- Multidimensional Arrays are an Array of Arrays. Each elements of an M-D array is an array itself. Marks in the previous example was a 1-D array.
A 2-D array can be created as follows:
int [][] flats = new int[2][3] //A 2-D array of 2 rows + 3 columns
We can add elements to this array as follows
flats[0][0] = 100 flats[0][1] = 101 flats[0][2] = 102 // … & so on!
This 2-D array can be visualized as follows:
Similarly, a 3-D array can be created as follows:
String[][][] arr = new String [2][3][4]
package com.company;
public class cwh_28_multi_dim_arrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] marks; // A 1-D Array
int [][] flats; // A 2-D Array
flats = new int [2][3];
flats[0][0] = 101;
flats[0][1] = 102;
flats[0][2] = 103;
flats[1][0] = 201;
flats[1][1] = 202;
flats[1][2] = 203;
// Displaying the 2-D Array (for loop)
System.out.println("Printing a 2-D array using for loop");
for(int i=0;i<flats.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<flats[i].length;j++) {
System.out.print(" ");
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