This folder provides code to reproduce results in our paper. The code for simulation is written in python with dependency in Keras, mainly extended from the implementation code for pi-VAE [1]. The code for real data analysis is written in python with dependency in pytorch. The code for image datasets is mainly extended from the implementation code for GIN [2].
To run code for simulation study, please execute the following commands at ./simulation.
python --latent_type {sine, quadratic, circle} --seed_num_dataset_list {0, 1, ..., 19}
# iVAE
python --latent_type {sine, quadratic, circle} --seed_num_dataset_list {0, 1, ..., 19} --fix_alpha 0.0
The seed numbers to reproduce results in the manucript are 0, 1, ..., 19. For example, you can run python --latent_type sine --seed_num_dataset_list 0
to get results for CI-iVAE on sine latent structure with seed number 0. Results are saved at ./simulation/results.
To run code for EMNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, please execute the following commands at ./EMNIST_and_FashionMNIST.
python --dataset {EMNIST, FashionMNIST} --seed {0, 1, ..., 19} --method CI-iVAE --nf 32 --intermediate_nodes 128 --dim_z 64 --beta 0.001
python --dataset {EMNIST, FashionMNIST} --seed {0, 1, ..., 19} --method GIN
# iVAE
python --dataset {EMNIST, FashionMNIST} --seed {0, 1, ..., 19} --method iVAE --nf 32 --intermediate_nodes 128 --dim_z 64 --beta 0.001
python --dataset {EMNIST, FashionMNIST} --seed {0, 1, ..., 19} --method IDVAE --nf 32 --intermediate_nodes 128 --dim_z 64 --beta 0.001
For example, you can run python --dataset EMNIST --seed 0 --method CI-iVAE --nf 32 --intermediate_nodes 128 --dim_z 64 --beta 0.001
to get results for CI-iVAE on the EMNIST dataset with seed number 0. Results are saved at ./EMNIST_and_FashionMNIST/results. To apply KL annealing and aggressive_post, respectively, please add --kl_annealing
and --aggressive_post
. The seed numbers to reproduce results in the manucript are 0, 1, ..., 19. The seed numbers to reproduce results in the manucript are 0, 1, ..., 19.
To run code for the ABCD dataset, please first download ABCD dataset at, and go to ./ABCD and run python --seed_num_opt 0 --beta_kl_post_prior 0.01 --beta_kl_encoded_prior 0.01 --gen_nodes 4096 --dim_z 128
. Please add --fix_alpha 0.0
for iVAE. The seed number to reproduce results in the manucript is 0.
- argparse=1.1
- keras=2.3.1
- matplotlib=3.1.2
- numpy=1.16.0
- pandas=1.1.5
- python=3.6.13
- scipy=1.5.4
- sklearn=0.23.2
- tensorflow=1.13.1
The code worked well with RTX 2080 Ti and Cuda compilation tools, release 10.2, V10.2.89.
- argparse=1.1
- matplotlib=3.5.2
- numpy=1.21.4
- pandas=1.4.1
- python=3.6.10
- scipy=1.10.0
- seaborn=0.11.1
- sklearn=1.0.2
- torch=1.10.1+cu111
- torchvision=0.11.2+cu111
Please install FrEIA package by following guidelines at The code worked well with RTX 3090 and Cuda compilation tools, release 11.6, V11.6.124.
- argparse=1.1
- matplotlib=3.5.2
- numpy=1.21.4
- pandas=1.4.1
- sklearn=1.0.2
- statsmodels=0.14.0.dev0+350.g408eae829
- tensorboardX=2.4
- torch=1.10.1+cu111
- tqdm=4.40.0
- yaml=5.3.1
The code worked well with RTX 3090 and Cuda compilation tools, release 11.6, V11.6.124.
[1] Zhou, Ding, and Xue-Xin Wei. "Learning identifiable and interpretable latent models of high-dimensional neural activity using pi-VAE." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020): 7234-7247. Github:
[2] Sorrenson, Peter, Carsten Rother, and Ullrich Köthe. "Disentanglement by Nonlinear ICA with General Incompressible-flow Networks (GIN)." International Conference on Learning Representations. Github: