Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling - HTTP Add-On
The KEDA HTTP Add On allows Kubernetes users to automatically scale their HTTP servers up and down (including to/from zero) based on incoming HTTP traffic. Please see our use cases document to learn more about how and why you would use this project.
🚧 Alpha - Not for production 🚧 |
⚠ The HTTP add-on is in experimental stage and not ready for production. It is provided as-is without support. |
This codebase moves very quickly. We can't currently guarantee that any part of it will work. Neither the complete feature set nor known issues may be fully documented. Similarly, issues filed against this project may not be responded to quickly or at all. We will release and announce a beta release of this project, and after we do that, we will document and respond to issues properly.
Although this is an alpha release project right now, we have prepared a walkthrough document that with instructions on getting started for basic usage.
See that document at docs/walkthrough.md
The HTTP add-on is composed of multiple mostly independent components. This design was chosen to allow for highly customizable installations while allowing us to ship reasonable defaults.
- We have written a complete design document. Please see it at docs/design.md.
- For more context on the design, please see our scope document.
- If you have further questions about the project, please see our FAQ document.
Please see the complete installation instructions.
Please see the contributing documentation for all instructions.
We are a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) graduated project.
helm repo add kedacore https://kedacore.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install http-add-on kedacore/keda-add-ons-http --create-namespace --namespace keda --version 0.10.0
This chart bootstraps KEDA HTTP Add-on infrastructure on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
As part of that, it will install all the required Custom Resource Definitions (CRD).
To install the chart with the release name http-add-on
, please read the install instructions on the official repository to get started:
$ helm install http-add-on kedacore/keda-add-ons-http --namespace keda
Important: This chart needs KEDA installed in your cluster to work properly.
To uninstall/delete the http-add-on
Helm chart:
helm uninstall http-add-on
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the HTTP Add-On chart and their default values.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
additionalLabels |
object | {} |
Additional labels to be applied to installed resources. Note that not all resources will receive these labels. |
crds.install |
bool | true |
Whether to install the HTTPScaledObject CustomResourceDefinition |
images.interceptor |
string | "ghcr.io/kedacore/http-add-on-interceptor" |
Image name for the interceptor image component |
images.kubeRbacProxy.name |
string | "gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy" |
Image name for the Kube RBAC Proxy image component |
images.kubeRbacProxy.tag |
string | "v0.13.0" |
Image tag for the Kube RBAC Proxy image component |
images.operator |
string | "ghcr.io/kedacore/http-add-on-operator" |
Image name for the operator image component |
images.scaler |
string | "ghcr.io/kedacore/http-add-on-scaler" |
Image name for the scaler image component |
images.tag |
string | "" |
Image tag for the http add on. This tag is applied to the images listed in images.operator , images.interceptor , and images.scaler . Optional, given app version of Helm chart is used by default |
logging.interceptor.format |
string | "console" |
Logging format for KEDA http-add-on Interceptor. allowed values: json or console |
logging.interceptor.level |
string | "info" |
Logging level for KEDA http-add-on Interceptor. allowed values: debug , info , error , or an integer value greater than 0, specified as string |
logging.interceptor.timeEncoding |
string | "rfc3339" |
Logging time encoding for KEDA http-add-on Interceptor. allowed values are epoch , millis , nano , iso8601 , rfc3339 or rfc3339nano |
logging.operator.format |
string | "console" |
Logging format for KEDA http-add-on operator. allowed values: json or console |
logging.operator.kubeRbacProxy.level |
int | 10 |
Logging level for KEDA http-add-on operator rbac proxy allowed values: 0 for info, 4 for debug, or an integer value greater than 0 |
logging.operator.level |
string | "info" |
Logging level for KEDA http-add-on operator. allowed values: debug , info , error , or an integer value greater than 0, specified as string |
logging.operator.timeEncoding |
string | "rfc3339" |
Logging time encoding for KEDA http-add-on operator. allowed values are epoch , millis , nano , iso8601 , rfc3339 or rfc3339nano |
logging.scaler.format |
string | "console" |
Logging format for KEDA http-add-on Scaler. allowed values: json or console |
logging.scaler.level |
string | "info" |
Logging level for KEDA http-add-on Scaler. allowed values: debug , info , error , or an integer value greater than 0, specified as string |
logging.scaler.timeEncoding |
string | "rfc3339" |
Logging time encoding for KEDA http-add-on Scaler. allowed values are epoch , millis , nano , iso8601 , rfc3339 or rfc3339nano |
podSecurityContext |
object | See below | [Pod security context] for all pods |
rbac.aggregateToDefaultRoles |
bool | false |
Install aggregate roles for edit and view |
securityContext |
object | See below | [Security context] for all containers |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
operator.affinity |
object | {} |
Affinity for pod scheduling (docs) |
operator.imagePullSecrets |
list | [] |
The image pull secrets for the operator component |
operator.kubeRbacProxy.resources.limits |
object | {"cpu":"300m","memory":"200Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource limit for the operator component's kube rbac proxy |
operator.kubeRbacProxy.resources.requests |
object | {"cpu":"10m","memory":"20Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource request for the operator component's kube rbac proxy |
operator.nodeSelector |
object | {} |
Node selector for pod scheduling (docs) |
operator.port |
int | 8443 |
The port for the operator main server to run on |
operator.podAnnotations |
object | {} |
Annotations to be added to the operator pods |
operator.pullPolicy |
string | "Always" |
The image pull policy for the operator component |
operator.replicas |
int | 1 |
Number of replicas, oerator k8s resources will not be installed if this is set to 0 |
operator.resources.limits |
object | {"cpu":0.5,"memory":"64Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource limit for the operator component |
operator.resources.requests |
object | {"cpu":"250m","memory":"20Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource request for the operator component |
operator.tolerations |
list | [] |
Tolerations for pod scheduling (docs) |
operator.watchNamespace |
string | "" |
The namespace to watch for new HTTPScaledObject s. Leave this blank (i.e. "" ) to tell the operator to watch all namespaces. |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
scaler.affinity |
object | {} |
Affinity for pod scheduling (docs) |
scaler.grpcPort |
int | 9090 |
The port for the scaler's gRPC server. This is the server that KEDA will send scaling requests to. |
scaler.imagePullSecrets |
list | [] |
The image pull secrets for the scaler component |
scaler.nodeSelector |
object | {} |
Node selector for pod scheduling (docs) |
scaler.pendingRequestsInterceptor |
int | 200 |
The number of "target requests" that the external scaler will report to KEDA for the interceptor's scaling metrics. See the KEDA external scaler documentation for details on target requests. |
scaler.podAnnotations |
object | {} |
Annotations to be added to the scaler pods |
scaler.pullPolicy |
string | "Always" |
The image pull policy for the scaler component |
scaler.replicas |
int | 3 |
Number of replicas |
scaler.resources.limits.cpu |
float | 0.5 |
scaler.resources.limits.memory |
string | "64Mi" |
scaler.resources.requests.cpu |
string | "250m" |
scaler.resources.requests.memory |
string | "20Mi" |
scaler.service |
string | "external-scaler" |
The name of the Kubernetes Service for the scaler component |
scaler.streamInterval |
int | 200 |
Interval in ms for communicating IsActive to KEDA |
scaler.tolerations |
list | [] |
Tolerations for pod scheduling (docs) |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
interceptor.admin.port |
int | 9090 |
The port for the interceptor's admin server to run on |
interceptor.admin.service |
string | "interceptor-admin" |
The name of the Kubernetes Service for the interceptor's admin service |
interceptor.affinity |
object | {} |
Affinity for pod scheduling (docs) |
interceptor.endpointsCachePollingIntervalMS |
int | 250 |
How often (in milliseconds) the interceptor does a full refresh of its endpoints cache. The interceptor will also use Kubernetes events to stay up-to-date with the endpoints cache changes. This duration is the maximum time it will take to see changes to the endpoints. |
interceptor.expectContinueTimeout |
string | "1s" |
Special handling for responses with "Expect: 100-continue" response headers. see https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Transport under the 'ExpectContinueTimeout' field for more details |
interceptor.forceHTTP2 |
bool | false |
Whether or not the interceptor should force requests to use HTTP/2 |
interceptor.idleConnTimeout |
string | "90s" |
The timeout after which any idle connection is closed and removed from the interceptor's in-memory connection pool. |
interceptor.imagePullSecrets |
list | [] |
The image pull secrets for the interceptor component |
interceptor.keepAlive |
string | "1s" |
The interceptor's connection keep alive timeout |
interceptor.maxIdleConns |
int | 100 |
The maximum number of idle connections allowed in the interceptor's in-memory connection pool. Set to 0 to indicate no limit |
interceptor.nodeSelector |
object | {} |
Node selector for pod scheduling (docs) |
interceptor.pdb.enabled |
bool | true |
Whether to install the PodDisruptionBudget for the interceptor |
interceptor.pdb.maxUnavailable |
int | 1 |
The maximum number of replicas that can be unavailable for the interceptor |
interceptor.pdb.minAvailable |
int | 0 |
The minimum number of replicas that should be available for the interceptor |
interceptor.podAnnotations |
object | {} |
Annotations to be added to the interceptor pods |
interceptor.proxy.port |
int | 8080 |
The port on which the interceptor's proxy service will listen for live HTTP traffic |
interceptor.proxy.service |
string | "interceptor-proxy" |
The name of the Kubernetes Service for the interceptor's proxy service. This is the service that accepts live HTTP traffic. |
interceptor.pullPolicy |
string | "Always" |
The image pull policy for the interceptor component |
interceptor.replicas.max |
int | 50 |
The maximum number of interceptor replicas that should ever be running |
interceptor.replicas.min |
int | 3 |
The minimum number of interceptor replicas that should ever be running |
interceptor.replicas.waitTimeout |
string | "20s" |
The maximum time the interceptor should wait for an HTTP request to reach a backend before it is considered a failure |
interceptor.resources.limits |
object | {"cpu":0.5,"memory":"64Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource limit for the operator component |
interceptor.resources.requests |
object | {"cpu":"250m","memory":"20Mi"} |
The CPU/memory resource request for the operator component |
interceptor.responseHeaderTimeout |
string | "500ms" |
How long the interceptor will wait between forwarding a request to a backend and receiving response headers back before failing the request |
interceptor.scaledObject.pollingInterval |
int | 1 |
The interval (in milliseconds) that KEDA should poll the external scaler to fetch scaling metrics about the interceptor |
interceptor.tcpConnectTimeout |
string | "500ms" |
How long the interceptor waits to establish TCP connections with backends before failing a request. |
interceptor.tls.cert_path |
string | "/certs/tls.crt" |
Mount path of the certificate file to use with the interceptor proxy TLS server |
interceptor.tls.cert_secret |
string | "keda-tls-certs" |
Name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the certificates to be used with the interceptor proxy TLS server |
interceptor.tls.enabled |
bool | false |
Whether a TLS server should be started on the interceptor proxy |
interceptor.tls.key_path |
string | "/certs/tls.key" |
Mount path of the certificate key file to use with the interceptor proxy TLS server |
interceptor.tls.port |
int | 8443 |
Port that the interceptor proxy TLS server should be started on |
interceptor.tlsHandshakeTimeout |
string | "10s" |
The maximum amount of time the interceptor will wait for a TLS handshake. Set to zero to indicate no timeout. |
interceptor.tolerations |
list | [] |
Tolerations for pod scheduling (docs) |
interceptor.topologySpreadConstraints |
list | [] |
Topology spread constraints (docs) |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to
helm install
. For example:
$ helm install http-add-on kedacore/keda-add-ons-http --namespace keda \
--set version=<different tag from app version>
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
helm install http-add-on kedacore/keda-add-ons-http --namespace keda -f values.yaml
Our default configuration strives to be as secure as possible. Because of that, KEDA will run as non-root and be secure-by-default. You can define global securityContext for all components or switch to granular mode and define securityContext for operator, kuberbacproxy, scaler, and interceptor:
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
privileged: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# runAsGroup: 1000
# operator:
# capabilities:
# drop:
# - ALL
# allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# seccompProfile:
# type: RuntimeDefault
# kuberbacproxy:
# capabilities:
# drop:
# - ALL
# allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# seccompProfile:
# type: RuntimeDefault
# scaler:
# capabilities:
# drop:
# - ALL
# allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# seccompProfile:
# type: RuntimeDefault
# interceptor:
# capabilities:
# drop:
# - ALL
# allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# seccompProfile:
# type: RuntimeDefault
fsGroup: 1000
- 1000
# operator:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# runAsGroup: 1000
# fsGroup: 1000
# scaler:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# runAsGroup: 1000
# fsGroup: 1000
# interceptor:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# runAsGroup: 1000
# fsGroup: 1000
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs