This directory contains more examples of how to use the components available
in dash-bootstrap-components
, covering more advanced usage patterns and going
into more details on some features than there is space to do in the
Shows how to render tab content dynamically using a callback. This can help
prevent a common problem with graphs not being sized correctly when the tab is
switched. The example shows how a dcc.Store
can be used to cache results
client side in case the graph generation process is expensive.
A simple app demonstrating how to manually construct a navbar with a customised
layout using the Navbar
component and the supporting Nav
, NavItem
, NavbarBrand
, and NavbarToggler
This app demonstrates how you can display dismissable messages to the user using the Toast component.
The key idea is to maintain a list of the messages in memory on the client side using dash_core_components.Store. Each time the Store is updated, a callback renders all of the messages that are in the Store.
The displayed messages can then be controlled by controlling what is in the Store. In this example we use a pattern-matching callback that responds to both the main button being clicked, but also any of the dismiss buttons of the Toast components. With dash.callback_context we can determine what was pressed, and add or remove a message from the Store accordingly. Using this same pattern you can add or remove messages from the message store in response to all kinds of different events.