//===--- RustDemangle.cpp ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines a demangler for Rust v0 mangled symbols as specified in // https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/2603-rust-symbol-name-mangling-v0.html // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/Demangle/Demangle.h" #include "llvm/Demangle/StringView.h" #include "llvm/Demangle/Utility.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <limits> using namespace llvm; using llvm::itanium_demangle::OutputBuffer; using llvm::itanium_demangle::StringView; using llvm::itanium_demangle::SwapAndRestore; namespace { struct Identifier { StringView Name; bool Punycode; bool empty() const { return Name.empty(); } }; enum class BasicType { Bool, Char, I8, I16, I32, I64, I128, ISize, U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, USize, F32, F64, Str, Placeholder, Unit, Variadic, Never, }; enum class IsInType { No, Yes, }; enum class LeaveGenericsOpen { No, Yes, }; class Demangler { // Maximum recursion level. Used to avoid stack overflow. size_t MaxRecursionLevel; // Current recursion level. size_t RecursionLevel; size_t BoundLifetimes; // Input string that is being demangled with "_R" prefix removed. StringView Input; // Position in the input string. size_t Position; // When true, print methods append the output to the stream. // When false, the output is suppressed. bool Print; // True if an error occurred. bool Error; public: // Demangled output. OutputBuffer Output; Demangler(size_t MaxRecursionLevel = 500); bool demangle(StringView MangledName); private: bool demanglePath(IsInType Type, LeaveGenericsOpen LeaveOpen = LeaveGenericsOpen::No); void demangleImplPath(IsInType InType); void demangleGenericArg(); void demangleType(); void demangleFnSig(); void demangleDynBounds(); void demangleDynTrait(); void demangleOptionalBinder(); void demangleConst(); void demangleConstInt(); void demangleConstBool(); void demangleConstChar(); template <typename Callable> void demangleBackref(Callable Demangler) { uint64_t Backref = parseBase62Number(); if (Error || Backref >= Position) { Error = true; return; } if (!Print) return; SwapAndRestore<size_t> SavePosition(Position, Position); Position = Backref; Demangler(); } Identifier parseIdentifier(); uint64_t parseOptionalBase62Number(char Tag); uint64_t parseBase62Number(); uint64_t parseDecimalNumber(); uint64_t parseHexNumber(StringView &HexDigits); void print(char C); void print(StringView S); void printDecimalNumber(uint64_t N); void printBasicType(BasicType); void printLifetime(uint64_t Index); void printIdentifier(Identifier Ident); char look() const; char consume(); bool consumeIf(char Prefix); bool addAssign(uint64_t &A, uint64_t B); bool mulAssign(uint64_t &A, uint64_t B); }; } // namespace char *llvm::rustDemangle(const char *MangledName, char *Buf, size_t *N, int *Status) { if (MangledName == nullptr || (Buf != nullptr && N == nullptr)) { if (Status != nullptr) *Status = demangle_invalid_args; return nullptr; } // Return early if mangled name doesn't look like a Rust symbol. StringView Mangled(MangledName); if (!Mangled.startsWith("_R")) { if (Status != nullptr) *Status = demangle_invalid_mangled_name; return nullptr; } Demangler D; if (!initializeOutputBuffer(nullptr, nullptr, D.Output, 1024)) { if (Status != nullptr) *Status = demangle_memory_alloc_failure; return nullptr; } if (!D.demangle(Mangled)) { if (Status != nullptr) *Status = demangle_invalid_mangled_name; std::free(D.Output.getBuffer()); return nullptr; } D.Output += '\0'; char *Demangled = D.Output.getBuffer(); size_t DemangledLen = D.Output.getCurrentPosition(); if (Buf != nullptr) { if (DemangledLen <= *N) { std::memcpy(Buf, Demangled, DemangledLen); std::free(Demangled); Demangled = Buf; } else { std::free(Buf); } } if (N != nullptr) *N = DemangledLen; if (Status != nullptr) *Status = demangle_success; return Demangled; } Demangler::Demangler(size_t MaxRecursionLevel) : MaxRecursionLevel(MaxRecursionLevel) {} static inline bool isDigit(const char C) { return '0' <= C && C <= '9'; } static inline bool isHexDigit(const char C) { return ('0' <= C && C <= '9') || ('a' <= C && C <= 'f'); } static inline bool isLower(const char C) { return 'a' <= C && C <= 'z'; } static inline bool isUpper(const char C) { return 'A' <= C && C <= 'Z'; } /// Returns true if C is a valid mangled character: <0-9a-zA-Z_>. static inline bool isValid(const char C) { return isDigit(C) || isLower(C) || isUpper(C) || C == '_'; } // Demangles Rust v0 mangled symbol. Returns true when successful, and false // otherwise. The demangled symbol is stored in Output field. It is // responsibility of the caller to free the memory behind the output stream. // // <symbol-name> = "_R" <path> [<instantiating-crate>] bool Demangler::demangle(StringView Mangled) { Position = 0; Error = false; Print = true; RecursionLevel = 0; BoundLifetimes = 0; if (!Mangled.consumeFront("_R")) { Error = true; return false; } size_t Dot = Mangled.find('.'); Input = Mangled.substr(0, Dot); StringView Suffix = Mangled.dropFront(Dot); demanglePath(IsInType::No); if (Position != Input.size()) { SwapAndRestore<bool> SavePrint(Print, false); demanglePath(IsInType::No); } if (Position != Input.size()) Error = true; if (!Suffix.empty()) { print(" ("); print(Suffix); print(")"); } return !Error; } // Demangles a path. InType indicates whether a path is inside a type. When // LeaveOpen is true, a closing `>` after generic arguments is omitted from the // output. Return value indicates whether generics arguments have been left // open. // // <path> = "C" <identifier> // crate root // | "M" <impl-path> <type> // <T> (inherent impl) // | "X" <impl-path> <type> <path> // <T as Trait> (trait impl) // | "Y" <type> <path> // <T as Trait> (trait definition) // | "N" <ns> <path> <identifier> // ...::ident (nested path) // | "I" <path> {<generic-arg>} "E" // ...<T, U> (generic args) // | <backref> // <identifier> = [<disambiguator>] <undisambiguated-identifier> // <ns> = "C" // closure // | "S" // shim // | <A-Z> // other special namespaces // | <a-z> // internal namespaces bool Demangler::demanglePath(IsInType InType, LeaveGenericsOpen LeaveOpen) { if (Error || RecursionLevel >= MaxRecursionLevel) { Error = true; return false; } SwapAndRestore<size_t> SaveRecursionLevel(RecursionLevel, RecursionLevel + 1); switch (consume()) { case 'C': { parseOptionalBase62Number('s'); printIdentifier(parseIdentifier()); break; } case 'M': { demangleImplPath(InType); print("<"); demangleType(); print(">"); break; } case 'X': { demangleImplPath(InType); print("<"); demangleType(); print(" as "); demanglePath(IsInType::Yes); print(">"); break; } case 'Y': { print("<"); demangleType(); print(" as "); demanglePath(IsInType::Yes); print(">"); break; } case 'N': { char NS = consume(); if (!isLower(NS) && !isUpper(NS)) { Error = true; break; } demanglePath(InType); uint64_t Disambiguator = parseOptionalBase62Number('s'); Identifier Ident = parseIdentifier(); if (isUpper(NS)) { // Special namespaces print("::{"); if (NS == 'C') print("closure"); else if (NS == 'S') print("shim"); else print(NS); if (!Ident.empty()) { print(":"); printIdentifier(Ident); } print('#'); printDecimalNumber(Disambiguator); print('}'); } else { // Implementation internal namespaces. if (!Ident.empty()) { print("::"); printIdentifier(Ident); } } break; } case 'I': { demanglePath(InType); // Omit "::" when in a type, where it is optional. if (InType == IsInType::No) print("::"); print("<"); for (size_t I = 0; !Error && !consumeIf('E'); ++I) { if (I > 0) print(", "); demangleGenericArg(); } if (LeaveOpen == LeaveGenericsOpen::Yes) return true; else print(">"); break; } case 'B': { bool IsOpen = false; demangleBackref([&] { IsOpen = demanglePath(InType, LeaveOpen); }); return IsOpen; } default: Error = true; break; } return false; } // <impl-path> = [<disambiguator>] <path> // <disambiguator> = "s" <base-62-number> void Demangler::demangleImplPath(IsInType InType) { SwapAndRestore<bool> SavePrint(Print, false); parseOptionalBase62Number('s'); demanglePath(InType); } // <generic-arg> = <lifetime> // | <type> // | "K" <const> // <lifetime> = "L" <base-62-number> void Demangler::demangleGenericArg() { if (consumeIf('L')) printLifetime(parseBase62Number()); else if (consumeIf('K')) demangleConst(); else demangleType(); } // <basic-type> = "a" // i8 // | "b" // bool // | "c" // char // | "d" // f64 // | "e" // str // | "f" // f32 // | "h" // u8 // | "i" // isize // | "j" // usize // | "l" // i32 // | "m" // u32 // | "n" // i128 // | "o" // u128 // | "s" // i16 // | "t" // u16 // | "u" // () // | "v" // ... // | "x" // i64 // | "y" // u64 // | "z" // ! // | "p" // placeholder (e.g. for generic params), shown as _ static bool parseBasicType(char C, BasicType &Type) { switch (C) { case 'a': Type = BasicType::I8; return true; case 'b': Type = BasicType::Bool; return true; case 'c': Type = BasicType::Char; return true; case 'd': Type = BasicType::F64; return true; case 'e': Type = BasicType::Str; return true; case 'f': Type = BasicType::F32; return true; case 'h': Type = BasicType::U8; return true; case 'i': Type = BasicType::ISize; return true; case 'j': Type = BasicType::USize; return true; case 'l': Type = BasicType::I32; return true; case 'm': Type = BasicType::U32; return true; case 'n': Type = BasicType::I128; return true; case 'o': Type = BasicType::U128; return true; case 'p': Type = BasicType::Placeholder; return true; case 's': Type = BasicType::I16; return true; case 't': Type = BasicType::U16; return true; case 'u': Type = BasicType::Unit; return true; case 'v': Type = BasicType::Variadic; return true; case 'x': Type = BasicType::I64; return true; case 'y': Type = BasicType::U64; return true; case 'z': Type = BasicType::Never; return true; default: return false; } } void Demangler::printBasicType(BasicType Type) { switch (Type) { case BasicType::Bool: print("bool"); break; case BasicType::Char: print("char"); break; case BasicType::I8: print("i8"); break; case BasicType::I16: print("i16"); break; case BasicType::I32: print("i32"); break; case BasicType::I64: print("i64"); break; case BasicType::I128: print("i128"); break; case BasicType::ISize: print("isize"); break; case BasicType::U8: print("u8"); break; case BasicType::U16: print("u16"); break; case BasicType::U32: print("u32"); break; case BasicType::U64: print("u64"); break; case BasicType::U128: print("u128"); break; case BasicType::USize: print("usize"); break; case BasicType::F32: print("f32"); break; case BasicType::F64: print("f64"); break; case BasicType::Str: print("str"); break; case BasicType::Placeholder: print("_"); break; case BasicType::Unit: print("()"); break; case BasicType::Variadic: print("..."); break; case BasicType::Never: print("!"); break; } } // <type> = | <basic-type> // | <path> // named type // | "A" <type> <const> // [T; N] // | "S" <type> // [T] // | "T" {<type>} "E" // (T1, T2, T3, ...) // | "R" [<lifetime>] <type> // &T // | "Q" [<lifetime>] <type> // &mut T // | "P" <type> // *const T // | "O" <type> // *mut T // | "F" <fn-sig> // fn(...) -> ... // | "D" <dyn-bounds> <lifetime> // dyn Trait<Assoc = X> + Send + 'a // | <backref> // backref void Demangler::demangleType() { if (Error || RecursionLevel >= MaxRecursionLevel) { Error = true; return; } SwapAndRestore<size_t> SaveRecursionLevel(RecursionLevel, RecursionLevel + 1); size_t Start = Position; char C = consume(); BasicType Type; if (parseBasicType(C, Type)) return printBasicType(Type); switch (C) { case 'A': print("["); demangleType(); print("; "); demangleConst(); print("]"); break; case 'S': print("["); demangleType(); print("]"); break; case 'T': { print("("); size_t I = 0; for (; !Error && !consumeIf('E'); ++I) { if (I > 0) print(", "); demangleType(); } if (I == 1) print(","); print(")"); break; } case 'R': case 'Q': print('&'); if (consumeIf('L')) { if (auto Lifetime = parseBase62Number()) { printLifetime(Lifetime); print(' '); } } if (C == 'Q') print("mut "); demangleType(); break; case 'P': print("*const "); demangleType(); break; case 'O': print("*mut "); demangleType(); break; case 'F': demangleFnSig(); break; case 'D': demangleDynBounds(); if (consumeIf('L')) { if (auto Lifetime = parseBase62Number()) { print(" + "); printLifetime(Lifetime); } } else { Error = true; } break; case 'B': demangleBackref([&] { demangleType(); }); break; default: Position = Start; demanglePath(IsInType::Yes); break; } } // <fn-sig> := [<binder>] ["U"] ["K" <abi>] {<type>} "E" <type> // <abi> = "C" // | <undisambiguated-identifier> void Demangler::demangleFnSig() { SwapAndRestore<size_t> SaveBoundLifetimes(BoundLifetimes, BoundLifetimes); demangleOptionalBinder(); if (consumeIf('U')) print("unsafe "); if (consumeIf('K')) { print("extern \""); if (consumeIf('C')) { print("C"); } else { Identifier Ident = parseIdentifier(); if (Ident.Punycode) Error = true; for (char C : Ident.Name) { // When mangling ABI string, the "-" is replaced with "_". if (C == '_') C = '-'; print(C); } } print("\" "); } print("fn("); for (size_t I = 0; !Error && !consumeIf('E'); ++I) { if (I > 0) print(", "); demangleType(); } print(")"); if (consumeIf('u')) { // Skip the unit type from the output. } else { print(" -> "); demangleType(); } } // <dyn-bounds> = [<binder>] {<dyn-trait>} "E" void Demangler::demangleDynBounds() { SwapAndRestore<size_t> SaveBoundLifetimes(BoundLifetimes, BoundLifetimes); print("dyn "); demangleOptionalBinder(); for (size_t I = 0; !Error && !consumeIf('E'); ++I) { if (I > 0) print(" + "); demangleDynTrait(); } } // <dyn-trait> = <path> {<dyn-trait-assoc-binding>} // <dyn-trait-assoc-binding> = "p" <undisambiguated-identifier> <type> void Demangler::demangleDynTrait() { bool IsOpen = demanglePath(IsInType::Yes, LeaveGenericsOpen::Yes); while (!Error && consumeIf('p')) { if (!IsOpen) { IsOpen = true; print('<'); } else { print(", "); } print(parseIdentifier().Name); print(" = "); demangleType(); } if (IsOpen) print(">"); } // Demangles optional binder and updates the number of bound lifetimes. // // <binder> = "G" <base-62-number> void Demangler::demangleOptionalBinder() { uint64_t Binder = parseOptionalBase62Number('G'); if (Error || Binder == 0) return; // In valid inputs each bound lifetime is referenced later. Referencing a // lifetime requires at least one byte of input. Reject inputs that are too // short to reference all bound lifetimes. Otherwise demangling of invalid // binders could generate excessive amounts of output. if (Binder >= Input.size() - BoundLifetimes) { Error = true; return; } print("for<"); for (size_t I = 0; I != Binder; ++I) { BoundLifetimes += 1; if (I > 0) print(", "); printLifetime(1); } print("> "); } // <const> = <basic-type> <const-data> // | "p" // placeholder // | <backref> void Demangler::demangleConst() { if (Error || RecursionLevel >= MaxRecursionLevel) { Error = true; return; } SwapAndRestore<size_t> SaveRecursionLevel(RecursionLevel, RecursionLevel + 1); char C = consume(); BasicType Type; if (parseBasicType(C, Type)) { switch (Type) { case BasicType::I8: case BasicType::I16: case BasicType::I32: case BasicType::I64: case BasicType::I128: case BasicType::ISize: case BasicType::U8: case BasicType::U16: case BasicType::U32: case BasicType::U64: case BasicType::U128: case BasicType::USize: demangleConstInt(); break; case BasicType::Bool: demangleConstBool(); break; case BasicType::Char: demangleConstChar(); break; case BasicType::Placeholder: print('_'); break; default: Error = true; break; } } else if (C == 'B') { demangleBackref([&] { demangleConst(); }); } else { Error = true; } } // <const-data> = ["n"] <hex-number> void Demangler::demangleConstInt() { if (consumeIf('n')) print('-'); StringView HexDigits; uint64_t Value = parseHexNumber(HexDigits); if (HexDigits.size() <= 16) { printDecimalNumber(Value); } else { print("0x"); print(HexDigits); } } // <const-data> = "0_" // false // | "1_" // true void Demangler::demangleConstBool() { StringView HexDigits; parseHexNumber(HexDigits); if (HexDigits == "0") print("false"); else if (HexDigits == "1") print("true"); else Error = true; } /// Returns true if CodePoint represents a printable ASCII character. static bool isAsciiPrintable(uint64_t CodePoint) { return 0x20 <= CodePoint && CodePoint <= 0x7e; } // <const-data> = <hex-number> void Demangler::demangleConstChar() { StringView HexDigits; uint64_t CodePoint = parseHexNumber(HexDigits); if (Error || HexDigits.size() > 6) { Error = true; return; } print("'"); switch (CodePoint) { case '\t': print(R"(\t)"); break; case '\r': print(R"(\r)"); break; case '\n': print(R"(\n)"); break; case '\\': print(R"(\\)"); break; case '"': print(R"(")"); break; case '\'': print(R"(\')"); break; default: if (isAsciiPrintable(CodePoint)) { char C = CodePoint; print(C); } else { print(R"(\u{)"); print(HexDigits); print('}'); } break; } print('\''); } // <undisambiguated-identifier> = ["u"] <decimal-number> ["_"] <bytes> Identifier Demangler::parseIdentifier() { bool Punycode = consumeIf('u'); uint64_t Bytes = parseDecimalNumber(); // Underscore resolves the ambiguity when identifier starts with a decimal // digit or another underscore. consumeIf('_'); if (Error || Bytes > Input.size() - Position) { Error = true; return {}; } StringView S = Input.substr(Position, Bytes); Position += Bytes; if (!std::all_of(S.begin(), S.end(), isValid)) { Error = true; return {}; } return {S, Punycode}; } // Parses optional base 62 number. The presence of a number is determined using // Tag. Returns 0 when tag is absent and parsed value + 1 otherwise // // This function is indended for parsing disambiguators and binders which when // not present have their value interpreted as 0, and otherwise as decoded // value + 1. For example for binders, value for "G_" is 1, for "G0_" value is // 2. When "G" is absent value is 0. uint64_t Demangler::parseOptionalBase62Number(char Tag) { if (!consumeIf(Tag)) return 0; uint64_t N = parseBase62Number(); if (Error || !addAssign(N, 1)) return 0; return N; } // Parses base 62 number with <0-9a-zA-Z> as digits. Number is terminated by // "_". All values are offset by 1, so that "_" encodes 0, "0_" encodes 1, // "1_" encodes 2, etc. // // <base-62-number> = {<0-9a-zA-Z>} "_" uint64_t Demangler::parseBase62Number() { if (consumeIf('_')) return 0; uint64_t Value = 0; while (true) { uint64_t Digit; char C = consume(); if (C == '_') { break; } else if (isDigit(C)) { Digit = C - '0'; } else if (isLower(C)) { Digit = 10 + (C - 'a'); } else if (isUpper(C)) { Digit = 10 + 26 + (C - 'A'); } else { Error = true; return 0; } if (!mulAssign(Value, 62)) return 0; if (!addAssign(Value, Digit)) return 0; } if (!addAssign(Value, 1)) return 0; return Value; } // Parses a decimal number that had been encoded without any leading zeros. // // <decimal-number> = "0" // | <1-9> {<0-9>} uint64_t Demangler::parseDecimalNumber() { char C = look(); if (!isDigit(C)) { Error = true; return 0; } if (C == '0') { consume(); return 0; } uint64_t Value = 0; while (isDigit(look())) { if (!mulAssign(Value, 10)) { Error = true; return 0; } uint64_t D = consume() - '0'; if (!addAssign(Value, D)) return 0; } return Value; } // Parses a hexadecimal number with <0-9a-f> as a digits. Returns the parsed // value and stores hex digits in HexDigits. The return value is unspecified if // HexDigits.size() > 16. // // <hex-number> = "0_" // | <1-9a-f> {<0-9a-f>} "_" uint64_t Demangler::parseHexNumber(StringView &HexDigits) { size_t Start = Position; uint64_t Value = 0; if (!isHexDigit(look())) Error = true; if (consumeIf('0')) { if (!consumeIf('_')) Error = true; } else { while (!Error && !consumeIf('_')) { char C = consume(); Value *= 16; if (isDigit(C)) Value += C - '0'; else if ('a' <= C && C <= 'f') Value += 10 + (C - 'a'); else Error = true; } } if (Error) { HexDigits = StringView(); return 0; } size_t End = Position - 1; assert(Start < End); HexDigits = Input.substr(Start, End - Start); return Value; } void Demangler::print(char C) { if (Error || !Print) return; Output += C; } void Demangler::print(StringView S) { if (Error || !Print) return; Output += S; } void Demangler::printDecimalNumber(uint64_t N) { if (Error || !Print) return; Output << N; } // Prints a lifetime. An index 0 always represents an erased lifetime. Indices // starting from 1, are De Bruijn indices, referring to higher-ranked lifetimes // bound by one of the enclosing binders. void Demangler::printLifetime(uint64_t Index) { if (Index == 0) { print("'_"); return; } if (Index - 1 >= BoundLifetimes) { Error = true; return; } uint64_t Depth = BoundLifetimes - Index; print('\''); if (Depth < 26) { char C = 'a' + Depth; print(C); } else { print('z'); printDecimalNumber(Depth - 26 + 1); } } static inline bool decodePunycodeDigit(char C, size_t &Value) { if (isLower(C)) { Value = C - 'a'; return true; } if (isDigit(C)) { Value = 26 + (C - '0'); return true; } return false; } static void removeNullBytes(OutputBuffer &Output, size_t StartIdx) { char *Buffer = Output.getBuffer(); char *Start = Buffer + StartIdx; char *End = Buffer + Output.getCurrentPosition(); Output.setCurrentPosition(std::remove(Start, End, '\0') - Buffer); } // Encodes code point as UTF-8 and stores results in Output. Returns false if // CodePoint is not a valid unicode scalar value. static inline bool encodeUTF8(size_t CodePoint, char *Output) { if (0xD800 <= CodePoint && CodePoint <= 0xDFFF) return false; if (CodePoint <= 0x7F) { Output[0] = CodePoint; return true; } if (CodePoint <= 0x7FF) { Output[0] = 0xC0 | ((CodePoint >> 6) & 0x3F); Output[1] = 0x80 | (CodePoint & 0x3F); return true; } if (CodePoint <= 0xFFFF) { Output[0] = 0xE0 | (CodePoint >> 12); Output[1] = 0x80 | ((CodePoint >> 6) & 0x3F); Output[2] = 0x80 | (CodePoint & 0x3F); return true; } if (CodePoint <= 0x10FFFF) { Output[0] = 0xF0 | (CodePoint >> 18); Output[1] = 0x80 | ((CodePoint >> 12) & 0x3F); Output[2] = 0x80 | ((CodePoint >> 6) & 0x3F); Output[3] = 0x80 | (CodePoint & 0x3F); return true; } return false; } // Decodes string encoded using punycode and appends results to Output. // Returns true if decoding was successful. static bool decodePunycode(StringView Input, OutputBuffer &Output) { size_t OutputSize = Output.getCurrentPosition(); size_t InputIdx = 0; // Rust uses an underscore as a delimiter. size_t DelimiterPos = StringView::npos; for (size_t I = 0; I != Input.size(); ++I) if (Input[I] == '_') DelimiterPos = I; if (DelimiterPos != StringView::npos) { // Copy basic code points before the last delimiter to the output. for (; InputIdx != DelimiterPos; ++InputIdx) { char C = Input[InputIdx]; if (!isValid(C)) return false; // Code points are padded with zeros while decoding is in progress. char UTF8[4] = {C}; Output += StringView(UTF8, UTF8 + 4); } // Skip over the delimiter. ++InputIdx; } size_t Base = 36; size_t Skew = 38; size_t Bias = 72; size_t N = 0x80; size_t TMin = 1; size_t TMax = 26; size_t Damp = 700; auto Adapt = [&](size_t Delta, size_t NumPoints) { Delta /= Damp; Delta += Delta / NumPoints; Damp = 2; size_t K = 0; while (Delta > (Base - TMin) * TMax / 2) { Delta /= Base - TMin; K += Base; } return K + (((Base - TMin + 1) * Delta) / (Delta + Skew)); }; // Main decoding loop. for (size_t I = 0; InputIdx != Input.size(); I += 1) { size_t OldI = I; size_t W = 1; size_t Max = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); for (size_t K = Base; true; K += Base) { if (InputIdx == Input.size()) return false; char C = Input[InputIdx++]; size_t Digit = 0; if (!decodePunycodeDigit(C, Digit)) return false; if (Digit > (Max - I) / W) return false; I += Digit * W; size_t T; if (K <= Bias) T = TMin; else if (K >= Bias + TMax) T = TMax; else T = K - Bias; if (Digit < T) break; if (W > Max / (Base - T)) return false; W *= (Base - T); } size_t NumPoints = (Output.getCurrentPosition() - OutputSize) / 4 + 1; Bias = Adapt(I - OldI, NumPoints); if (I / NumPoints > Max - N) return false; N += I / NumPoints; I = I % NumPoints; // Insert N at position I in the output. char UTF8[4] = {}; if (!encodeUTF8(N, UTF8)) return false; Output.insert(OutputSize + I * 4, UTF8, 4); } removeNullBytes(Output, OutputSize); return true; } void Demangler::printIdentifier(Identifier Ident) { if (Error || !Print) return; if (Ident.Punycode) { if (!decodePunycode(Ident.Name, Output)) Error = true; } else { print(Ident.Name); } } char Demangler::look() const { if (Error || Position >= Input.size()) return 0; return Input[Position]; } char Demangler::consume() { if (Error || Position >= Input.size()) { Error = true; return 0; } return Input[Position++]; } bool Demangler::consumeIf(char Prefix) { if (Error || Position >= Input.size() || Input[Position] != Prefix) return false; Position += 1; return true; } /// Computes A + B. When computation wraps around sets the error and returns /// false. Otherwise assigns the result to A and returns true. bool Demangler::addAssign(uint64_t &A, uint64_t B) { if (A > std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - B) { Error = true; return false; } A += B; return true; } /// Computes A * B. When computation wraps around sets the error and returns /// false. Otherwise assigns the result to A and returns true. bool Demangler::mulAssign(uint64_t &A, uint64_t B) { if (B != 0 && A > std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() / B) { Error = true; return false; } A *= B; return true; }