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Traffic lights

For this worksheet you'll need a breadboard, three LEDs, a button, a buzzer, and the necessary jumper cables and resistors. You can purchase these individually, or get everything you need in the CamJam EduKit.


To get started, you'll need to place all the components on the breadboard and connect them to the appropriate GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.

  1. First, you need to understand how each component is connected:

    • A push button requires 1 ground pin and 1 GPIO pin
    • An LED requires 1 ground pin and 1 GPIO pin, with a current limiting resistor
    • A buzzer requires 1 ground pin and 1 GPIO pin

    Each component requires its own individual GPIO pin, but components can share a ground pin. We will use the breadboard to enable this.

  2. Place the components on the breadboard and connect them to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, according to the following diagram:

    GPIO diagram

    Note that the row along the long side of the breadboard is connected to a ground pin on the Raspberry Pi, so all the components in that row (which is used as a ground rail) are hence connected to ground.

  3. Observe the following table, showing which GPIO pin each component is connected to:

Component GPIO pin
Button 21
Red LED 25
Amber LED 8
Green LED 7
Buzzer 15

Dive into Python

Open the Python application IDLE and get started by testing out the button.

  1. Open Python 3 from the main menu:

    Python 3

  2. Create a new file by clicking File > New File. This will open up a second window.

  3. Save the new file straight away by clicking File > Save; name the file and save it in your home folder.

  4. Enter the following code:

    from gpiozero import Button
    button = Button(21)
    while True:

    In GPIO Zero, you create an object for each component used. Each component interface must be imported from the gpiozero module, and an instance created on the GPIO pin number to which it is connected.

  5. Save and run the code by pressing Ctrl + S and F5.

  6. This will bring the original Python window into focus and will be constantly printing False. When you press the button this will switch to True, and when you let go it will return to False.

    button.is_pressed is a property of the button object, which provides the state of the button (pressed or not) at any given time.

  7. Now return to the code window and modify your while loop to show the following:

    while True:
        if button.is_pressed:
  8. Run the code again and you'll see "Hello" printed when the button is pressed, and "Goodbye" when the button is not pressed.

  9. Modify the loop again:

    while True:
  10. When you run the code this time, nothing will happen until you press the button, when you'll see "Pressed", then when you let go you'll see "Released". This will occur each time the button is pressed, but rather than continuously printing one or the other, it only does it once per press.

Add an LED

Now you'll add an LED into the code and use GPIO Zero to allow the button to determine when the LED is lit.

  1. In your code, add to the from gpiozero import... line at the top to also bring in LED:

    from gpiozero import Button, LED
  2. Add a line below button = Button(21) to create an instance of an LED object:

    led = LED(25)
  3. Now modify your while loop to turn the LED on when the button is pressed:

    while True:
  4. Run your code and the LED will come on when you press the button. Hold the button down to keep the LED lit.

  5. Now swap the on and off lines to reverse the logic:

    while True:
  6. Run the code and you'll see the LED stays on until the button is pressed.

  7. Now replace led.on() with led.blink():

    while True:
  8. Run the code and you'll see the LED blink on and off until the button is pressed, at which point it will turn off completely. When the button is released, it will start blinking again.

  9. Try adding some parameters to blink to make it blink faster or slower:

    • led.blink(2, 2) - 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off
    • led.blink(0.5, 0.5) - half a second on, half a second off
    • led.blink(0.1, 0.2) - one tenth of a second on, one fifth of a second off

    blink's first two (optional) parameters are on_time and off_time': they both default to 1 second.

Traffic lights

You have three LEDs: red, amber, and green. Perfect for traffic lights! There's even a built-in interface for traffic lights in GPIO Zero.

  1. Amend the from gpiozero import... line to replace LED with TrafficLights:

    from gpiozero import Button, TrafficLights
  2. Replace your led = LED(25) line with the following:

    lights = TrafficLights(25, 8, 7)

    The TrafficLights interface takes three GPIO pin numbers, one for each pin: red, amber, and green (in that order).

  3. Now amend your while loop to control the TrafficLights object:

    while True:

    The TrafficLights interface is very similar to that of an individual LED: you can use on, off, and blink, all of which control all three lights at once.

  4. Try the blink example:

    while True:

Add a buzzer

Now you'll add your buzzer to make some noise.

  1. Add Buzzer to the from gpiozero import... line:

    from gpiozero import Button, TrafficLights, Buzzer
  2. Add a line below your creation of button and lights to add a Buzzer object:

    buzzer = Buzzer(15)
  3. Buzzer works exactly like LED, so try adding a buzzer.on() and into your loop:

    while True:
  4. Buzzer has a beep() method which works like LED's blink. Try it out:

    while True:

Traffic lights sequence

As well as controlling the whole set of lights together, you can also control each LED individually. With traffic light LEDs, a button and a buzzer, you can create your own traffic lights sequence, complete with pedestrian crossing!

  1. At the top of your file, below from gpiozero import..., add a line to import the sleep function:

    from time import sleep
  2. Modify your loop to perform an automated sequence of LEDs being lit:

    while True:
  3. Add a wait_for_press so that pressing the button initiates the sequence:

    while True:

    Try some more sequences of your own.

  4. Now try creating the full traffic lights sequence:

    • Green on
    • Amber on
    • Red on
    • Red and amber on
    • Green on

    Be sure to turn the correct lights on and off at the right time, and make sure you use sleep to time the sequence perfectly.

  5. Try adding the button for a pedestrian crossing. The button should move the lights to red (not immediately), and give the pedestrians time to cross before moving back to green until the button is pressed again.

  6. Now try adding a buzzer to beep quickly to indicate that it is safe to cross, for the benefit of visually impaired pedestrians.

What next?

  • Try adding a second button for the other side of the road. You'll probably need to use GPIO Zero button.when_pressed rather than wait_for_press, which can only be used for one button at a time.
  • Refer to the documentation at for more information on what can be done with GPIO Zero.
  • Continue to the next worksheet on using a Light Dependent Resitor