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Go Report Card

Verrazzano Application Operator


  • kustomize v3.1.0+
  • kubebuilder 2.3.1+
  • go version v1.15.7
  • Docker
  • kubectl

Build the Verrazzano application operator

  • To generate manifests, for example, CRD, RBAC, and such:

    make manifests
  • To do all the source code checks, such as fmt, lint, and such:

    make check
  • To build the operator and generated code:

    make go-install

Test the Verrazzano application operator

You need a Kubernetes cluster to run against.

  • Install the CRDs into the cluster:

    make install-crds
  • Run the operator. This will run in the foreground, so switch to a new terminal if you want to leave it running.

    make run
  • Run the operator with webhooks:

    • Run installer/scripts/ to create build/webhook-certs
    • Run the operator with webhooks enabled:
      go run main.go --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} --cert-dir=build/webhook-certs
    • Test the webhook endpoint:
      curl -X POST --insecure \
         https://localhost:9443/appconfig-defaulter \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -d @test/integ/testdata/hello-app_appconfig-defaulter-request.json
  • Create a custom resource. You will notice that messages are logged to the operator when the custom resource is applied.

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/
  • Delete the custom resource. You will notice that messages are logged to the operator when the custom resource is deleted.

    kubectl delete -f config/samples/
  • Uninstall the CRDs from the cluster:

    make uninstall-crds

Build and push Docker images

  • To build the Docker image:
    make docker-build
  • To push the Docker image:
    make docker-push

Running KIND-based integration tests

make build  
make docker-build  
make integ-test

Installing the OAM runtime and the Verrazzano application operator

NOTE: These are temporary install and uninstall scripts that will be removed before this repo is made public.

The installer directory has scripts that will install and uninstall both the OAM runtime and the Verrazzano application operator, along with the custom Verrazzano application operator CRDs (for example, traits).

First, create the GitHub packages secret in the verrazzano-system namespace:

kubectl create ns verrazzano-system
kubectl create secret -n verrazzano-system  docker-registry github-packages --docker-username=<> --docker-password=<xyz>

To install, set the env var for the application operator image, then run the install script. For example:

export VERRAZZANO_APP_OP_IMAGE=<docker-image-name>:<docker-image-tag>

To uninstall, run the following:
