Buildroot configuration to build a v86 compatible minimal Linux system containing PostgreSQL
The goal of this build process is to produce a filesystem
folder containing a full Linux filesystem that will be mounted and served by v86
- Build and run the container to execute Buildroot
1.1. If you need to refresh the Buildroot configuration files from the host, execute this command [OPTIONAL]:
cp -r /config/* /config/.config .
1.2. Tweak the configuration and save it back to the host [OPTIONAL]:
# Linux system config
# Launch menuconfig
make menuconfig
# Save the changes back to the host
cp .config /config/.config
# Linux kernel config
# IMPORTANT: If it's the first time you run this command,
# exit the linux-menuconfig when it opens and copy the host file by running
# cp /pg-browser/board/pg-browser/linux.conf ./output/build/linux-5.17.15/.config
# then you can go back to "make linux-menuconfig" to edit this configuration
# Launch menuconfig
make linux-menuconfig
# Save the changes back to the host
cp output/build/linux-5.17.15/.config /config/board/pg-browser/linux.conf
- Build the
At this point you can go for a walk, it will take a bit of time 🐢
The filesystem
folder should be available on the host at build/filesystem