- Result = byte + short -> integer
- Result = short + integer -> integer
- Result = long + float -> float
- Result = integer + float -> float
- Result = character + integer -> integer
- Result = character + short -> integer
- Result = long + double -> double
- Result = float + double -> double
- a++, ++a (Increment Operators)
- a--, --a (Decrement Operators)
- These will operate on all data types except Booleans.
Quick Quiz: Try increment and decrement operators on a Java variable
- a++ -> first use the value and then increment
- ++a -> first increment the value then use it
Quick Quiz: What will be the value of the following expression(x)
int y=7;
int x = ++y*8;
value of x?
char a = ‘B’;
a++; (a is not ‘C’)
package com.company;
public class cwh_10_resulting_data_type {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* byte x = 5;
int y = 6;
short z = 8;
int a = y + z;
float b = 6.54f + x;
System.out.println(b); */
// Increment and Decrement Operators
int i = 56;
// int b = i++; // first b is assigned i (56) then i is incremented
int j = 67;
int c = ++j; // first j is incremented then c is assigned j (68)
int y = 7;
System.out.println( ++y *8);
char ch = 'a';