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size parameters for MySQL to 512Mb or more. The value of memory_limit for PHP should be 1Gb or more.

There are two JMeter scenarios located in setup/performance-toolkit folder: benchmark.jmx and benchmark_2015.jmx (legacy version).

Note: To be sure that all quotes are empty, run the following MySQL query before each run of a scenario:

UPDATE quote SET is_active = 0 WHERE is_active = 1;

Run JMeter scenario via console

The following parameters can be passed to the benchmark.jmx scenario:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
host localhost URL component 'host' of application being tested (URL or IP).
base_path / Base path for tested site.
admin_path admin Admin backend path.
admin_user admin Admin backend user.
admin_password 123123q Admin backend password.
customer_password 123123q Storefront customer password.
customers_page_size 50 Page size for customers grid in Magento Admin.
files_folder ./files/ Path to various files that are used in scenario (setup/performance-toolkit/files).
loops 1 Number of loops to run.
frontendPoolUsers 1 Total number of Frontend threads.
adminPoolUsers 1 Total number of Admin threads.
browseCatalogByGuestPercentage 30 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog browsing activities.
browseCatalogByCustomerPercentage 0 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog browsing activities.
siteSearchPercentage 30 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog search activities.
searchQuickPercentage 60 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog search activities.
searchQuickFilterPercentage 30 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog search activities.
searchAdvancedPercentage 10 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate catalog search activities.
checkoutByGuestPercentage 4 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate checkout by guest.
checkoutByCustomerPercentage 4 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate checkout by customer.
addToCartByGuestPercentage 28 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate abandoned cart activities.
addToWishlistPercentage 2 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate adding products to Wishlist.
compareProductsPercentage 2 Percentage of threads in Frontend Pool that emulate products comparison.
productCompareDelay 0 Delay (s) between iterations of product comparison.
promotionRulesPercentage 10 Percentage of threads in Admin Pool that emulate creation of promotion rules.
adminPromotionsManagementDelay 0 Delay (s) between creation of promotion rules.
adminCategoryManagementPercentage 10 Percentage of threads in Merchandising Pool that emulate category management activities.
adminProductEditingPercentage 35 Percentage of threads in Merchandising Pool that emulate product editing.
adminProductCreationPercentage 25 Percentage of threads in Merchandising Pool that emulate creation of products.
adminPromotionRulesPercentage 15 Percentage of threads in Admin Pool that emulate admin rules creating activities.
adminCategoryManagementDelay 0 Delay (s) between iterations of category management activities.
apiProcessOrders 5 Number of orders for process in Admin API - Process Orders.
adminEditOrderPercentage 15 Percentage of threads in Admin Pool that emulate order edit.
csrPoolUsers 0 Users of Customer Support Request (CSR) Pool.
othersPoolUsers 0 Users of Others Pool.
browseCustomerGridPercentage 10 Percentage of threads in CSR Pool that emulate customers browsing activities.
adminCreateOrderPercentage 70 Percentage of threads in CSR Pool that emulate creation of orders.
adminReturnsManagementPercentage 20 Percentage of threads in CSR Pool that emulate creation/processing of returns.
adminCreateProcessReturnsDelay 0 Delay (s) between creation of returns.
wishlistDelay 0 Delay (s) between adding products to Wishlist.
categories_count 100 Total number of categories that are be used in scenario.
simple_products_count 30 Total number of simple products that are be used in scenario.

Parameters must be passed to the command line with the J prefix:


The required parameters are {host} and {base_path}. All other parameters are optional. If you do not pass any custom value, a default value will be used.

There are some options that you should pass to JMeter in the console mode:

-n Run scenario in Non-GUI mode -t Path to the JMX file to be run -l Path to the JTL file to log sample results to -j Path to JMeter run log file

To get more details about available JMeter options, read Non-GUI Mode.

For example, you can run the B2C scenario via console with 90 threads for the Frontend Pool and 10 threads for the Admin Pool:

cd {JMeter path}/bin/
jmeter -n -t {path to peformance toolkit}/benchmark.jmx -j ./jmeter.log -l ./jmeter-results.jtl -Jbase_path=/ -Jadmin_path=admin -JfrontendPoolUsers=90 -JadminPoolUsers=10

As a result, you will get jmeter.log and jmeter-results.jtl. Thejmeter.log contains information about the test run and can be helpful in determining the cause of an error. The JTL file is a text file containing the results of a test run. It can be opened in the GUI mode to perform analysis of the results (see the Output section below).

The following parameters can be passed to the benchmark_2015.jmx scenario:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
host localhost URL component 'host' of application being tested (URL or IP).
base_path / Base path for tested site.
report_save_path ./ Path where reports will be saved. Reports will be saved in current working directory by default.
ramp_period 300 Ramp period (seconds). Period the request will be distributed within.
orders 0 Number of orders in the period specified in the current allocation. If orders is specified, the users parameter will be recalculated.
users 100 Number of concurrent users. Recommended amount is 100. Minimal amount is 10.
view_product_add_to_cart_percent 62 Percentage of users that will only reach the add to cart stage.
view_catalog_percent 30 Percentage of users that will only reach the view catalog stage.
guest_checkout_percent 4 Percentage of users that will reach the guest checkout stage.
customer_checkout_percent 4 Percentage of users that will reach the (logged-in) customer checkout stage.
loops 1 Number of loops to run.
admin_path admin Admin backend path.
admin_user admin Admin backend user.
admin_password 123123q Admin backend password.
think_time_deviation 1000 Deviation (ms) for "think time" emulation.
think_time_delay_offset 2000 Constant delay offset (ms) for "think time" emulation.

Run JMeter scenario via GUI

Note: Use the GUI mode only for scenario debugging and viewing reports. Use console mode for real-life load testing, because it requires significantly fewer resources.

  • Change directories to {JMeter path}/bin/ and run jmeter.bat.
  • Click File -> Open (Ctrl+O) and select benchmark.jmx file or drag and drop the benchmark.jmx file in the opened GUI.

In the root node (Performance Test Plan) in the left panel, you can change User Defined Variables listed in the previous section. To run a script, click the Start button (green arrow in the top menu).


The results of running a JMeter scenario are available in the View Results Tree and Aggregate Report nodes in the left panel of the JMeter GUI.

When the script is run via GUI, the results are available in the left panel. Choose the corresponding report. When the script is run via console, a JTL report is generated. You can run JMeter GUI later and open it in the corresponding report node.

The legacy scenario (Benchmark_2015) contains View Results Tree, Detailed URLs Report and Summary Report nodes.

View Results Tree

This report shows the tree of all requests and responses made during the scenario run. It provides information about the response time, headers and response codes. This report is useful for scenario debugging, but should be disabled during load testing because it consumes a lot of resources.

You can open a JTL file in this report to debug a scenario and view the requests that cause errors. By default, a JTL file doesn't contain bodies of requests/responses, so it is better to debug scenarios in the GUI mode.

For more details, read View Results Tree.

Aggregate Report

This report contains aggregated information about all requests. It provides request count, min, max, average, error rate, approximate throughput, etc. You can open a JTL file in this report to analyze the results of a scenario run.

For more details, read Aggregate Report.

Detailed URLs Report (Legacy)

This report contains information about URLs. Note that the URL is displayed only in a generated report file (URL is not displayed in the GUI). The report file name is {report_save_path}/detailed-urls-report.log. It can be opened as a CSV file.

For more details, read View Results in Table.

Summary Report (Legacy)

The report contains aggregated information about threads. The report file name is {report_save_path}/summary-report.log.

For more details, read Summary Report.

Additional Information


benchmark.jmx scenario has the following pools and default percentage breakdown for each scenario:

Frontend Pool (frontendPoolUsers)

Scenario Name % of Pool
Catalog Browsing By Guest 30
Site Search 30
Add To Cart By Guest 28
Add to Wishlist 2
Compare Products 2
Checkout By Guest 4
Checkout By Customer 4

Site Search thread group contains 3 variations:

  • Quick Search (60%)
  • Quick Search With Filtration (30%)
  • Advanced Search (10%)

Admin Pool (adminPoolUsers)

Scenario Name % of Pool
Admin Promotion Rules 15
Admin Edit Order 15
Admin Category Management 10
Admin Edit Product 35
Admin Create Product 25

CSR Pool (csrPoolUsers)

Scenario Name % of Pool
Browse Customer Grid 10
Admin Create Order 70
Admin Returns Management 20

Legacy Threads

The benchmark_2015.jmx script consists of five thread groups: the setup thread and four user threads. By default, the percentage ratio between the thread groups is as follows:

  • Browsing, adding items to the cart and abandon cart (BrowsAddToCart suffix in reports) - 62%
  • Just browsing (CatProdBrows suffix in reports) - 30%
  • Browsing, adding items to cart and checkout as guest (GuestChkt suffix in reports) - 4%
  • Browsing, adding items to cart and checkout as registered customer (CustomerChkt suffix in reports) - 4%

Legacy Scenario

It is convenient to use Summary Report for the results analysis. To evaluate the number of each request per hour, use the value in the Throughput column.

To get the summary value of throughput for some action:

  1. Find all rows that relate to the desired action
  2. Convert values from Throughput column to a common denominator
  3. Sum up the obtained values

For example, to get summary throughput for the Simple Product View action when the following rows are present in the Summary Report:

Label # Samples ... Throughput
... ... ... ...
Open Home Page(CatProdBrows) 64 ... 2.2/sec
Simple Product 1 View(GuestChkt) 4 ... 1.1/sec
Simple Product 2 View(BrowsAddToCart) 30 ... 55.6/min
... ... ... ...

Find all rows with the label Simple Product # View and calculate the summary throughput:

1.1/sec + 55.6/min = 66/min + 55.6/min = 121.6/min = 2.02/sec

If you need information about the summary throughput of the Checkout actions, find the rows with labels Checkout success and make the same calculation.

For the total number of page views, you will want to sum up all actions minus the setup thread.