- About
- MAC Put OS onto SD card
- Use my preconfigured dot files
- MAC Setup
- See Pi Files in Mac Finder
- See Pi Files on PC (Samba)
- Static IP Setup
- Git setup
- Wifi Setup
- Remove Wolfram
- I2C Setup
- User Management
- Setup VNC
- Setup .local domain
- Disk Usage
- Pimoroni Unicorn Hat
- Run at Startup
- Create symbolic link
- SSH Keys
- Make file executable
##About We have so many Raspberry Pi computers in our household, so we set up a collection of useful information so we can share our knowledge and quicky set up new systems.
Insert SD card
diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 250.1 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3
0: FDisk_partition_scheme *4.0 GB disk1
1: DOS_FAT_32 NO NAME 4.0 GB disk1s1
0: GUID_partition_scheme *39.8 MB disk2
1: Apple_HFS Garmin Express 39.8 MB disk2s1
Mine is the 4.0 GB and my .img on my system is /Volumes/H/xfer/usefull-apps/RasPi/2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1
Unmount of all volumes on disk1 was successful
sudo dd bs=1m if=/Volumes/H/xfer/usefull-apps/RasPi/2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk1
Then wait for a long time CTRL+t will show progress Took about half an hr. Then plug in the Pi and off you go.
Clone dot files and make symbolic links example for vim so you are up and running quickly with your familiar environment
git clone https://github.com/mirkin/dotfiles.git
ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc .vimrc
I'm going headless so no monitor, keyboard, or mouse. Plugged into network and checked the DHCP client table in my router to find it's IP which was in my case.
Open a shell and
ssh pi@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 65:3f:76:ff:1d:5c:02:5f:bb:54:ed:35:d8:b8:5a:f8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
pi@'s password:
Linux raspberrypi 3.12.28+ #709 PREEMPT Mon Sep 8 15:28:00 BST 2014 armv6l
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
NOTICE: the software on this Raspberry Pi has not been fully configured. Please run 'sudo raspi-config'
If you want to be up to date
sudo apt-get update
Now configure for the first time
sudo raspi-config
Expand file system to use the full SD Under advanced set hostname and enable I2C finish and reboot.
##Static IP Setup
Now I want to set a static IP address so change the /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp
Using nano because no vim yet ip I want is and my gateway is my DHCP starts at so no chance it will lease anything under 100 so 32 is safe.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp
sudo reboot
Can now ssh to
##See Pi Files in Mac Finder
I want to be able to browse and edit files on my Mac so
sudo apt-get install netatalk
Now I can log in at pi and use finder and all my favourite editing tools.
##See Pi files in Windows Explorer
Browse and edit files on the PC.
Install Samba
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin
Then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
wins support = yes
comment= Pi Home
only guest=no
create mask=0777
directory mask=0777
Set up your user and restart the service
sudo smbpasswd -a pi
sudo service samba restart
##Git setup
git config --global user.email "alex@example.com"
git config --global user.name "My name"
##Wifi Setup
Edit /etc/network/interfaces
#interfaces to bring up automatically when ifup is run with -a
auto lo eth0 wlan0
#command such as ifup --allow=hotplug eth0 wlan0 will bring up only if listed below
allow-hotplug eth0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface lo inet loopback
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
#wired lan gets static ip
iface eth0 inet static
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface walvin inet static
iface default inet dhcp
Edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf You can set multiple wireless networks and have different id_str for each to reference in /etc/network/interfaces ``bash ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="mywirelessssid" psk="mypassword" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK id_str="walvin" }
##Remove Wolfram
Free up disk space by removing almost 500meg of Wolfram
sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine
##I2C Setup Get tools and python libs
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
Add i2c-dev to /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
# Parameters can be specified after the module name.
If you have this file, it may need editing
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
Then comment out (add # to the start) or remove
#blacklist i2c-bcm2708
Then check with sudo i2cdetect -y 1 (Newer models) or sudo i2cdetect -y 0 depending on your model
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- 71 -- -- -- -- -- --
Any problems, you may need to reboot
sudo reboot
##User Management Add/Remove a user I'll add and remove alex, the -r is to delete the home folder of alex
sudo adduser alex
sudo userdel -r alex
The user will not be able to sudo, if you want them to be able to then
sudo visudo
and add an entry for them
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
# directly modifying this file.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
Defaults env_reset
Defaults mail_badpass
Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
# Host alias specification
# User alias specification
# Cmnd alias specification
# User privilege specification
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
# See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
Change your password or another person's
sudo passwd alex
##Setup VNC
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
Wait for install, and press Y enter if it asks for confirmation.
vncserver :1
You will require a password to access your desktops.
Follow instructions, and then to start it up
vncserver :0 -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24
##Setup .local domain Useful if you get a dynamic IP from your DHCP or even if you have a static IP and forget it. netatalk will already have set this up but here is how to do it anyway.
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon
##Sudo Preserve Environment Variables
sudo -E
##Disk Usage Useful to know what is taking up space if you only use a small 4Gig SD.
sudo du -sh /*
sudo du -sh /dirname/*
The h option shows info in “Human Readable Format“ bytes,k,meg,gig instead of disk blocks. The s option will stop it reporting on subdirectories
##GPIO setup pin 8
sudo echo '8' > /sys/class/gpio/export
There will now be pin 8 under /sys/class/gpio set pin 8 as an output
sudo echo 'out' > /sys/class/gpio/gpio8/direction
set pin 8 to high
sudo echo '1' > /sys/class/gpio/gpio8/value
clean up
sudo echo '8' > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
Permission Denied then use tee
echo '8' | sudo tee /sys/class/gpio/unexport
##OpenCV Python
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
If you want to use the camera
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
##X11 Windows on Mac Download X11 for Mac open shell and type xhost + Tick both boxes on Mac preferences under security SSH user_of_pi@ip_of_pi -X (I didn't need the -X option) export DISPLAY='ip_of_mac:0.0'
##Pimoroni Unicorn Hat Only uses 3 pins GPIO 18, +5V and Ground. To match up with the unicorn hat and pi B+ is used jump wires between pins 2(5V),9(Ground),12(GPIO18) to the same on the Hat. So that is the 1st and 6th on one side and 5th on the other.
Software https://github.com/pimoroni/UnicornHat
\curl -sS get.pimoroni.com/unicornhat | bash
(Python 3) sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev sudo pip-3.2 install unicornhat (Python 2) sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev sudo pip install unicornhat
##Run at startup Put file in /etc/init.d (for example start-eyes and make sure it's executable chmod +x start-eyes) sudo update-rc.d start-eyes defaults
You can follow a pattern to make these startup daemons a little cleaner and allow start and stop here is an example for a python script that makes LED Eyes light up.
# Provides: led-eyes
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: to start led matrix eyes
# Description: to start led matrix eyes
# Using the lsb functions to perform the operations.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
# Process name ( For display )
name=`basename $0`
echo "Name -> $name"
case "$1" in
log_daemon_msg "Starting LED Eyes"
start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $pid_file --make-pidfile --exec /home/pi/dev/pi-word-clock/python/Eyes.py
log_daemon_msg "Stopping LED Eyes"
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $pid_file
echo "usage start-eyes start:stop"
exit 1
exit 0
If you want to start/stop this deamon from the shell use a symbolic link so it can be found on the PATH
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/start-eyes /usr/bin/start-eyes
####Explanation systemd Linux kernal PID 0 systemd PID 1 mother of all processes top or ps -e | head will show if you are using systemd for your init which this description covers. There are other initialization systems in linux though.
We have units with name type and config file. 8 types
- automount
- device
- mount
- path
- service
- snapshot
- socket
- target
A service unit is for managing daemons a target unit is a group of
other units.
systemctl list-units
systemctl list-units | grep .service for just service units
Config files are
- /lib/systemd/system units provided by installed packages only run if not a file of same name in the other folder
- /etc/systemd/system units installed by sys admin
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
systemctl list-unit-files --type=target
A service file for example cat /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service has
- Description
- After - which units should be activated before this one is started
- Environment File - service's config file
- ExecStart command used to start this service
- ExecReload command used to reload this service
- WantedBy - target unit this service belongs to
If wanted by contains multi-user.target then when multi-user.target unit is activated this service will be started.
To view the units a target unit will activate
systemctl show --property "Wants" multi-user.target \
| fmt -10 | sed 's/Wants=//g' | sort
A target unit has Wants and Requires if a want fails we are cool but if
a requires fails then the entire group of units is deactivated. To find units a
target requires
systemctl show --property "Requires" multi-user.target
Look at target unit config in this case multi-user.target
cat /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target
- Description
- Requires - if this target activated listed unit also activated. If either is deactivated or fails both are.
- Conflicts - Avoids conflicts starting this target stops listed trgets and services in this section
- After - units that should be activated before this one
- AllowIsolate - yes or no if yes then only this and it's dependencies are activated all others are deactivated
- ExecStart - command to start the service
- ExecReload - command to reload service
- Alias command for systemd to create symbolic link from target unit names
listed to this unit
man systemd.service, man systemd.target, man systemd.unit, man -k systemd
scstemctl status ssh.service see status of service
Start and Stop services
systemctl start ssh.service
systemctl stop ssh.service
systemctl restart ssh.service
systemctl condrestart ssh.service conditional restart only restarts if it was already running
OK now how to start on boot persistent services
systemctl enable myservice.service to enable and
systemctl diable myservice.service to disable
This creates symbolic links
Add your own service
add service file in /etc/systemd/system for example Spooky_Eyes.service
Description=Spooky LED Eyes
sudo systemctl enable Spooky_Eyes.service
##Symoblic Link
ln -s target source
target is the existing link, source is the new symoblic link
##Make Python File Executable sudo chmod +x filename.py
##SSH-Keys ###Overview In ~/.ssh are your keys you may need to make the folder if it doesn't exist. Local client has their private key there, remote server will need the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys If you use passphrases ssh-agent can avaid having to keep typing it in. ###Details To Generate key on client
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Copy public key to remote server
scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub alex@alexpi32.local:.ssh/new_public_key
Log into remote and add it to authorized keys
cat new_public_key >> authorized_keys
If you use a passphrase then ss-agent needs to know so you don't have to keep typing the passphrase in.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
If you get Could not open a connection to your authentication agent check it's running and try again
eval `ssh-agent -s`
GITHUB add your id_rsa.pub to github over website under settings Test ssh -T git@github.com
Check remote and change to ssh if necessary git remote -v git remote set-url origin git@github.com:mirkin/reponame.git
##Search Hackers Failed logins sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep 'authentication'
use vi mode editing in the shell
set -o vi
had to change version to get powerline working
sudo apt-get install vim-nox
Buffer = in-memory text can have many
Window = viewport of buffer can tile and split
Tab = Collection of windows
config file is ~/.vimrc
syntax on " syntax hilite
set number " show line numbers
filetype indent on " filetype specifix indents good for coding
set wildmenu " shows autocomplete matches with tab in command mode
set modeline " allows you to do make settings in a file using # vim: tabstop=8
so your python or javascript file can send settings to vim which only apply for
that file.
hjkl to move cursor
ESC or ctrl-[ normal mode
i insert
a append
R replace mode type over the top
A append at end of line
:q! quit don't save
ZZ or :wq save and quit
u undo, ctrl r redo, U undo entire line
p inserts text just deleted after cursor
r replace char with next char to be typed, c change so ce then type will change
to the end of a word c$ change to end of line
ctrl g - line number and col etc.
J - Join current line with next line, brings next line up and appends
:! followed by any shell command to execute a command
:r !figlet alex runs a shell command and insters under current line
ctrl-z suspends vim so you can do work in your shell fg resumes vim
:sh starts new subshell and ctrl-d or exit to get back to vim
% will find matchin parentheses
gg start, G end, lineNumber then G go to line
G201 go to line 201
crtl b page up ctry f page down
w move in words W move in WORDS b B
0 start of line $ end of line
A append at end of line
^ first non whitespace char useful for coding
I same as above but switch to insert mode
`` previous cursor position
'' previous line
f{char} find (move cursor to next occurance of char on that line ; will
repeat the last search and , will repeat in reverse) F{char} searches backward
and t{char} T{char} are like f but stop once char early (to)
3fb find 3rd b on line from cursor
F and T do the same but backwards
Insert Normal Mode
ctrl-o - from insert mode to normal mode for one command and then it switches
back so you don't have to. So you can be editing and if you want to have the
line in the middle of the screen (zz) you don't have to press escape zz i you
just do ctrl-o zz and continue.
Insert Mode
ctrl-h backspace
ctrl-w delete back word
ctrl-u delete back to start of line
?phrase searches backward
search again n opposite dir N
* go to next occurance of word currently under cursor
# as above but backward
g* go to next even if it's part of another word eg. set settings
n next result forward
N backward
:s/old/new/g all on line
:%s/old/new/g whole file
:%s/old/new/gc whole file but with prompts
Like mouse selecting and typing over:
cW change till end of word
3cW change 3 words
BcW change from beginning to end of word
ci" change innder text beween "" can use (<etc.
cit change inner tag <></>
yiw yank inner word copy current word even if cursor not at start
viwp visually select inner word and paste over with what was coppied
R replace, just start typing over everything
A append at end
I insert at start like ^ but insert mode
s delete char at cursor and enter insert mode
S clear line and being insert
C delete from cursor to end and begin insert mode
o new line after
O new line before
ma mb ... mz set marker in named register a-z
'a 'z goto start of line of marker
z goto marker
:marks show all marks
MAtching Quotes ci (change inner quote) then ' or " or { or <
Autocomplete ctrl-n ctrl-p suggest match from start of current word ctrl-n and ctrl-p to select menu
Replace Mode [type over]
gR treats tabs as spaces
Copy Paste
v for visual mode char wise
V for full lines move cursor y to yank (copy), d to cut, c to change
ctrl-v visual-block
gv reselect last visual selection
in visual mode switches to select which is like regular text editor
p paste after cursor
P paste before
copy and paste from buffers "ay copy to a buffer "bP paste from b buffer
gv get back to previous visual selection
yy yank line
y yank 2yW copy 2 WORDS
:364y yank line 364
:364,400y yank line 364 to 400
:364,400t500 yank lines and paste under line 500
:364,400t yank lines and paste under current line
:364m 400 move line 364 to after 400
:364,370m 400
yt{char} yank till before {char} to right
yT{char} yank till after {char} to left
yf{char} yank forward to char to right
yF{char} yank yank left to char
"ay yank to register a
"Ay append to register a
"ap put from register a
"+p paste from clipboard linux
"*p pase from clipboard windows or mouse hilight linux"
"ayy yank line to reg a
ctrl-r{register} paste from register in insert mode. Saves switching 0 is
default register.
ctrl-r ctrl-p {register} same but fixes indentation
:reg list registers
:let @a=system('ls -al') puts result of ls -al into reg a
ctrl R a
Paste/Put not lining up correctly? Probably pasting into the terminal so when
it pastes new lines it's formatting it like you are typing it in. You need to
tell it to stop trying to format your code.
set paste
set nopaste to turn it back on.
Perhaps .vimrc set pastetoggle= or something if you are doing it often
*while in visual block mode *
motions work to change block eg 20l or 10j
o changes corner that defines the block VERY USEFUL
I,A - insert at top when done it will be repeated on each line
d delte block
U uppercase
u lower
~ toggle case
r replace all chars in block with next char pressed
. repeat
: command mode will automatically preffix command with just selected text
Markers are
'< start line
'> end line
`< start character
`> end character
So to replace red with green for current selection
gv - reselect last visual selection
vit - select inner tag
Save & Quit
ZZ or :wq
Quit no save
ZQ or :q!
:E file browser
5>> indent 5 lines
Vjjjjj> to do it visually
x del char or 8x delete 8
dw delete from cursor to start of next word or d8w
de delete frtom cursor to end of current word e8w
d$ delete from cursor to end of line
dd delete line 8dd delete 8 lines
daw delete a word
diw delete inner word
dap delete a paragraph
Motion - move to (AS Above can add number before to repeat X times)
w,e,$(end of line),0(start of line),^ first non whitespace on line
w move word
W move WORD
b back word
B back WORD
e forward to end of next word
E forward to end of next WORD
f(char) forward to next char [on same line]
F(char) back to prev char
t and T as above but just before char
60i# insert 60 # signs
zz current line to middle of screen COOL
zt top
zb bottom
ctrl-e ctrl-y step up/down a line
ctrl-d ctrl-u 1/2 page
ctrl-b ctrl-f page
ctrl-o switches from insert to normal temporarlily while you do one of these
:ls list
:bn next buffer
:bp prev
:b2 buffer 2
:b filen partial filename tab will auto complete
:split or :sp filename horizontal split ctrl-w s
:vsplit or :vs or :vsp filename vertical split ctrl-w v
ctrl-w arrows move cursor to window or ctrl w again to cycle
For horizontal splits
ctrl-w + - resize _ maximize window = all equal size
10 ctrl-w + increase size by 10
For vetical
ctrl-w < or > resize | maximize = equal
10 ctrl-w > or < change size by 10
:hide close current window ctrl-w q
:only close all but this
10 ctrl-w + increase size by 10 - decrease
:qa quit all
:wqa :xa save all quit
ctrl-w x exchange window with neigbour
Tabs should think of tab as a window layout
Tabs vim -p file 1 file2 file3
gt gT normal mode switch t ab
2gt numbered tab
:tabn :tabp prev next tab
:tabedit filename
set foldmethod=syntax or manual indent
zM fold everything
zR unfold everything
za toggle open/close a fold
zm fold more
zr fold less
Plugins crtlP fuzzy search
cd /.vim
git clone https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim.git bundle/ctrlp.vim
add to .vimrc set runtimepath^=/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
:helptags ~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim/doc
find out where it's looking for scripts/plugins etc :set runtimepath? add to .vimrc to add to that path set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
Plug 'Raimondi/delimitMate' sorts matching pairs ("")etc shift tab to skip to end of delimeter ctrl-g g to skip contiguous. " enable delimit mate plugin to expand spaces and cr 73 let delimitMate_expand_space=1 74 let delimitMate_expand_cr=1
Download theme via shell (for example badwolf)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjl/badwolf/master/colors/badwolf.vim -O .vim/colors/badwolf.vim
Sessions Save :mksession or :mks ~/.vim/sessions/mysession.vim Open :source ~/.vim/session.mysession.vim Or vim -S ~/.vim/session.mysession.vim Overwrite session :mks!
Recording qa to start recording to register a qz to record to register z q in normal mode will stop @a will play from register a
g~ swap case
gu lowercase
gU uppercase
gUaw current word upper
gUap current paragraph upper
gUit go uppercase in tag <></>
Maths ctrl a and ctrl x will increase or decrease a number you don't need to be on the number it will find the next one on that line 20 add 20 10 subtract 10 Even works wth bases 0xef for example =2*15 while in insert mode puts result of maths expression at cursor
Running shell commands on current buffer :%!js-beautify -f - --type html :%!js-beautify -f - --type js -w 80
Spelling :set spell turn it on [s to prev error ]s to next error z= suggestions for current word zg add current word to dictionary zw remove current word from dic :set spellang=en_gb set dictionary s spelling suggestions from insert mode
Special Chars 065 while in insert mode would place an A at cursor u00bf will put the unicode char un 12 insert char by digraph 12 being a half ga will show unicode value of current char at bottom of screen :digraph will show massive list of chars
CTAGS JS npm install -g git+https://github.com/ramitos/jsctags.git jsctags piano-local.js -f | sort > tags Found this seems to work better with closures npm install -g javascript-ctags Exuberant version you can edit ~/.ctags which is in my github .dotfiles .vimrc set tags+=tags;$HOME so vim will search for tags file backwards up the tree :tago see tags b] <ctrl-]> from tag to definition navigate back through tag list history :tnext :tfirst :tlast :tprev :tag{keyword} with tab autocomplete :tjump{keyword}
##Cool Stuff
libaa-bin then aafire
figlet for ascii art
figlet mytext
sudo wget http://www.figlet.org/fonts/larry3d.flf -O /usr/share/figlet/larry3d.flf
figlet -f larry3d alexander
___ __
/\_ \ /\ \
__ \//\ \ __ __ _ __ ___ \_\ \ __ _ __
/'__`\ \ \ \ /'__`\/\ \/'\ /'__`\ /' _ `\ /'_` \ /'__`\/\`'__\
/\ \L\.\_ \_\ \_/\ __/\/> <//\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \/\ __/\ \ \/
\ \__/.\_\/\____\ \____\/\_/\_\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \___,_\ \____\\ \_\
\/__/\/_/\/____/\/____/\//\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__,_ /\/____/ \/_/
##TMUX tmux ls list sessions tmux new -s sessionName start new with session name tmux a #0 attach session 0 tmux a -t sessionName tmux kill-session -t sessionName tmux kill-session #0 ctrl-b % new pane split vertically " new pane split horizontally up/down/left/right move to next pane ; previous pane q show pane numbers x kill pane z zoom toggle , name window w list windows d detatch t show a clock [ copy mode press enter to exit (like visual mode in vim) :resize-p -D 10 resize pane down 10 can use -U -L or -R
##Powerline Need Source Code Pro for Powerline on iterm.
pip install --user git+git://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
wget https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/raw/develop/font/PowerlineSymbols.otf https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/raw/develop/font/10-powerline-symbols.conf mkdir -p ~/.fonts/ && mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.fonts/ fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts mkdir -p ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/ && mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/
##Pandoc convert document formats sudo apt-get install pandox sudo apt-get install texlive [large 600megish]
##Linux Commands
####Basic user and shell info
id will give user group group ids and names
uname -a type of system you're using
who -uH (u idle time H show header)
who am i
echo $PATH
alias will list aliases
type -a cat will tell you where cat command is located -a is to show all
locations aliases and file location. Shells other than bash use which instead
of type
set -o vi sets vi mode for command editing add to .bashrc
history 7 shows last 2 commands !commandnumber run command at the number
ctrl-r type to seach reverse command history
~/.bash_history or ~/.zsh_history is your history file depending on shell
$HISTFILE /dev/null or $HISTSIZE blank disables history feature.
####Metachars connecting commands
| pipe output of one command to input of next
< feed file into stdin eg. wc -l < myfile
> redirect to file eg. wc -l myfile.text > outputfile
>> same but append to file
1> sdout (default)
2> stderr
cmd1;cmd2 sequential commands
command & run in background
jobs -l show background jobs (l shows ids too)
%id or fgid bring background job to foreground
####Expanding commands
use $(command)
echo "I counted $(ls | wc -w) files and folders"
arithmetic use $[]
echo "$[12*12] in a gross"
echo $VARNAME show variable
env show environment variables
NAME="hi there" set variable
export NAME="hi there" variable available to subprocesses
readonly NAME obvious
unset NAME obvious
$PS1 prompt variable
alias la='ls -al'
####Bash Config
/etc/profile sets environment variables then runs scripts in /etc/profile.d
/etc/bashrc run for bash shell
per user
~/.bash_profile good place to put env vars it then runs ~/.bashrc
~/.bashrc user specific bash stuff aliases and the like
####PS1 Prompt
Set color
\033[38;5;#1;48;5;#2;m where #1 is foreground 0-255 colour code #2 background
Unicode Chars
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1st char - normal d folder l symbolic link s socket p named pipe
then user group everyone permissions read write execute + ACL set see below
chmod 754 3 bit digit for user group everyone 4=r 2=w 1=x example shows
chmod -R recursive
Can also use letters u=user g=group o=other a=all +=allow -=deny
chmod a+rwx give everyone full permission
chmod o-x don't let others execute
cgmod ug+wx let user and group write and execute
chown -R user:group thing changes user and group recursively -R and :group is
Actually 754 is really 0754 as there is something before user/group/other the 3
bit digit for that 4=set userID bit (u+s) 2=set group bit (g+s) 1=sticky bit
If group ID (2 or g+s) is set in a directory then when a user makes a new file,
instead of having it's group set to the group of that user, it is set to the
group of the owner of the directory. Even if that user doesn't belong to that
group (so long as others can write). While this new files is executing it's
owner is the file's group not the user who is executing it.
If user ID is set (4 or u+s) it will execute as it's owners user rather then
the user executing it.
#####Access Contol Lists
ls -al + listed in presmissions shows ACL
getfacl filename
setfacl -m u:username:rwx filename
setfacl -m g:groupname:rw filename
setfacl -x u:username filename remove ACL entry for username
NOTE MASK even if user permissions exceed those in mask they will be limited
you get a #effective in getfacl you'd need a chmod to correct this.
setfacl d:g:kids:r /importantstuff sets dafault ACL on directory which will be
inherited. files won't be executable automatically as files are not by default
####Move Copy Delete
cp -a maintain timestamps and permissions in copy
-r recursive
####Finding Searching
locate or find?
locate uses a DB config in /etc/updatedb.conf hence fast but won't find
anything not in the DB since updatedb last run.
locate lostfile will seach our a file, didn't come as standard on raspbian so had to install sudo apt-get install mlocate then sudo updatedb (mlocate is newer than locate)
find /path will list all files and directories under path
find /path1 /path2 search multiple paths
find /path -ls gives a long listing for extra details
find /path -name needle filters for just needle in filename
find /path -iname needle case insensitive
Annoying permission denied? redirect errors to /dev/null
find / -name 'cool' 2> /dev/null
find / -type d -iname "projects" -ls find directory
find / -type f find just files
find by size - smaller + bigger or none for exact gig/k/meg/bytes G/M/k/c
find / -size +10M
find / -size +500M -size -5G
find by user or group
find / -user alex -or -user clare
find / -not -group kids
find by permisssions
find /path -perm 777 finds rwxrwxrwx
find /path -perm -644 at least 644 (777,776,755,754,744,666,655,654,644) -
means you need 644 but can have extra permissions too
find /path -perm /711 at least one (owner/group/other) has the permission
described kind of like and or for each.
find by date and time prefix letter a/m/c accessed/modified/metadata changed
metadata is owner,group,permissions,file size, time stamp etc. Also prefix -
for has been changed and + for hasn't been changed or nothing for exact match
time for days, min for minutes
find /path -atime -30 find accessed 30 days ago
find /path -amin +10 find not accessed in last 10 minutes
find /path -ctime -3 find meta data changed in past 3 days
Boolean searches
find /path ( -user alex -o -user pi ) user alex or pi
find /path -user alex -and -size +5M
find /path -user alex -not -group gpio all owned by alex but not in group gpio
Execute Commands with each result from find
-exec won't ask -ok will use {} in place of each of the found files. To end the
-exec or -ok use ;
find /path -iname cool -exec echo "{} is found" ;
find /path -user alex -ok cp {} /home/backup/ ;
find /path -size +100M -exec du {} ; | sort nr
Searching using G\RE\P globally search regular expression and print
alias grep='grep --color=auto' to show matches in colour
grep thing /path/file searches for thing in file case sensitive returns lines
in files matching thing
grep -i thing /path/file case insensitive
grep -v thing /path/file lines that don't contain thing
grep -r thing /path recursive search directory not just one file
grep -rl shows files containing matches instead of lines
ps -aux | grep alex pipe result of command to grep
ctrl z stop process, bg to run in background fg to run in foreground
jobs list jobs in current shell then fg bg with job #
+ shows most recently placed in bg - next one stopped may we waiting for input
hence stopped. Run command in bg with command &
jobs -l shows process ID
disown removes from the job list nohup seperates process from terminal
SIGKILL (9) kill
SIGTERM (15) request nice termination may be ignored
SIGINT (2) request interrupt ctrl-c
SIGHUP (1) hangup terminal closed so reload config and reopen logfiles
SIGSTOP (19 sometimes 17 or 23) pause to be resumed later
SIGCONT (18 sometimes 19 or 25) resume stopped process
kill -9 or kill -SIGKILL 1467 would kill process 1467 use any signal or code
killall -15 thing kills by name not pid
All processes have nice value btween -20 and 19 default is 0 bigger numbers are
nicer processer which mean they aren't happy to be low priority for the CPU.
Regular user can set 0-19 once set they can't set lower nice only higher
renice -n -5 1467 would change nice value of process 1467 to -5 if you were
root user
nice +5 python thing.py & would start the command in the background and also
set the nice value
Raw info stored in /proc for example cat /proc/uptime
standard syntax or BSD syntax you can mix though
ps u the u shows detailed info not the same as -u which shows for a user
ps -f similar full in standard syntax not BSD
USER who started process
PID unique process ID
%CPU and %MEM obvious
VSZ virtual set size allocated memory in kb
RSS resident set size actual amount memory being used in kb
TTY terminal device
STAT state of process R running S interruptible sleep + foreground Z zombie D
uninterruptible sleep < high priority N low priority l multithreaded
START start time
TIME cumulative system CPU time used
COMMAND full command and arguments
ps ux all processes for current user
ps aux all processes for all users
If it's long | less
ps -ef similar to ps aux dpending on syntax
ps -u -u alex or ps -fu alex to show for just user alex
ps -eo pid,user,vsz,group | less lists everything (e) the -o is followed by
columns you want to see (pid,user,uid,group,gid,vsz,rss,comm)
use --sort= can use multple comma seperated. - or + descending/ascending
ps -eo pid,user,rss --sort=-rss | less
ps aux --sort=-pcpu,+pmem
ps aux --forest shows tree of parent processes
Load average is past 1,5 and 10 mins
up is uptime
P or M order py mem or processor usage
R reverse
f managed fields shown and order
u username to show for a user
1 for multiple CPU
Z set colours
z show colours
h help
you can kill and renice (change priority) with k and r
Control groups
/etc/cgconfig.conf create your own control groups
/etc/cgrules.conf limit users or groups
cgreate create cgroup in /sys/fs/cgroup
blkio block input output limits io
bash scriptname to run script file or add sha-bang #!/bin/bash to top of
source file and chmod u+x
bash -x scriptname or set -X to display each command that is executed
Variables untyped unless you specify with declare, if you try maths it will
convert to int on the fly if it can.
Escape with \ or put in '' to show special char literally
NAME=value variables no spaces between =
MY_DATE=$(date) runs date command and puts in variable
MY_DATE=`date` same
echo "$HOME `date`" double quotes most chars treated literally except $ ` !
$0 is name used to invoke script $1, $2 etc are the 1st and 2nd arguments
read option NAME 1 NAME2 user input
read -p "type first name and surname: " fn sn
echo "hello $fn $sn"
echo ${x:="not set"} prints x if it's set or not set if it isn't
echo {x#*alex} remove shortest match from start of variable x to *alex
echo {x##*alex} remove longest match from start of variable x to *alex
echo {x%*alex} remove shortest match from end of variable x to *alex
echo {x%%*alex} remove longest match from end of variable x to *alex
let result=$x+5 maths
if [expression] ; then
do stuff here
elif [another expression] ; then
do something else
do something else
Boolean expression examples
[$NAME = "Alex"]
[$VALUE -eq 23]
[$NAME != "Alex"]
[-f "myfile.py"] file exists and is regular file
[ ! -f "myfile.py" ] not above
help test will list all the tests you can do
[ -f "myfile.py" ] is like test -f "myfile.py"
[ -f "$FILENAME" ] quoting allows for possible space
[ test ] || action will do action if test false
[ -d "$dirname" ] || mkdir "$dirname"
[ test ] && action will do action if test true so you can combine to a if then
else shorthand if $dirname exists echo else make the directory
[ -e $dirname ] && echo $dirname already exists || mkdir $dirname