用gdb调试程序时,如果想查看进程的内存映射信息,可以使用“i proc mappings”命令(i是info命令缩写),例如:
(gdb) i proc mappings
process 27676 flags:
PR_STOPPED Process (LWP) is stopped
PR_ISTOP Stopped on an event of interest
PR_RLC Run-on-last-close is in effect
PR_MSACCT Microstate accounting enabled
PR_PCOMPAT Micro-state accounting inherited on fork
PR_FAULTED : Incurred a traced hardware fault FLTBPT: Breakpoint trap
Mapped address spaces:
Start Addr End Addr Size Offset Flags
0x8046000 0x8047fff 0x2000 0xfffff000 -s--rwx
0x8050000 0x8050fff 0x1000 0 ----r-x
0x8060000 0x8060fff 0x1000 0 ----rwx
0xfee40000 0xfef4efff 0x10f000 0 ----r-x
0xfef50000 0xfef55fff 0x6000 0 ----rwx
0xfef5f000 0xfef66fff 0x8000 0x10f000 ----rwx
0xfef67000 0xfef68fff 0x2000 0 ----rwx
0xfef70000 0xfef70fff 0x1000 0 ----rwx
0xfef80000 0xfef80fff 0x1000 0 ---sr--
0xfef90000 0xfef90fff 0x1000 0 ----rw-
0xfefa0000 0xfefa0fff 0x1000 0 ----rw-
0xfefb0000 0xfefb0fff 0x1000 0 ----rwx
0xfefc0000 0xfefeafff 0x2b000 0 ----r-x
0xfeff0000 0xfeff0fff 0x1000 0 ----rwx
0xfeffb000 0xfeffcfff 0x2000 0x2b000 ----rwx
0xfeffd000 0xfeffdfff 0x1000 0 ----rwx
此外,也可以用"i files"(还有一个同样作用的命令:“i target”)命令,它可以更详细地输出进程的内存信息,包括引用的动态链接库等等,例如:
(gdb) i files
Symbols from "/data1/nan/a".
Unix /proc child process:
Using the running image of child Thread 1 (LWP 1) via /proc.
While running this, GDB does not access memory from...
Local exec file:
`/data1/nan/a', file type elf32-i386-sol2.
Entry point: 0x8050950
0x080500f4 - 0x08050105 is .interp
0x08050108 - 0x08050114 is .eh_frame_hdr
0x08050114 - 0x08050218 is .hash
0x08050218 - 0x08050418 is .dynsym
0x08050418 - 0x080507e6 is .dynstr
0x080507e8 - 0x08050818 is .SUNW_version
0x08050818 - 0x08050858 is .SUNW_versym
0x08050858 - 0x08050890 is .SUNW_reloc
0x08050890 - 0x080508c8 is .rel.plt
0x080508c8 - 0x08050948 is .plt
0xfef5fb58 - 0xfef5fc48 is .dynamic in /usr/lib/libc.so.1
0xfef5fc80 - 0xfef650e2 is .data in /usr/lib/libc.so.1
0xfef650e2 - 0xfef650e2 is .bssf in /usr/lib/libc.so.1
0xfef650e8 - 0xfef65be0 is .picdata in /usr/lib/libc.so.1
0xfef65be0 - 0xfef666a7 is .data1 in /usr/lib/libc.so.1
0xfef666a8 - 0xfef680dc is .bss in /usr/lib/libc.so.1