Thank you for stopping by and landing here in this webpage.
Here I aspire to collect important details FOR the people living in Cheyyar - A one stop collection of all the day to day things one might turn to internet to look up to know information about living here.
I aim to keep this page
- Simple and Minimal
- Easy to read with few clicks and scrolls
- Quickly accessible
- Not for profit
- Promotion free
Less focus on the graphics & design and more focus on the content and keep it bare minimal is the idea.
If you would like to be part of this project and want to be able to edit, update, delete or correct the contents of this page, or just want to send me the details to get it added here - Please know you are more than welcome to do so.
Would love to hear from you!
The content here is licensed under the terms of the GPL Open Source license and is available for free.
No Browsing trackers. Content is served only for the benefit if any of the content needs to be removed, modified or updated - The owner just may have to email and I will be sure to get to it as soon as possible. Thank you!