The following is a complete reference to the current signalling server messaging protocol. These messages are sent as stringified JSON packets. Some parameters are JSON strings themselves and require escape sequences to be contained in the string parameter.
1.1.0 - Current
Major version number - breaking protocol change such as a required new message or field or deleting an existing message.
Minor version number - independent new message.
Hotfix version - a non-breaking new field in an existing message type.
- Terms
- Example Streaming Message Sequence
- Player Sent Messages
- SFU Sent Messages
- Signalling Server Sent Messages
- Streamer Sent Message
The server that is responsible for routing messageas and controlling new connections.
The entity that is streaming the media.
A consumer of the stream. Could be passive or active with the use of data streams.
Selective Forwarding Unit. This is a special type of Player that consumes the stream and then can forward the stream to new connected Players. This is useful when many users need to be consuming the stream and encoding resources on the Streamer are not adequate to keep up with the demand. Additionally allows the use of simulcast which allows the Streamer to stream a handful of different quality streams that the SFU can selectively forward to individual Players based on their connection quality.
Session Description Protocol. A message format that is used to negotiate a media connection between two endpoints. There are many resources for further details such as here or here
Interactive Connectivity Establishment. Describes protocols and routing needed for WebRTC to be able to communicate with a remote device. Further details can be read here
Streamer->>Signalling: Open Connection
Signalling->>Streamer: config
Signalling->>Streamer: identify
Streamer->>Signalling: endpointId
Player->>Signalling: Open Connection
Signalling->>Player: config
Signalling->>Player: playerCount
Player->>Signalling: listStreamers
Signalling->>Player: streamerList
Player->>Signalling: subscribe
Signalling->>Streamer: playerConnected
Streamer->>Signalling: offer
Signalling->>Player: offer
Player->>Signalling: answer
Signalling->>Streamer: answer
Streamer->Player: WebRTC negotiation
Note over Streamer, Player: Streaming Session
opt Player Disconnect
Player->>Signalling: Close Connection
Signalling->>Streamer: playerDisconnected
opt Streamer Disconnect
Streamer->>Signalling: Close Connection
Signalling->>Player: streamerDisconnected
Message is forwarded to the currently subscribed to Streamer. Sends the SDP answer back to the Streamer The Player must have previously used the subscribe message to successfully subscribe to a connected Streamer and received an offer from the Streamer.
Param Name | Type | Description |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is forwarded to a connected SFU. Tells the SFU that the Player requests data channels to the Streamer.
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is forwarded to the currently subscribed to Streamer. Sends an ICE candidate to the Streamer. This is part of the WebRTC negotiation and should come after the answer
Param Name | Type | Description |
candidate | Object | The JSON object describing the ICE candidate |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Requests the list of streamer ids currently connected to the Signalling Server. The server will reply with a streamerList
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is forwarded to the currently subscribed to Streamer. Supplies an SDP offer to the Streamer to answer. The Player must have previously used the subscribe message to successfully subscribe to a connected Streamer.
Param Name | Type | Description |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is forwarded to a connected SFU. Tells the SFU that the Player is ready for data channels to be negotiated.
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Will print out the provided stats data on the console.
Param Name | Type | Description |
data | string | The stats data to log. |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Tells the Signalling server that the player requests to subscribe to the given stream.
Param Name | Type | Description |
streamerId | string | The id of the stream to subscribe to. |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Tells the Signalling Server that the Player wishes to unsubscribe from the current stream. The player must have previously used the subscribe message for this to have any effect.
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is forwarded to the Streamer. Sends the SDP answer back to the Streamer. This should be in response to a previous offer from the Streamer.
Param Name | Type | Description |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is forwarded to a Player. Sends the SDP offer to the specified Player. This begins the WebRTC negotiation between the SFU and the Player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to send the offer to. |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is forwarded to a Player. Sends information to the Player about what data channels to use for sending/receiving with the Streamer.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The player id of the player to send the message to. |
sendStreamId | number | The datachannel id for sending data. |
recvStreamId | number | The datachannel id for receiving data. |
Message is forwarded to the Streamer. Sends a request to the Streamer to open up data channels for a given Player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player the request is for. |
sendStreamId | number | The datachannel id for sending data. |
recvStreamId | number | The datachannel id for receiving data. |
Message is used to send the peer connection options such as stun and turn servers to a connecting Streamer
Param Name | Type | Description |
peerConnectionOptions | Object | The object describing the peer connection options for this server. |
Message is used to request an identity from a connecting Streamer. The Streamer should reply with an endpointId message. See note in endpointId about legacy Streamers and temporary ids.
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is used to communicate to Players that the Streamer it is currently subscribed to is changing its ID. This allows Players to keep track of its currently subscribed Streamer and allow auto reconnects to the correct Streamer. This happens if a Streamer sends an endpointID message after it already has an ID assigned. (Can happen if it is late to respond to the identify message and is auto assigned a legacy ID.)
Param Name | Type | Description |
newID | string | The new ID of the subscribed to Streamer |
Message is used to notify a Streamer that a new Player has subscribed to the stream.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the new connected player. |
dataChannel | boolean | Indicates whether the player wants a datachannel or not. |
sfu | boolean | Indicates if the player is an SFU or not. |
sendOffer | boolean | Indicates if the new player want's an offer or not. |
Message is sent to Players to indicate how many currently connected players there are on this signalling server. (Note: This is mostly old behaviour and is not influenced by multi streamers or who is subscribed to what Streamer. It just reports the number of players it knows about.)
Param Name | Type | Description |
count | number | The number of players currently connected to this signalling server. |
Message is used to notify a Streamer that a Player has unsubscribed/disconnected from the stream.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the new connected player. |
Message is a reply to ping from a Streamer. Replies with the time from the ping message.
Param Name | Description |
time | The timestamp of the ping message. Will be returned in the pong message |
Message is used to notify players when a Streamer disconnects from the Signalling Server.
Param Name | Type | Description |
Message is a reply to listStreamers from a Player. Replies with a list of currently active Streamers connected to this server.
Param Name | Type | Description |
ids | Array<string> | A list of string ids that are currently active on the signalling server. |
Message is forwarded to a Player. Sends the SDP answer back to the player. This should be in response to an offer from the specified player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to send the answer to. |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Requests that the Signalling Server disconnect a Player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to disconnect |
reason | string | The reason for the disconnect |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. Specifies an id for the Streamer. This is used to uniquely identify multiple streamers connected to the same Signalling Server. Note: to preserve backward compatibility when Streamer ids were optional, when a Streamer first connects it is assigned a temporary ID (__LEGACY__) which allows use of older Streamers if needed.
Param Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The id of the Streamer |
Message is forwarded to a Player. Sends an ICE candidate to the specified player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to send the ICE candidate to. |
candidate | Object | The JSON string describing the ICE candidate |
Message is forwarded to a connected SFU. Sends a preferred layer index to a connected SFU for a specified Player. Useful for switching between SFU quality layers to force a certain resolution/quality option either as part of UX or testing.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to give the preference to |
spatialLayer | number | The index of the spatial layer to prefer |
temporalLayer | number | The index of the temporal layer to prefer |
Message is forwarded to a Player. Sends the SDP offer to the specified player. Begins the WebRTC negotiation with a player.
Param Name | Type | Description |
playerId | string | The id of the player to send the offer to. |
sdp | string | The WebRTC SDP package in string format |
Message is consumed by the Signalling Server. A keepalive ping message that initiates a pong response.
Param Name | Type | Description |
time | number | The timestamp of the ping message. Will be returned in the pong message |