- Syntax of a custom class :
class <class_name>{
- Example :
public class Employee {
int id; // Attribute 1
String name; // Attribute 2
Note: The first letter of a class should always be capital.
- Any real-world object = Properties + Behavior
- Object in OOPs = Attributes + Methods
- We can add methods to our class Employee as follows:
public class Employee {
public int id;
public String name;
public int getSalary(){
public void getDetails(){
class Employee{
int id;
int salary;
String name;
public void printDetails(){
System.out.println("My id is " + id);
System.out.println("and my name is "+ name);
public int getSalary(){
return salary;
public class cwh_38_custom_class {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This is our custom class");
Employee harry = new Employee(); // Instantiating a new Employee Object
Employee john = new Employee(); // Instantiating a new Employee Object
// Setting Attributes for Harry
harry.id = 12;
harry.salary = 34;
harry.name = "CodeWithHarry";
// Setting Attributes for John
john.id = 17;
john.salary = 12;
john.name = "John Khandelwal";
// Printing the Attributes
int salary = john.getSalary();
// System.out.println(harry.id);
// System.out.println(harry.name);
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