_https://forums.pimoroni.com/t/unicorn-hat-python-script-stops-after-8-hours/6275/12_ Although probably what you really want is a systemd unit to start up your Python script. Something like: ``` [Unit] Description=My Python Service After=multiuser.target Requires=local-fs.target [Service] Restart=always Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/Pimoroni/unicornhathd/examples/candle.py [Install] WantedBy=default.target ``` Save this as a file by running: `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mypython.service` and pasting in the above. Then reload systemd: `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` And start your new service: `sudo systemctl start mypython` You can also get its status: `sudo systemctl status mypython` And stop it: `sudo systemctl stop mypython` And enable it to auto-start on boot: `sudo systemctl enable mypython`