This repository basically forks all the ground work that was done in This is a basic example, where the client certificate secured server is a Spring Boot Application and the client is just a Testcase that uses Spring´s RestTemplate which is configured to use the client certificate.
In contrast the present project focusses on the configuration of more than one client certificates and how to access REST endpoints from multiple servers that are secured by different client certificates with Spring´s RestTemplate.
Therefore we use several Spring Boot based microservices that provide different client certificate secured REST endpoint and a separate microservice that accesses these services:
= =
= server-alice =
============== = =
= = ------------------> ================
= client-bob =
= = ------------------> ================
============== = =
= server-tom =
= =
For a general approach on how to generate private keys and certificates and create Java Keystores, have a look into
mvn clean install
docker-compose up
Open your Browser with [http:localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html] and fire up a GET-Request to /secretservers with Swagger :)
TlDR: How to create multiple keys & certificates for multiple servers - and add these into one truststore / keystore
server-alice keys and client certificate, truststore & keystore (see /server-alice/src/main/resources)
openssl genrsa -des3 -out aliceprivate.key 128
- passphrase
openssl req -new -key aliceprivate.key -out alice.csr -config alice-csr.conf
Common Name: server-alice
, which will later be a DNS alias inside the Docker network
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in alice.csr -signkey aliceprivate.key -out alice.crt -extfile alice-csr.conf -extensions v3_req
4. Java Truststore Keystore, that inherits the generated self-signed Certificate: alice-truststore.jks
keytool -import -file alice.crt -alias alicesCA -keystore alice-truststore.jks
the same password alicepassword
openssl pkcs12 -export -in alice.crt -inkey aliceprivate.key -certfile alice.crt -name "alicecert" -out alice-keystore.p12
the same password alicepassword
openssl genrsa -des3 -out tomprivate.key 1024
- passphrase
openssl req -new -key tomprivate.key -out tom.csr
Common Name: server-tom
, which will later be a DNS alias inside the Docker network
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in tom.csr -signkey tomprivate.key -out tom.crt
4. Java Truststore Keystore, that inherits the generated self-signed Certificate: tom-truststore.jks
keytool -import -file tom.crt -alias tomsCA -keystore tom-truststore.jks
the same password tompassword
openssl pkcs12 -export -in tom.crt -inkey tomprivate.key -certfile tom.crt -name "tomcert" -out tom-keystore.p12
the same password tompassword
1. Java Truststore Keystore, that inherits the generated self-signed Certificate: client-truststore.jks
keytool -import -file alice.crt -alias alicesCA -keystore client-truststore.jks
keytool -import -file tom.crt -alias tomsCA -keystore client-truststore.jks
password bobpassword
In KeyStore Explorer this should look like this:
Openssl CLI sadly doesn´t support importing multiple certificate files... But we can concatenate them:
cat alice.crt tom.crt > allcerts.pem
cat aliceprivate.key tomprivate.key > allkeys.pem
Then we can do:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in allcerts.pem -inkey allkeys.pem -certfile allcerts.pem -name "alicecert" -out client-keystore.p12
the same password bobpassword
If you want to check everything worked fine in KeyStoreExplorer, you have to convert the .p12
file into a .jks
, otherwise the tool will bring up a nasty exception:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client-keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore client-keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS
The result should look like this: