This is a simple flask web application that prints the current state of the switch and has a button to turn on/off the LED.
Setup the Raspberry Pi with an LED connected to pin 23 (LED anode/longer leg connected to pin 23, then cathode/shorter leg connect through a ~560 ohm resistor to ground). Also connect a slide switch (or just move wires manually) with its output (middle pin) connected to pin 24 and one of its other pins connected to ground and the other 3.3V.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev
sudo pip install flask
cd webapp
Open browser and access http://raspberrypi:5000/.
Do this one time setup to create and enable the systemd service.
sudo cp pi_thing.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable pi_thing
Now reboot and the pi thing webapp should automatically run after boot. You can manually stop it with:
sudo systemctl stop pi_thing
Start it with:
sudo systemctl start pi_thing
And check its status with:
sudo systemctl status pi_thing