Commit 8653801
File tree
127 files changed
lines changed- solution
- 0001.Two Sum
- 0002.Add Two Numbers
- 0003.Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- 0004.Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- 0005.Longest Palindromic Substring
- 0006.ZigZag Conversion
- 0007.Reverse Integer
- 0008.String to Integer (atoi)
- 0010.Regular Expression Matching
- 0014.Longest Common Prefix
- 0015.3Sum
- 0017.Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- 0018.4Sum
- 0023.Merge k Sorted Lists
- 0025.Reverse Nodes in k-Group
- 0026.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- 0028.Implement strStr()
- 0029.Divide Two Integers
- 0030.Substring with Concatenation of All Words
- 0031.Next Permutation
- 0032.Longest Valid Parentheses
- 0037.Sudoku Solver
- 0038.Count and Say
- 0039.Combination Sum
- 0040.Combination Sum II
- 0041.First Missing Positive
- 0043.Multiply Strings
- 0044.Wildcard Matching
- 0045.Jump Game II
- 0046.Permutations
- 0047.Permutations II
- 0049.Group Anagrams
- 0051.N-Queens
- 0054.Spiral Matrix
- 0055.Jump Game
- 0056.Merge Intervals
- 0057.Insert Interval
- 0060.Permutation Sequence
- 0061.Rotate List
- 0065.Valid
- 0067.Add Binary
- 0068.Text Justification
- 0069.Sqrt(x)
- 0071.Simplify Path
- 0076.Minimum Window Substring
- 0079.Word Search
- 0080.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
- 0082.Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
- 0083.Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
- 0084.Largest Rectangle in Histogram
- 0085.Maximal Rectangle
- 0087.Scramble String
- 0091.Decode Ways
- 0092.Reverse Linked List II
- 0093.Restore IP Addresses
- 0097.Interleaving String
- 0098.Validate Binary Search Tree
- 0099.Recover Binary Search Tree
- 0121.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- 0122.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- 0123.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
- 0124.Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- 0125.Valid Palindrome
- 0127.Word Ladder
- 0130.Surrounded Regions
- 0131.Palindrome Partitioning
- 0132.Palindrome Partitioning II
- 0133.Clone Graph
- 0134.Gas Station
- 0135.Candy
- 0138.Copy List with Random Pointer
- 0139.Word Break
- 0140.Word Break II
- 0143.Reorder List
- 0146.Lru Cache
- 0148.Sort List
- 0149.Max Points on a Line
- 0150.Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- 0151.Reverse Words in a String
- 0152.Maximum Product Subarray
- 0155.Min Stack
- 0164.Maximum Gap
- 0165.Compare Version Numbers
- 0166.Fraction to Recurring Decimal
- 0168.Excel Sheet Column Title
- 0169.Majority Element
- 0174.Dungeon Game
- 0179.Largest Number
- 0187.Repeated DNA Sequences
- 0188.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
- 0189.Rotate Array
- 0200.Number of Islands
- 0201.Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
- 0203.Remove Linked List Elements
- 0204.Count Primes
- 0205.Isomorphic Strings
- 0206.Reverse Linked List
- 0207.Course Schedule
- 0208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
- 0209.Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- 0210.Course Schedule II
- 0211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design
- 0212.Word Search II
- 0214.Shortest Palindrome
- 0216.Combination Sum III
- 0217.Contains Duplicate
- 0218.The Skyline Problem
- 0219.Contains Duplicate II
- 0220.Contains Duplicate III
- 0221.Maximal Square
- 0222.Count Complete Tree Nodes
- 0223.Rectangle Area
- 0224.Basic Calculator
- 0227.Basic Calculator II
- 0228.Summary Ranges
- 0229.Majority Element II
- 0233.Number of Digit One
- 0234.Palindrome Linked List
- 0239.Sliding Window Maximum
- 0241.Different Ways to Add Parentheses
- 0273.Integer to English Words
- 0282.Expression Add Operators
- 0295.Find Median from Data Stream
- 0307.Range Sum Query - Mutable
- 0335.Self Crossing
- 0336.Palindrome Pairs
- 0365.Water and Jug Problem
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