- Features:
- "Go to GraphQL schema" line marker in the scope of class/interface and method
- "Go to GraphQL resolver class" line marker in the scope of GraphQL schema type arguments
- RequireJS mapping support (reference navigation, completion)
- Plugin class methods generation
- Plugin declaration inspection in the scope of a Plugin Class
- MFTF support MVP (reference navigation, completion)
- Fixed support of 2020.* versions of IDE's
- Create a New Magento 2 Module action
- Code Inspection: Duplicated Observer Usage in events XML
- Create a Plugin class for a class public method action
- Code Inspection: Warning regarding Cacheable false attribute in default XML
- Create a Preference for a class action
- Create a Block action
- Line markers for navigation from a plugin class to a target class
- Magento 2 Module Project template on the start up
- Create an observer for an event action
- Plugin - Target line markers
- GraphQL resolver inspection in the scope of a PHP Class
- Features:
- Extended navigation from PHP class to its XML declaration to support any configs
- Documented local environment set up for plugin development
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed NullPointerException
- Features:
- Added JavaScript reference contributor
- Support references for each part of FQN of PHP class, methods, constants
- Support reference from XML/JavaScript for module name
- Support reference from XML/JavaScript for module element path (e.g. Magento_Catalog::product/list/addto/compare.phtml)
- Added project detector
- Move configuration section to "Languages & Frameworks > Php > Magento"
- Remove deprecated elements
- Features:
- Added Module name to configuration tooltip
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed "Project disposed" exception
- Features:
- added module name for "Goto configuration" labels
- Features:
- WebApi routes
- nicer "Goto configuration" labels
- plugin settings (manual reindex, URN generation, plugin on/off)
- Features:
- Context type completion for:
- Observers completion only for ObserverInterface impl in events.xml
- Blocks completion only for BlockInterface name in layouts.xml
- Preference configuration in di.xml
- Type hinting for object arguments in di.xml
- @api usage inspection in Module context
- ObjectManager usage inspection in Module context
- virtualType arguments resolution
- webapi.xml interface/method completion/references
- Support for old people using PhpStorm 8 or JDK1.7
- Context type completion for:
- Features:
- Added Reference and completion support for layouts
- block: class, before, after
- referenceBlock: name
- move: element, destination, before, after
- remove: name
- update: handle
- referenceContainer: name
- Line marker reference for php class to Layout configuration
- Added Reference and completion support for layouts
- Features:
- Added Line marker reference for php class/interface to DI configuration
- Added Line marker reference to plugins
- Features:
- Added reference to configuration and observers (classes or virtualType)
- Added reference to observers from configuration
- Added reference to event dispatch from configuration
- Features:
- Added reference and completion support for virtual types/classes/arguments in DI configuration
- Features:
- Added reference support for classes/interfaces in DI configuration