This directory contains a range of Zigbee examples. These examples are intended to demonstrate different functionalities of usage Zigbee protocol to build Zigbee product, and to provide code that you can copy and adapt into your own projects.
The examples are grouped into subdirectories by category. Each category directory contains one or more example projects:
- esp_zigbee_all_device_types_app Zigbee all device types example in command line interface mode
- esp_zigbee_customized_devices Zigbee fully customized attribute/cluster/endpoint for server and client devices
- esp_zigbee_gateway Zigbee gateway example, runs on a Wi-Fi SoC such as ESP32, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3, with an 802.15.4 SoC like ESP32-H2 running ot_rcp example
- [esp_zigbee_greenpower] (esp_zigbee_greenpower) Zigbee Green Power examples
- esp_zigbee_HA_sample Zigbee Home Automation examples including lighting, switch, etc
- esp_zigbee_host Zigbee Host example, runs on a Wi-Fi SoC such as ESP32, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3, with an 802.15.4 SoC like ESP32-H2 running esp_zigbee_ncp
- esp_zigbee_ncp Zigbee NCP (Network Co-Processor) example
- esp_zigbee_ota Zigbee OTA (Over-The-Air) upgrade examples
- esp_zigbee_sleep Zigbee sleepy end device examples
- esp_zigbee_touchlink Zigbee TouchLink (ZLL) examples
Please see the information on usage under each Zigbee example folder.
Each example is a standalone project. You can copy an example directory to anywhere that you can modify and work with.