Async SQLAlchemy 2.0+ for FastAPI — boilerplate, pagination, and seamless session management.
Github Repo:
is an async SQLAlchemy 2.0+
extension for FastAPI
with built-in pagination,
support and more.
It streamlines the configuration and asynchronous connection to relational databases by
providing boilerplate and intuitive helpers. Additionally, it offers built-in
customizable pagination and automatically manages the SQLAlchemy
session lifecycle
following SQLAlchemy
's best practices.
Easy setup at app startup using
Lifespan:from fastapi import FastAPI from fastsqla import lifespan app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
async session dependency:... from fastsqla import Session from sqlalchemy import select ... @app.get("/heros") async def get_heros(session:Session): stmt = select(...) result = await session.execute(stmt) ...
async session with an async context manager:from fastsqla import open_session async def background_job(): async with open_session() as session: stmt = select(...) result = await session.execute(stmt) ...
Built-in pagination:
... from fastsqla import Page, Paginate from sqlalchemy import select ... @app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel]) async def get_heros(paginate:Paginate): return await paginate(select(Hero))
👇{ "data": [ { "name": "The Flash", "secret_identity": "Barry Allen", "id": 11 }, { "name": "Green Lantern", "secret_identity": "Hal Jordan", "id": 12 } ], "meta": { "offset": 10, "total_items": 12, "total_pages": 2, "page_number": 2 } }
Pagination customization:
... from fastapi import Page, new_pagination ... Paginate = new_pagination(min_page_size=5, max_page_size=500) @app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel]) async def get_heros(paginate:Paginate): return paginate(select(Hero))
Session lifecycle management: session is commited on request success or rollback on failure.
support:... from fastsqla import Item, Page, Paginate, Session from sqlmodel import Field, SQLModel ... class Hero(SQLModel, table=True): id: int | None = Field(default=None, primary_key=True) name: str secret_identity: str age: int @app.get("/heroes", response_model=Page[Hero]) async def get_heroes(paginate: Paginate): return await paginate(select(Hero)) @app.get("/heroes/{hero_id}", response_model=Item[Hero]) async def get_hero(session: Session, hero_id: int): hero = await session.get(Hero, hero_id) if hero is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return {"data": hero}
Using uv:
uv add fastsqla
Using pip:
pip install fastsqla
Let's write some tiny app in
from http import HTTPStatus
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from fastsqla import Base, Item, Page, Paginate, Session, lifespan
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
class Hero(Base):
__tablename__ = "hero"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(unique=True)
secret_identity: Mapped[str]
age: Mapped[int]
class HeroBase(BaseModel):
name: str
secret_identity: str
age: int
class HeroModel(HeroBase):
model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True)
id: int
@app.get("/heros", response_model=Page[HeroModel])
async def list_heros(paginate: Paginate):
stmt = select(Hero)
return await paginate(stmt)
@app.get("/heros/{hero_id}", response_model=Item[HeroModel])
async def get_hero(hero_id: int, session: Session):
hero = await session.get(Hero, hero_id)
if hero is None:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Hero not found")
return {"data": hero}"/heros", response_model=Item[HeroModel])
async def create_hero(new_hero: HeroBase, session: Session):
hero = Hero(**new_hero.model_dump())
await session.flush()
except IntegrityError:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, "Duplicate hero name")
return {"data": hero}
💡 This example uses an SQLite
database for simplicity: FastSQLA
is compatible with
all asynchronous db drivers that SQLAlchemy
is compatible with.
Let's create an SQLite
database using sqlite3
and insert 12 rows in the hero
sqlite3 db.sqlite <<EOF
-- Create Table hero
name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, -- Unique hero name (e.g., Superman)
secret_identity TEXT NOT NULL, -- Secret identity (e.g., Clark Kent)
age INTEGER NOT NULL -- Age of the hero (e.g., 30)
-- Insert heroes with their name, secret identity, and age
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Superman', 'Clark Kent', 30);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Batman', 'Bruce Wayne', 35);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Wonder Woman', 'Diana Prince', 30);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Iron Man', 'Tony Stark', 45);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Spider-Man', 'Peter Parker', 25);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Captain America', 'Steve Rogers', 100);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Black Widow', 'Natasha Romanoff', 35);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Thor', 'Thor Odinson', 1500);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Scarlet Witch', 'Wanda Maximoff', 30);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Doctor Strange', 'Stephen Strange', 40);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('The Flash', 'Barry Allen', 28);
INSERT INTO hero (name, secret_identity, age) VALUES ('Green Lantern', 'Hal Jordan', 35);
Let's install required dependencies:
pip install uvicorn aiosqlite fastsqla
Let's run the app:
sqlalchemy_url=sqlite+aiosqlite:///db.sqlite?check_same_thread=false \
uvicorn example:app
Execute GET /heros?offset=10&limit=10
using curl
curl -X 'GET' -H 'accept: application/json' ''
"data": [
"name": "The Flash",
"secret_identity": "Barry Allen",
"id": 11
"name": "Green Lantern",
"secret_identity": "Hal Jordan",
"id": 12
"meta": {
"offset": 10,
"total_items": 12,
"total_pages": 2,
"page_number": 2
You can also check the generated openapi doc by opening your browser to
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.