The sampler uses recordings of sounds that were preloaded into Sounds directory of the project folder.
Again, like we did in Sequencer Demo we create an instance of an Conductor():
let conductor = Conductor()
And then we jump right into Conductor.swift file where we can find the same declarations for a basic sequencer, a mixing node, a filter node, a playback node to generate audio, and a mixing node.
var sequence: AKSequencer?
var mixer = AKMixer()
var filter: AKMoogLadder?
var arpeggioSynthesizer = AKAppleSampler()
var arpeggioVolume: AKBooster?
During the init() function we initialize the instruments, connect them to a mixing node, create a filter node from a mixing one, and then start the AudioKit engine.
arpeggioVolume = AKBooster(arpeggioSynthesizer)
filter = AKMoogLadder(mixer)
AudioKit.output = filter
arpeggioSynthesizer.loadEXS24("Sounds/Sampler Instruments/sqrTone1")
sequence = AKSequencer(filename: "seqDemo", engine: AudioKit.engine)
sequence!.avTracks[1].destinationAudioUnit = arpeggioSynthesizer.samplerUnit