Data to copy to export buffers. This is an optional operand. Must be specified as :ref:`off<amdgpu_synid_off>` if not used.
:ref:`compr<amdgpu_synid_compr>` modifier indicates use of compressed (16-bit) data. This limits number of source operands from 4 to 2:
- src0 and src1 must specify the first register (or :ref:`off<amdgpu_synid_off>`).
- src2 and src3 must specify the second register (or :ref:`off<amdgpu_synid_off>`).
An example:
exp mrtz v3, v3, off, off compr
Size: 1 dword.
Operands: :ref:`v<amdgpu_synid_v>`, :ref:`off<amdgpu_synid_off>`