Home for chairs and tech leads resources and materials for onboarding, offboarding, operations, and more.
Meeting/calendar invites
calendar template
Meeting agenda doc structure
Top of doc:
- name of group, linked to your README, and a link to charter
- repo(s), links to project boards
- date and time of meetings, link to shared calendar
- how to add topics to agenda
- leads, best contact info
- slack channel(s)
- new contributor information so you don't have to repeat yourself
examples: last kubecon update video, your contributor guide
Other best practices:
- include a host guide for when you aren't there to host
- link to meeting note archives
- make an area for new folks to introduce themselves
- include community wide and contributor experience related announcements
- conduct@kubernetes.io if you need anything from them or to report
- may have training or guidance - ask!
Kubernetes values
Governance Principles
A Place for leads to get info, talk to other leads, best practices, demos, and more:
- Monthly meeting
- Time:
- 2nd Tuesday of the Month 12:30pm PT [830pmUTC]
- 2nd Thursday of the Month 09:00am PT [5pmUTC]
- Time:
Slack: #chairs-and-techleads
[other related/useful] #sig-contribex (operations), #steering
Mailing list: leads@kubernetes.io [other must join] dev@kubernetes.io
Github: File issues against kubernetes/community
According to governance, leads need to provide a community update. Most do this through KubeCon update sessions and sign up forms come through as 'Maintainer Track' to the leads@ list. There is also an option for a deep dive session that is longer duration for larger community discussion.
- group-mentoring.md
- Great for growing contributor ladder roles
- mentoring-programs
Is someone in your group deserving of recognition? Great! There are a few ways to do this depending on the situation and end goals. Our community is built on the ethos of chop wood, carry water; reward and recognize often!
The quickest way is a "Thanks!" in an issue or PR. Want a wider audience? Try #shoutouts on the Kubernetes slack!
- cncf swag store
- ContribEx can help connect you to K8s tshirts, stickers, and other
marketing materials.
- K8s baby onesies are also available but usually take longer.
- Custom items can be done for certain occasions. Silly gift practical jokes or anything involving googly eyes that make people smile will be given the appropriate level of priority.
- ContribEx can help connect you to K8s tshirts, stickers, and other
marketing materials.
There are a few times a year that Kubernetes and the larger CNCF community intentionally recognizes members of the community for certain roles and accomplishments. The leads@ mailing list and slack channel will have announcements for when nominations are open.
- Contributor Summit Awards
- CNCF Awards
- most relevant: committer, documentarian, chop wood carry water