In many machine learning models, especially for supervised learning, datasets are a vital part of the training process. Swift for TensorFlow provides wrappers for several common datasets within the Datasets module in the the models repository. These wrappers ease the use of common datasets with Swift-based models and integrate well with the Swift for TensorFlow's generalized training loop.
These are the currently provided dataset wrappers within the models repository:
- BostonHousing
- CIFAR-10
- CoLA
- ImageNet
- Imagenette
- Imagewoof
- FashionMNIST
- KuzushijiMNIST
- MovieLens
- Oxford-IIIT Pet
- WordSeg
To use one of these dataset wrappers within a Swift
project, add Datasets
as a dependency to your Swift target and import the module:
import Datasets
Most dataset wrappers are designed to produce randomly shuffled batches of labeled data. For example, to use the CIFAR-10 dataset, you first initialize it with the desired batch size:
let dataset = CIFAR10(batchSize: 100)
On first use, the Swift for TensorFlow dataset wrappers will automatically download the original dataset for you, extract and parse all relevant archives, and then store the processed dataset in a user-local cache directory. Subsequent uses of the same dataset will load directly from the local cache.
To set up a manual training loop involving this dataset, you'd use something like the following:
for (epoch, epochBatches) in {
Context.local.learningPhase = .training
for batch in epochBatches {
let (images, labels) = (, batch.label)
The above sets up an iterator through 100 epochs (.prefix(100)
), and returns the current epoch's
numerical index and a lazily-mapped sequence over shuffled batches that make up that epoch. Within
each training epoch, batches are iterated over and extracted for processing. In the case of the
dataset wrapper, each batch is a
, which provides a Tensor<Float>
containing all images from that batch and a Tensor<Int32>
their matching labels.
In the case of CIFAR-10, the entire dataset is small and can be loaded into memory at one time, but for other larger datasets batches are loaded lazily from disk and processed at the point where each batch is obtained. This prevents memory exhaustion with those larger datasets.
Most of these dataset wrappers are built on a shared infrastructure that we've called the Epochs API. Epochs provides flexible components intended to support a wide variety of dataset types, from text to images and more.
If you wish to create your own Swift dataset wrapper, you'll most likely want to use the Epochs API to do so. However, for common cases, such as image classification datasets, we highly recommend starting from a template based on one of the existing dataset wrappers and modifying that to meet your specific needs.
As an example, let's examine the CIFAR-10 dataset wrapper and how it works. The core of the training dataset is defined here:
let trainingSamples = loadCIFARTrainingFiles(in: localStorageDirectory)
training = TrainingEpochs(samples: trainingSamples, batchSize: batchSize, entropy: entropy) { (batches: Batches) -> LazyMapSequence<Batches, LabeledImage> in
makeBatch(samples: $0, mean: mean, standardDeviation: standardDeviation, device: device)
The result from the loadCIFARTrainingFiles()
function is an array of
(data: [UInt8], label: Int32)
tuples for each image in the training dataset. This is then provided
to TrainingEpochs(samples:batchSize:entropy:)
to create an infinite sequence of epochs with
batches of batchSize
. You can provide your own random number generator in cases where you may want
deterministic batching behavior, but by default the SystemRandomNumberGenerator
is used.
From there, lazy maps over the batches culminate in the
function. This is a custom function where the
actual image processing pipeline for the CIFAR-10 dataset is located, so let's take a look at that:
fileprivate func makeBatch<BatchSamples: Collection>(
samples: BatchSamples, mean: Tensor<Float>?, standardDeviation: Tensor<Float>?, device: Device
) -> LabeledImage where BatchSamples.Element == (data: [UInt8], label: Int32) {
let bytes =\.data).reduce(into: [], +=)
let images = Tensor<UInt8>(shape: [samples.count, 3, 32, 32], scalars: bytes, on: device)
var imageTensor = Tensor<Float>(images.transposed(permutation: [0, 2, 3, 1]))
imageTensor /= 255.0
if let mean = mean, let standardDeviation = standardDeviation {
imageTensor = (imageTensor - mean) / standardDeviation
let labels = Tensor<Int32>(\.label), on: device)
return LabeledImage(data: imageTensor, label: labels)
The two lines of this function concatenate all data
bytes from the incoming BatchSamples
a Tensor<UInt8>
that matches the byte layout of the images within the raw CIFAR-10 dataset. Next,
the image channels are reordered to match those expected in our standard image classification models
and the image data re-cast into a Tensor<Float>
for model consumption.
Optional normalization parameters can be provided to further adjust image channel values, a process
that is common when training many image classification models. The normalization parameter Tensor
are created once at dataset initialization and then passed into makeBatch()
as an optimization
to prevent the repeated creation of small temporary tensors with the same values.
Finally, the integer labels are placed in a Tensor<Int32>
and the image / label tensor pair
returned in a LabeledImage
. A LabeledImage
is a specific case of
, a
struct with data and labels that conform to the Eppch API's
For more examples of the Epochs API in different dataset types, you can examine the other dataset wrappers within the models repository.