/** * ECMSCRIPT 6 already have a Set class implementation: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set * We will try to copy the same functionalities * @constructor */ function Set() { let items = {}; this.add = function(value){ if (!this.has(value)){ items[value] = value; return true; } return false; }; this.delete = function(value){ if (this.has(value)){ delete items[value]; return true; } return false; }; this.has = function(value){ return items.hasOwnProperty(value); //return value in items; }; this.clear = function(){ items = {}; }; /** * Modern browsers function * IE9+, FF4+, Chrome5+, Opera12+, Safari5+ * @returns {Number} */ this.size = function(){ return Object.keys(items).length; }; /** * cross browser compatibility - legacy browsers * for modern browsers use size function * @returns {number} */ this.sizeLegacy = function(){ let count = 0; for(let key in items) { if(items.hasOwnProperty(key)) ++count; } return count; }; /** * Modern browsers function * IE9+, FF4+, Chrome5+, Opera12+, Safari5+ * @returns {Array} */ this.values = function(){ let values = []; for (let i=0, keys=Object.keys(items); i<keys.length; i++) { values.push(items[keys[i]]); } return values; }; this.valuesLegacy = function(){ let values = []; for(let key in items) { if(items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { values.push(items[key]); } } return values; }; this.getItems = function(){ return items; }; this.union = function(otherSet){ let unionSet = new Set(); //{1} let values = this.values(); //{2} for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ unionSet.add(values[i]); } values = otherSet.values(); //{3} for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ unionSet.add(values[i]); } return unionSet; }; this.intersection = function(otherSet){ let intersectionSet = new Set(); //{1} let values = this.values(); for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ //{2} if (otherSet.has(values[i])){ //{3} intersectionSet.add(values[i]); //{4} } } return intersectionSet; }; this.difference = function(otherSet){ let differenceSet = new Set(); //{1} let values = this.values(); for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ //{2} if (!otherSet.has(values[i])){ //{3} differenceSet.add(values[i]); //{4} } } return differenceSet; }; this.subset = function(otherSet){ if (this.size() > otherSet.size()){ //{1} return false; } else { let values = this.values(); for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ //{2} if (!otherSet.has(values[i])){ //{3} return false; //{4} } } return true; } }; }